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    OMG, just watched the big fellas episode.............


      Originally posted by eastyy
      i have a real fear with lost that when they come to explain the strange things happening it is going to shatter the mystery and leave me feeling cheated
      You think they will explain it then? I certainly don't. If they do, the show will have to end. It'll probably be dragged out to 4 seasons when it loses its popularity/viewers and gets cancelled. I sincerely hope not because it is genuinly captivating and apart from the final episode, not a single bad episode. How many 25 part shows can say that?


        Apparently there will be 2 more seasons.


          Originally posted by Jebus
          You think they will explain it then? I certainly don't. If they do, the show will have to end. It'll probably be dragged out to 4 seasons when it loses its popularity/viewers and gets cancelled. I sincerely hope not because it is genuinly captivating and apart from the final episode, not a single bad episode. How many 25 part shows can say that?
          i think they will explain it at some point like you say probably at the end.Thinking about it even if it was some sort supernatural/mystical explaination i could live with it...... aslong as its not a "it was all just a dream ending" which i doubt very much they would do but that is the most frustrating type of ending ever (having watched the manga series legend of the 4 kings really annoyed me).


            I feel they have put far far too much effort into giving everyone a story to turn around and say "It was all a dream". There's been far too much character interaction, the show seems to be basically about how we interact with each other in extreme circumstances...


              To be honest when i first saw a trailer for the show i didnt think much of it a survival program is not my sort of thing.But having watched it i really like i.I really liked the feeling of there is something not right with this island.What with the mystery monster and sightings of people who are not part of the group i felt really added to it.


                I've just seen a monster 4 minute trailer for Lost on Channel 4. Awesome. It was the cast all dancing amongst the burning wreckage and on the beach all covered in dirt, to Numb by Portishead. Doesn't get any better than that kids.


                  Anyone know when it starts on E4? Will have to give it a watch after all the positive feedback about it.


                    After BB finishes in August. First season is 25 episodes so will finish in December. R1 boxset is out in September if you can't wait that long.


                      That Channel 4 advert is total crap for anyone who doesn't know what the show is about. Some weirdos dancing on an island is meant to intruige someone into watching how they're lost on an island? Rubbish advert.

                      hopefully they'll do a more serious one soon which narrates over the top so the general public get an idea as to what they're gonna be spending their evenings on.


                        Well, I know the rough premise, and have not seen any of it on torrents or anything, and I thought the dancing trailer was superb. Very similar to the Season 4 Six Feet Under promo video, which is equally abstract and unhelpful for anyone who doesn't know the series. So I thought it was great.


                          Originally posted by Boggy
                          That Channel 4 advert is total crap for anyone who doesn't know what the show is about. Some weirdos dancing on an island is meant to intruige someone into watching how they're lost on an island? Rubbish advert.
                          I wondered what it was all about when I saw that advert at the cinema, in front of War of the Worlds, and then I saw it again on TV before reading an article about it ina magazine.

                          I fancy watching the series, Sky+ Series Link here we come!


                            dont get me wrong its probably the best tv show ive ever seen, along with the sopranos.
                            i like the advert myself, but it is totally pointless and rubbish


                              Yeah that's what i thought and i'm worried pepole won't appreciate how good the series really is from the utter crapola advert.


                                It's just an excessive teaser. They will have proper trailers nearer the time.

