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New Series of Doctor Who

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    He's punching above his weight, lets leave it at that


      Pretty cool, a 25,000 strong petition to have David Tennant carry the Olympic Torch next year to recreate the Doctors scene in the episode Fear Her


        Matt Smith has hinted that he now knows when he will leave the show. Given that his Doctor is approaching the later stages of his time in relation to the River storyline and that Matt is signed up through Series 7 and 8 it seems increasingly likely that he will leave at the end of the 50th Anniversary series.

        Torchwood looks to have also been axed with Starz passing on another series despite it being a hit in all territories. The BBC seems reluctant again also. It's likely however that the characters will reappear in Doctor Who.


          Harry Potter director David Yates is teaming up with the BBC to turn its iconic sci-fi TV series Doctor Who into a big screen franchise.

          David Yates, director of Harry Potter 4-7, is working with Jane Tranter who was part of the team who brought the show back to create a Doctor Who film. As often happens with the idea, the film will reject the TV show main canon and be a reboot. They're looking for writers now and here's hoping it pleases all fans... by dying a horrible death before making it to screen.


            This must be destroyed


              Dear God no!

              We all know what happened the last time the yanks got their hands on a Doctor Who movie and that was sadly considered canon. Please, call it something else and change the plot and characters! This show is one of the last great bastions of British TV, now that it's all ****ty reality shows and cookie cutter period dramas. LEAVE IT ALONE FFS!

              I find it quite interesting though, that BBC head office deny the film, yet BBC America are happy to confirm it.


                If that's the case then I imagine the main BBC will stamp on it soon. Tranter moved to LA with Russell T Davies and despite 'pursuing' new interests has repeatedly tried to get the show running over there. My best guess is the career move has failed and she's desperate to do something popular to keep her on the staff list. She's already got a failed attempt at a US version of the show under her belt. She's quickly proving to be the british Marti Noxon, death to franchises incarnate.

                Come on Aunty Beeb! Crush the American Rebellion!


                  The other week “Harry Potter” film director David Yates sent the online blogosphere into a tailspin with comments to the trade paper Variety that a movie is in development based on the classic and still highly popular British sci-fi TV series “Doctor Who”. What was surprising was word that he and BBC Worldwide Productions head […]

                  Steven Moffat becomes a national hero by bitch slapping the recently discussed movie adaptation to death saying the only Doctor Who movie you'd even get is a true canon based Who.


                    Merrick here BBC has released a short prequel to its forthcoming "The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe" Christmas Special which airs the evening of December 25 on BBC One and BBC America. BBC One will broadcast the Special at 7pm on

                    Mini prequel scene to the Xmas episode using the most overused theme of the Eleventh Doctors time... his 'apparent' death


                      Dr Who is getting so tiring now... the last series turned out OK but the last few episodes were just a joke! Stephen Moffat seems to have lost it imo.


                        I'd take Who at its worst over 99% of UK TV's output




                            *sobs* Where will I get my fix now?




                                The same headline was plastered on the front page of the BBC website the other day, really annoying! I hate it when UK shows have to tell everyone what's going to happen to try and get them to watch.
                                Maybe they do that in America too but its still irritating!

