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    Originally posted by figflair View Post

    As for Lost, apart from getting a bit bored in the middle of season 3, I have never 'lost' patience with it. I can honestly say that if it ends without anything else being answered then I would still be happy and grateful for all the enjoyment it has given me in the last 6 years. The fact that we are all still talking about it just goes to show what an impact it has had. I don't really believe that all the questions will be answered in the finale, however, I wouldn't rule out some big surprises.
    Totally agree mate. I couldn't have said it better myself.


      Pardon the intrusion - Ezee, I think the reason why some peeps who are not enjoying Lost as much as they hoped, but are still watching is factored by the amount of time they have invested into it........ Like some others on here, i felt the last episode about Jacob and MIB to be quite weak. However I think others who are becoming dissapointed with the finale season continue with it is that they still hope that some reconcilliation will be made, when the credits role that final time.

      I guess not everyone is as strong as you are when it comes to cutting off a long going series they 'used' to enjoy. Although I will admit I too lost interest in Heroes, but it was partially to do with me watching other shows and not bothering returning to Heroes - I guess the writers strike didnt help anyone really.........

      Personally, I am just greatful for any kind of conclusion as I am still baffaled by the show no matter how much i read about it online........



        I'm really enjoying Lost still but my expectations of a coherent storyline was tempered right from the word go by one Milo Rambaldi. The only reason I watched Lost from the beginning is that I enjoyed JJ Abrams Alias before hand but it's greater story arc was a mess, much worse so than Lost. For lost, the turning point was season four. Once they plotted where the ending would take place the show jumped in qualilty and avoided the shambles that was the Rambaldi device of the previous show. I'm planning on watching Lost from the beginning again once the box set comes out (and goes cheap in HMV) to see how well they stuck things together.

        Babylon 5 is still the best example of a show long story arc and unlike many others I really enjoyed season 5 (But then, I liked the BSG ending as well). It's a shame Straczynski probably won't work in TV again because I think he could do well with todays television audiences.


          Was the end of Babylon 5

          a billion years into the future and the planets get scooped up by a giant alien being who puts them in his pocket?

          Or am I miss-remembering that?


            Originally posted by 112 View Post
            Pardon the intrusion - Ezee, I think the reason why some peeps who are not enjoying Lost as much as they hoped, but are still watching is factored by the amount of time they have invested into it........ Like some others on here, i felt the last episode about Jacob and MIB to be quite weak. However I think others who are becoming dissapointed with the finale season continue with it is that they still hope that some reconcilliation will be made, when the credits role that final time.

            I guess not everyone is as strong as you are when it comes to cutting off a long going series they 'used' to enjoy. Although I will admit I too lost interest in Heroes, but it was partially to do with me watching other shows and not bothering returning to Heroes - I guess the writers strike didnt help anyone really.........

            Personally, I am just greatful for any kind of conclusion as I am still baffaled by the show no matter how much i read about it online........

            No intrusion, discussion is always welcome.

            Like you said, I guess (like most things) it all comes down to the individual at the end of the day. Some people feel they need answers to everything and some (like myself) are happy with a certain degree of mystery.

            Oh and I still get baffled by some episodes too! However, after having discussions with friends who watch the show and reading theories online (this thread for example) I begin to understand and even form some of my own theories. That is one of the great thing about Lost, the discussion between fans/viewers.....well, for me anyway.
            Last edited by ezee ryder; 18-05-2010, 05:56.


              There's still like 2hrs 44mins of Lost. Think about it. Most films aren't that length. Any concern about not enough time to wrap everything up are poorly thought out.

              But also, what solution would make everyone happy? They want to sit Jack down and explain A to B to C for him? You'd have a final 2 hours of exposition and flashbacks. Besides, no answer to all will really make people happy. We've all had far too much time to come up with our ideas now. For a satisfactory conclusion they'd have needed to make the whole series 4 episodes long, just enough time to get some key questions and curiosity in.

              This season has actually answered more questions than I think people are giving it credit for. Think about what you knew at the end of s5, and what you know more. Of course, more questions are being thrown in, but that's the way of Lost.

              I'm sure by the end we'll know the true purpose the smoke monster, Jacob, and Jack etc. Will we know why the smoke monster exists? Maybe not, but we'll know the reason the characters we've been following are tasked with guarding the island. For me, that will be enough. I like the idea there's a bigger mystery of the Island, beyond what we've seen and learned so far.


                I was brushing my teeth this morning and a possible outcome of the series popped into my mind - its not the most exciting of scenarios, but what if......

                Jack and Claire end up assuming the roles of Jacob and the MIB?

                then it will start the whole scenario all over again......... In which case how rubbish would that be? In addition

                they would need Desmond back in the hatch crunching numbers again........ like he was always meant to do, I mean it was his fault this whole mess started in the first place right?



                  No, the Incident has occured already. The EM buildup, at least at that location, has gone now, so no need for Desmond to go back to it.

                  It's more likely an EM blast is the only thing that will kill smokie, and Desmond is the only person who can set it off. Or something.


                    No, no, he hates water so they have to sink the Island...BLATES!!1


                      Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                      No, no, he hates water so they have to sink the Island...BLATES!!1

                      but does he REALLY hate water? didn't Jacob push him into a stream of water which lead to the glowing light of the island? Or yaybe Jacob's actions have mentally scarred ole smokey for life, hence this 'hate' it has for the ole H2O

                      I still thought it was kinda harsh

                      in the last episode, the pregnant woman goes through agony giving birth to the boys to they have her head bashed in with a rock

                      A total WTF moment INDEED!

                      Im still

                      secretly hoping that all the dead lost members and people 'taken' by teh island will come back at the end of the series and do some crazy exodus, that will banish the island forever or something.......... Then the Eko can return!



                        Originally posted by 112 View Post
                        I was brushing my teeth this morning and a possible outcome of the series popped into my mind - its not the most exciting of scenarios, but what if......

                        Jack and Claire end up assuming the roles of Jacob and the MIB?

                        then it will start the whole scenario all over again......... In which case how rubbish would that be? In addition

                        they would need Desmond back in the hatch crunching numbers again........ like he was always meant to do, I mean it was his fault this whole mess started in the first place right?

                        What was Desmond even doing, I mean, really?


                          Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                          What was Desmond even doing, I mean, really?
                          he was punching numbers in a crudely fashion to stop the elctro magnetic power of the island from inploding right? I guess if they can bring some modern day kit onto the island, ala Widmor, then the thing can be done remotley or hell even automatically if needs be.......

                          I was shocked when Hurley burst into tears on the shore when Jack broke the news of Jin & Sun's demise........ He did it so unconvincingly......



                            Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                            No, no, he hates water so they have to sink the Island...BLATES!!1
                            Hasn't that already happened?, when they moved the Island through time - wasn't there a camera montage of showing you the Dharma / Others Village underwater?

                            Here's the footage:

                            Or is this in the Alternate Timeline? - I'm confused!
                            Last edited by Miguel007; 18-05-2010, 13:14.


                              Smokie probabaly dosent hate water, Jack pushed him in the water and he didnt seem bothered about being wet very much.


                                Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                                Smokie probabaly dosent hate water, Jack pushed him in the water and he didnt seem bothered about being wet very much.
                                He was forced to buss caps on fools instead of going all smokomotion on them so it must have some effect on him...or not.

