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    exactly what I said above Nick, anyone wanting something "else" to watch, I recommend Prison Break going to give Lost a miss for now.


      Originally posted by oblivion_6

      well spotted noikz makes it all the more strange, i wonder if kelvin escaped from the bunker rather than died

      Exactly, maybe he did exactly what Desmond has just done!

      I don't think season 2 is slow really, it no slower than the first season. The only difference is, at the start of season 2, you are armed with more information and so much has happened. You should know it's gonna be dragged out for ages by now...


        S2 is also now being drip fed instead of having a pile of DVD's to run through.


          Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
          S2 is also now being drip fed instead of having a pile of DVD's to run through.
          I watched them as they aired in the US (god bless the internet!) and bought the DVD when it came out too, lent them to my mum (then a friend as well) to watch and they watched them from start to finish. They are complaining about how slow it is as well, I keep having to remind them the first season was PAINFULLY slow for me as well, but enthralling as well... I didn't like 2x04 very much, but the first 3 were great, there are bound to be filler episodes because this show is very much about character development, and about how the characters act, episode four was great for that. It also reminded you that there are other characters in the show, characters that for the first 3 episodes of season 2 you hadn't see at all. Nice to see them back in it again.


            I agree that the fourth episode has stepped down a gear, but we're really just getting back to normal. Bear in mind that for the majority of the first series, each episode spanned a day or more. Recent episodes have been taking place in a very short timeframe.


              It was a good episode, a bit slow, but things are returning to normal, it wasn't boring.

              Interesting to see how few of the other survivors are still alive, at first I was thinking cannibalism, but the fact that they have a secret knock for the door hints that they may have been killed by something else, otherwise why would you need a secret knock?


                well i thought it was cool

                anything with hurley being the centre of attention is great.
                i think people are only dissapointed as they now know so much more than last season. this episode was just like most of season 1. just a load of great character stuff, which i really like. i cant wait to see flashbacks of the other survivors.


                  oh cripes, the fourth episode is out! no wait, i just got back from uni so now would be the time i'd check for it anyway. duh!

                  i'll steer clear from this thread till i've seen it


                    Watched episode 4 tonight. Quite tame compared to episode 3, and the only issues it raised were the stuff Zanza mentioned above.

                    Still entertaining enough of course.


                      Why would Hurley's mate (D.J. Qualls) hate him if he won the lottery? It's quite obvious he's ridiculously generous, so he would've only benefitted, and they could've lived the life of slacker Riley together...


                        Originally posted by anephric
                        Why would Hurley's mate (D.J. Qualls) hate him if he won the lottery? It's quite obvious he's ridiculously generous, so he would've only benefitted, and they could've lived the life of slacker Riley together...
                        I think it was just that he was offended that Hurley had kept it a secret from him.


                          The intimation I got was that Hurley didn't want everyone to hate him (re. the food) because his friend similarly "hated" him about the lottery win. And it must've been fairly obvious to his mate, from Hurley's pained banter ("Promise me this will never change") just preparatory to the "revelation", that something was up...



                            probs find out that his mate who hated him is kelvins son or some ridiculous plot line like that

                            i just kept thinking theyre playing on this one guys role a bit too heavy, was he in the tail section of the plane?!?!? lol


                              Originally posted by anephric
                              The intimation I got was that Hurley didn't want everyone to hate him (re. the food) because his friend similarly "hated" him about the lottery win. And it must've been fairly obvious to his mate, from Hurley's pained banter ("Promise me this will never change") just preparatory to the "revelation", that something was up...

                              Well, it was all about the secret, right? Hurley won the lottery, but he resisted taking his winning ticket in, though he knew it was inevitable, probably because he was afraid of how it would change his relationships. When he was discovered, his friend probably felt rather betrayed. I mean, your best buddy has won millions of dollars, and he didnt think to tell you about it? And now later, here on the island, he's afraid that it will happen again. He's got this room full of food (practically a lottery win, out there in the jungle like) and he can't tell anyone, yet he knows it will get out anyway eventually, and when they find out he's been sitting on it they'll get mad. Just look at how Charley reacted at not being told, and then being told no. Makes sense.


                                Charley reacted like a wanker, though.

