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    Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
    I love how they are like "lets have the Lost peeps

    getting targeted by missiles but not tell anybody where the missiles are coming from, it can be a mystery

    . Jokers!
    Coming from the


    aren't they?


      Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
      Coming from the


      aren't they?
      Would make sense, but its just the way they avoid showing it that amuses me...but then the CGI of the

      sub erm submerging

      (last season?) was proper LOL so I expect they just wanted to avoid the special effects work...


        No episode this week. The US schedules looks a bit like this.

        Episode 15 - May 4th (May 7th for UK)
        Episode 16 - May 11th
        Episode 17+18 - May 18th


          Originally posted by jagvirdi View Post
          Have to agree, I have loved the show over the past few years. Season 1 was awesome, season 2 was good too, Season 3 was poor, then it picked up with Season 4 and 5, but this season is on par with season 3.

          The only good thing about the latest epsidoe was how smokey

          confirmed that he impersonated the dead people on the island, so jack's dad, Yemi and Micheal (cant remember other dead people now) were smokey

          all along.
          Just becuase he

          said he was impersonating jacks dad does not make it true... he had an odd look on his face when he told jack it was him.

          I still dont understand why

          he was impersonating jacks dad in Jacobs cabin a few seasons ago if it really is him, dosent make much sense, unless it never was Jacobs cabin?

          Last edited by rmoxon; 28-04-2010, 15:02.


            Yup, I too believe he was telling fibs.


              I think it's a bit of lie and a bit of truth rolled into one.

              I think smokey was telling the truth when he said he was

              impersonating Jack's dad way back at the start of the first series (as he said, he needed the Losties to find the water and survive, and set in motion all the events that help build up smokey's plan of escaping the island) but I think that at other times, Jack's dad could have been "something else".

              I think the fact that

              The body was missing from the coffin shows that there's more to Jack's dad than meets the eye.


                If Flocke was Christian Shepherd every time then how did he get out to the freighter when Michael was freezing the bomb? And what about when Sun and Lapidus saw him at New Othertown after the Ajira crash, hadn't he already taken over old Locke's body (and been 'trapped' like that) by then?


                  Caught up with the last two episodes.

                  LOL, what a load of **** that last one was.


                    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                    LOL, what a load of **** that last one was.
                    Classic post. Spot on!


                      They seemed to have forgotten that, if

                      smokie was Jack's Dad

                      which he probably was at the time !? The

                      Christian with the tennis

                      shoes. He said, "I was helping you find water", yeah right, he

                      seemed to have forgotten Jack nearly feel of a cliff. Who saved him ? That, "sucker" John Locke ! I didn't see a cloud of smoke pull him up or Jack's "Dad" did


                      The other

                      Christian (the freighter one), might well be a spirit


                      Last edited by wonderboy; 30-04-2010, 01:29.


                        Originally posted by wonderboy View Post
                        They seemed to have forgotten that, if

                        smokie was Jack's Dad

                        which he probably was at the time !? The

                        Christian with the tennis

                        shoes. He said, "I was helping you find water", yeah right, he

                        seemed to have forgotten Jack nearly feel of a cliff. Who saved him ? That, "sucker" John Locke ! I didn't see a cloud of smoke pull him up or Jack's "Dad" did


                        The other

                        Christian (the freighter one), might well be a spirit


                        wasnt it Christian who showed locke how to move the Island through time? That must have been smokey as it ended up him eventually taking locke's body


                          Just had a thought, you know when

                          Ben released the water down the hole and then Smokey came out killan the soliders, is that because he has a problem with water, we know he can't travel over it so he was pushed out of his hole when it came pouring in? That assuming he lives in a hole...


                            It's all getting a bit silly as they try and tie things up, really.

                            I kinda liked it more when it was all about secret hatches and electromagnetic pulses and transmissions on a loop for years.

                            It's all gone a bit Paul Daniels.

                            It's like Sleepy Hollow where Depp's character is saying thoughout "I will solve this mystery... with science!". Then it all goes a bit silly in the last 10 minutes.


                              I just know it's gonna end in mumbo jumbo Such a shame. When it was all hatches, button pushing and you didn't know who the Others were it was fantastic. Even though people complained about not getting answers, it was the not knowing that made the show great.


                                Originally posted by Wil View Post
                                I just know it's gonna end in mumbo jumbo
                                Yup. I won't even mind some mumbo-jumbo, so long as it gives some sort of closure to the various inconsistencies and loose ends we've been subjected to. I'm 99% sure it won't, but I will reserve judgement till the final moment.

                                The show HAS been entertaining throughout, barring a couple of dips, but in retrospect, I think it's gonna look like a massively wasted opportunity. I hope they can prove me wrong.

