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The Official 'Transformers' Live Action Movie Thread

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    Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
    The song's by R.E.M, mate. Titled, unsurprisingly 'End Of The World'.
    Off the TF Soundtrack: End of the World - Armor for Sleep


      Went to the cinema to watch this...only to be told it's released tomorrow

      Since when have films been released on a Saturday?! So disappointed so I watched Ocean's 13 instead


        Originally posted by RLench View Post
        Went to the cinema to watch this...only to be told it's released tomorrow

        Since when have films been released on a Saturday?! So disappointed so I watched Ocean's 13 instead
        Its only previews on over this weekend, official release is next week.

        Cant wait to see this tomorrow


          Hopefully seeing this today. Sooo excited. We got an 8 foot tall Megatron standee in at work to advertise the game and I looked at it and thought "coo, he's a bit scary! "

          I hope this film rocks as it's rare for me to go to the cinema (I've missed all the "blockbusters" so far this year).


            Transformers T-**** adorned.... bring it!


              This was even better the second time and we got a free movie prequel comic which shows you why Bumblebee can't talk.


                Well, the story is total cheese, and some of it seems a little too rushed, but overall it was pretty good. The CGI is superb and looks completely solid, some of it looks real - it really is a step up from anything else I've seen. Good stuff, and surprisingly violent for a 12!


                  Yeah the CG in this film is absolutely amazing - everything has a really solid and "there" feel to it - You don't get the blue-screen-itis of things like the last 3 Star Wars films.

                  The guy was quite good - delivered his lines well and couple of reasonable gags interspersed throughout - cheese factor is high at points (namely towards the end) but overall this film REALLY delivers.

                  The best I can think to put it is I'd give anything to be 12 watching this - Remember the first time you saw T2 and it just was THE film of the moment - That's this for a younger generation than us

                  Top Marks !!! (and I wasn't even into transformers so you fans are gonna love it !)


                    Originally posted by Mardigan8 View Post
                    Woohoo, that translates to... the characters feel as weighty as they should and you get to use the same cool moves over and over no matter how bad the game is I am still gonna play it.
                    Had a go of the 360 version yesterday, and it's not as bad as I've heard - at lieast I don't think it is. It's no Zone of the Enders or ACE2, but it's a fun game all the same. (reminds me of the old Hulk movie game from a few years ago) I'm playing through the Deception missions at the moment - it's great stomping around blowing stuff up and then taking to the air blasting planes out of the sky.
                    There are certainly far better giant robot games out there, but if you get the chance, give it a go.
                    Ah well, you shouldn't take what I say seriously - I tend to like a lot of games most folks think are crap. (Stubbs the Zombie, Rampage and Godzilla Generations are favourites of mine, f'rinstance)

                    Definitely looking forward to the movie - I was already willing to give this a look from the start as I'm a sucker for anything involving giant robots, but the more details I hear, the more I know I'm going to love this one. Can't wait!


                      Really enjoyed it, some of the lines were really cheesey but some just took me back to being 10 again

                      Only criticism, too many "no no no no no no!!!" lines.

                      Optimus and Bumblebee stole the show, and some lines do assume you know the "history". Human characters filled the void, no oscar winners but then it's not that sort of film.

                      Great, roll on a sequel!!

                      Oh, and double pump carbs, very pleasing...


                        Just got back from watching this....

                        Not what I was expecting! Very pleasantly surprised!

                        The sound effects, CGI, and action sequences were very well done. The storyline was okay, and served the concept of robots in disguise that fight each other.

                        Megatron was bad-ass, Starscream rocks, bumblebee was cool and Optimus Prime is just fantastic - life and soul of the film for me.... especially when he said something along the lines of "one will stand, one will fall" when confronting Megatron... emotions from the 80’s resurfaced!

                        Oh, and Antwon Mitchell / Anthony Anderson was pretty funny in my opinion

                        Go see, and enjoy!
                        Last edited by Crazyeyes_UK; 21-07-2007, 16:03.


                          Saw it today at the Vue in Portsmouth

                          enjoyed it and its the best thing 'Transformers' related that i've saw recently

                          Listening to the chaps around here i was surprised to hear Starscream shout all hail Megatron, i thought he would be happy that Megatron has been away for thousands of years

                          i did notice the back of Barricade

                          rather than to protect and serve on the back of the police car it said something like to destroy and enslave

                          Optimus look bad ass when he

                          killed bonecrusher with a sword from his arm

                          but after that megatron just smacked him about the place

                          my favourite transformer is the AH53 - blackout i think, just fantastic

                          shame about Jazz, considering he becomes the prime in the cartoon movie


                            To punish and enslave


                              Originally posted by buster_broon View Post

                              shame about Jazz, considering he becomes the prime in the cartoon movie

                              That's hot rod you are thinking of, becoming rodimus prime, there has never been a jazzimus prime... similar characters tho...


                                Prob posted already but I thought this was brilliant. The little extra quotes in reference to the cartoon films etc were amazing as well and the effects unreal.

