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Heroes, Another US TV show cracker?

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    Watched episode 3 over the weekend...

    The bit where Sylar is on the island. Is this the bit where Heroes overlaps with Lost? Or was that just a rumour?


      Debug, those scenes pissed my wife and I off hugely.

      We both thought

      he wasn't dead but to see him there, trying to get his powers back as insane as ever felt like they'd cheated us. Is it just gonna be the same old over again...I'd personally actually hoped he was dead so they could draw a line under it and move on to the next super-villain

      so we were incredibly disappointed to see him appear out of nowhere like that.

      I'm hoping that is his resolution, and that's it for him. They just wanted to show that...

      A) He's as crazy as ever
      B) He's stuck there, his story is over.

      I bet it's not the last we see of him though.

      Other than that part, does anyone else think that Hiro IS

      the legendardy samurai in the stories? He's the one doing it all, apart from the 1000 enemy thing, I just think it's a bit like Futurama where he's his own great great (ad infinitum) grandfather, and he is the legengdary Hiro...sorry, Hero...


      Not sure where they're going with the storylines yet I must admit.


        Well Jebus Im sure an interview I read with the actor who plays Sylar said

        The character is not going to be the same and goes in a different direction, also he seemed just as murderous but not able to steal powers yet... He is supposed to be taking some time off later in the series too to do the Star Trek film


          Well he didn't seem even a bit different to me.

          If he "went good" that'd be equally as ****e, unless it's to fight the greater evil...of course lol!


            Well there is a new big bad this season we have yet to see, its a cliche that happens in every show.


              Didn't Sylar

              almost go 'good' at the end of season one? He was trying to stop Peter blowing up New York, he wanted to be a hero.


                I'm not sure I will have to rewatch them sometime...


                  Weyhey, finally caught up with this, just watched all three season 2 episodes in a row there. Great stuff.

                  I'm absolutely loving Peter right now, he's mad!

                  And the whole

                  Syler thing is annoying though, I thought he was dead! He better be stranded out in that jungle with no powers! How could he not use the one he got off illusion girl anyway?

                  Back on form anyway, I want more!!!!!

                  Also, when is this actually on so I know when to next acquire an episode?


                    At the end of Series 1

                    , Sylar crawled down a man hole. You didn't see him die or anything.


                      season 2 episode 3 end

                      i wasnt convinced that him killing her wasnt all an illusion anyway.
                      surely she would be on the look out for that kind of thing?
                      that would explain why it didnt work, as he doesnt actually have it....maybe


                        Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                        Also, when is this actually on so I know when to next acquire an episode?

                        The episodes air on Monday evenings, so that'll be in the early hours of Tuesday morning here, I think. That means you should be able to find a link/torrent/whatever on Tuesday.


                          i have just finished the season 1 and can't wait till i watch season 2


                            Good Idea Fuddle, Probably right there


                              I have completely lost interest in Heroes now, annoyingly. Got all of season 2 so far,and have no inkling to watch them. Watched the first ep, and fell asleep half way through. I was tired though.

                              Think the last ep of season 1 did it, majorly cheesey.

                              What can i do?


                                Not much happened in Eps 4, some people meet up and theres a "shocker" moment and you find out a little bit of info about whats happened to a couple of people in the four months. All of which i'd already spoiled for myself a few days earlier hehe :P

