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New Series of Doctor Who

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    Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
    About the last episode did

    the escape from the Pandorica

    actually make sense? I mean from

    a time travel point of view? Did he already have the vortex manipulator when he was shut in it? I thought he put it on during the final episode?

    Might just be my rubbish memory mind.
    It's one of those time travel paradoxes innit - the same as how he asked young Amy why she came to the museum and only then went back to give her the flyer. Impossible to say which came first.


      New Update! Yay!

      -Christmas Special has started filming and stars Michael Gambon and Katherine Jenkins

      -The special partially revolves around Amy and Rory's honeymoon

      -Torchwood 4 begins filming in January for airing July/August 2011. It will have 3 new characters to replace Toshiko, Owen and Ianto. The characters are: Rex (A cruel and funny CIA operative) and Esther (A new CIA recruit)

      -Torchwoods villian for the series will be Oswald (a convicted murderer and pedophile)

      -Matt Smiths Eleventh Doctor appears in the third 2-Parter of Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4. The episode is called The Death of the Doctor and is written by Russell T Davies


        Just announced, from the next series of Doctor Who onwards each series will be split in half. The first half will air in the usual Spring slot and the second half will air in Autumn. The reasons given are that it'll allow for multiple event episodes with cliffhangers etc but I'm guessing it's more a cast and crew scheduling thing to break up the 9 month filming slog. To be honest I'm a little wary. They seem to want to focus on arcs again and with only 6-7 eps at a time it'd be easy to mess it up. Still, I guess it's better if it helps avoid last years complete absence of a series.


          I like the idea. As you say it's a long wait from one series to the next. I'm having Gillan withdrawal symptoms.


            Word is going around that the upcoming 'Death of the Doctor' episode with Matt Smith in Sarah Jane Adventures by Russell T will try to establish that the Doctor can change ethnicity and sexuality per regeneration and is not limited to 13 incarnations. As per usual it's pee'ing fans off as RTD can never stop mauling with the rule set of the franchise. Hopefully the level headedness of Moffatt will ensure this isn't all the case.

            General consensus is that there is a limit on regenerations although the Time Lord Council could grant more (as per The Master, so there's not even a need to mess with the concept if there are existing ways around it) and that he could change ethnicity. He cannot change sex though, not least because any serious thought about him doing so opens a lot of frankly disturbing avenues.


              No Classic Series Monsters in Series Six of Doctor Who, says Piers Wenger in a recent interview with Crave Online.

              If true, it might prove a popular choice amongst some peeps for the split in two Series 6. Apparently this will be the first series of the revived run in which no episodes will feature old enemies making this the first revived run without any Daleks.


                Good idea, they can't keep wheeling out the same enemies every year in increasingly convoluted stories.

                Can't wait for Gillan in HD on Xmas day


                  New enemies are good, but give us at least one episode of cybermen or daleks please!


                    I am – Hercules!! This arrives Christmas Day on both BBC and BBC America: Follow Herc on Twitter!! Follow Evil Herc on Twitter!! $12.81 In Hardback!! 458 Blu-rays Under $10!!

                    Contains preview clips of this Xmas's ep : The only good thing about Xmas


                      Christmas ep was nice. Was expecting a straight up Christmas Carol but was good to see them completely change around the formula.

                      Bring on the next series.


                        It was nice and Christmassy sure, but I didn't come away from it feeling much more than that!

                        Still, it was probably the best festive special the show has had since it's return.


                          I'm sorry but I didn't think this years was as good as last years it may be to do with the lack of David Tennant's face but I didn't find myself as enthrilled as last year.

                          Seemed a bit slow. But thats my opinion.


                            Boring. I've heard of jumping the shark, but never flying the shark


                              Originally posted by Strider View Post
                              Boring. I've heard of jumping the shark, but never flying the shark
                              You think its got to this point? after 40 odd years


                                I loved it myself, a fantastic episode and great to see a Christmas special that is actually about Christmas. And yes, it's a nice play on the Christmas Carol formula. I loved Tennant as the Doctor but I have to say (and it might just be the jump in the quality of writing) I'm loving Matt Smith's doctor a whole lot more. If I had a complaint it would be not enough of Amy Pond, if I had a complaint.

                                Looking forward to the next season and as always, avoiding the spoilers at the end.

