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    Has anyone seen the trailers on youtube for next episode. Also hints at:

    none of our normal characters will be fatured in the episode!

    It looks to be

    Jacob's mother and perhaps Smoke Monster's mother



      Funnily, I was in the gym with my brother in law last night and h was saying that we would never know the origin of smokey as theres no time. My reply was that next weeks might be about him. I think its a great idea and essential to properly tell the story.


        I had a feeling that Jack was the "candidate". Guess he will take over from Jacob to protect the Island.


          Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
          If they keep what up? The emotional intensity or

          killing off three characters per episode?

          Loved it, too. Can't wait for the next one!
          Personally I think they need to trump the previous episode each time, so I'm hoping for at least

          four of five main characters killed in the next episode, and they should start bumping off the alt timeline characters if they run out on the island

          On a serious note Spatial's theory does look like it could be starting to pan out, and I wouldn't be surprised if

          all of the remaining candidates are picked off one by one until we're just left with Jack vs MIB for a big final showdown.


            I've nearly caught up. Up to ep 12. 2 more to go, then I think I'm up to speed and can jump back into this thread


              The latest (US) episode actually left me in a state of near anger, gripping tv but the ending left me feeling let down and more "WTF" than ever. It explained absolutely nothing.


                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                The latest (US) episode actually left me in a state of near anger, gripping tv but the ending left me feeling let down and more "WTF" than ever. It explained absolutely nothing.
                Thats the same impression i left with it. Also

                Seriously Mum of the island & MiB are Adam & Eve. How that was handled or as i like to think shoehorned in was really poor, they have only suppose to have been dead for like 50 years or something. I'm sure they can come up with some crap to explain that though.


                  I love the way they showed the origins of certain things but still neglected to even go close to actually explaining them.

                  I felt it was very purposeful that they

                  never let you know Jacob's brother's name

                  at any point, even though they obviously could have.


                    Yeah, a slight let down after last weeks episode.

                    Nice to know

                    the origins of Jacob and the guy in black though



                      I wouldn't say that we know their origins now though, we know they came to the island like everyone else, but we don't know how, why or...well...anything about them really.

                      To be honest, I just want the show to end now. The longer it carries on the worse the "end" is going to be.


                        i really liked it!

                        i know they are never going to explain a lot of stuff, and thats ok with me. i did like the way they put the flashbacks in at the end for the stupid people that might have forgotten though.


                          I thought the best bit of this week's episode was the end and how it tied into the first season. Other than that it was a waste of an episode with all the other stories going on.


                            What episode did you guys watch?! That was another amazing episode! What were you confused/let down by? I know people have been critical of this series but after last weeks episode and this one and the Richard backstory episode I think we have had three of the best ones in this series. I loved it when their 'mum' said 'every question I answer will only lead to more questions'. The Cain and Abel aspect was brilliant and really underpinned everything that has gone on before.

                            I'm not saying people shouldn't be critical if they don't like it but I don't know what people really expect from the show anymore. The whole reason it has been so interesting from the beginning has been precisely because it throws up so many questions all the time. Personally I don't want or expect them all to be answered; I really think that would spoil the show's ethos somewhat. But maybe that's just me.
                            Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                              I agree with the sentiments you've expressed above, I thought it was a very good episode too. Some of the best discussions I've had about Lost are over the elements that aren't quite fully explained and are open to a bit of interpretation. Getting definitive full answers to certain things would spoil the feel of the show for me.


                                Yeah, but why is the light so important? IT JUST IS!!!

                                I agree, very good episode.

