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Heroes, Another US TV show cracker?

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    Originally posted by Brats View Post
    Questions going back to season one:

    Why does Peter seem to absorb some powers permanently and others only when he is in the vicinity of others e.g. why doesn't he fly all the time and yet he can heal all the time?

    And why doesn't he absorb Sylar's telekinesis when he's near him?

    And if Sylar and Peter are the same type, why does Sylar need to cut out their brains whereas Peter doesn't?

    Why don't writers of TV shows like this leave so many stupid plotholes?

    Peter can fly all the time, just took him a while to learn cause hes a bit thick, he keeps all the powers he absorbs.

    Peter has Telekenesis

    Sylar and peter arent the same type, Sylar dosent absorb powers, im not even sure how he takes them... must eat brains or somthing.... Has somthing to do with him being able to fix clocks, but to be honest no idea what.....

    I think writers leave plotholes becuase they know people like us try to figure them out them in forums, and they like to laugh at us. Though its equally likley they are just really bad writers.

    Last edited by rmoxon; 07-12-2007, 12:40.



      You'll recall that Nathan 'died' at the end of season one too, so it may not be the end of him!


        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post

        You'll recall that Nathan 'died' at the end of season one too, so it may not be the end of him!

        Claire Bear's blood



          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

          Peter can fly all the time, just took him a while to learn cause hes a bit thick, he keeps all the powers he absorbs.

          Peter has Telekenesis

          Sylar and peter arent the same type, Sylar dosent absorb powers, im not even sure how he takes them... must eat brains or somthing.... Has somthing to do with him being able to fix clocks, but to be honest no idea what.....

          I think writers leave plotholes becuase they know people like us try to figure them out them in forums, and they like to laugh at us. Though its equally likley they are just really bad writers.

          wasnt Sylars power the fact he knew how things worked by looking at them so by removing the persons brain and looking at it he knew how their power worked? Maybe im talking pish haha


            Originally posted by Brats View Post
            Questions going back to season one:

            Why does Peter seem to absorb some powers permanently and others only when he is in the vicinity of others e.g. why doesn't he fly all the time and yet he can heal all the time?

            And why doesn't he absorb Sylar's telekinesis when he's near him?

            And if Sylar and Peter are the same type, why does Sylar need to cut out their brains whereas Peter doesn't?

            Why don't writers of TV shows like this leave so many stupid plotholes?

            As others have said, there are a few plot holes regarding how he can use certain powers. Claire's ability to heal for her is passive in that she doesn't require the need to think about healing. For Peter, he had to think of Claire whilst first training with Claude to be able to heal though we're not 100% certain whether he would have survived the fall from the rooftop regardless (my money's on yes, he would have). Other powers are of course active in that they almost certainly require user thought to summon whilst away from the power's original host, such as flying.


              Originally posted by Brats View Post
              Questions going back to season one:

              And why doesn't he absorb Sylar's telekinesis when he's near him?

              Sylar's original power wasn't telekinesis, it was his perceptiveness and his ability stealing, he stole the telekinesis off that guy after visiting him with Chandra Suresh


                I really hope they havent killed off both the Petrelli's for Season 2. I felt that the series was based mainly around them & Hiro.
                I actually preffered Nathan to Peter simply because he had a cool head on his shoulders wasnt a drama queen like Peter.

                If someone wants to let me know whether they survived or not then please leave it in a spoiler for me to read. I'm not really that fussy about not knowing what comes next tbh.


                  I've not seen season 2 myself yet but I have seen the advert that the BBC screened a few times letting us know they will be showing season 2 at some point, and it featured clips of both Nathan (with beard) and Peter.

                  Make of that what you will.


                    They are both very much alive and well in season 2 - although Nathan came off a little worse for ware.

                    TBH, I was surprised anyone thought they were dead - I saw an explosion, not someone dying - Ted survived when he exploded and I just assumed Nathan dropped Peter off.

                    Plus - I don't know why they even bothered - Nuclear fallout from that height would still kills hundreds of people.


                      Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post

                      Plus - I don't know why they even bothered - Nuclear fallout from that height would still kills hundreds of people.

                      He did have the power to go nuclear, but not all of his discharge was, Ted did an EMP burst and some other stuff. Plus in the future episode , everyone was moving back into New york, which would of been uninhabitable.


                        Heres what I thought had happened re the explosion

                        I totally agreed with mono's point regarding the nuclear fallout, which is why I thought they'd flown out of the atmosphere & into space to explode, hence both would have died. Anyway I'm glad they're still alive as their story is 1 of the most important IMO

                        I guess the scriptwriters have no sensible logic!
                        I might buy Season 1 on DVD now.


                          Volume 3: Villains preview that was shown at the Jules Verne Film Festival......

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                          Does have wee teasing spoilers but the trailer only seems to be about one person.


                            When does season 3 start?


                              Not for quite awhile i'd imagine, seeing as they havent shot any footage (except for some sylar stuff because Zach is going to be away playing Spok).

                              I'm guessing we might see something about six months after the Writers strike end.


                                Originally posted by Brats View Post
                                Questions going back to season one:

                                Why does Peter seem to absorb some powers permanently and others only when he is in the vicinity of others e.g. why doesn't he fly all the time and yet he can heal all the time?

                                And why doesn't he absorb Sylar's telekinesis when he's near him?

                                And if Sylar and Peter are the same type, why does Sylar need to cut out their brains whereas Peter doesn't?

                                Why don't writers of TV shows like this leave so many stupid plotholes?

                                At the end of the series when Hiro fells Sylar, knowing all that had transpired, why did it not occur to anyone to decapitate him?

                                Also, related to that, why all the big fuss about him needing Claire's regenerative ability when he could regenerate anyway? (On a few occasions he walked after being shot full of holes).

                                All in all though, I have been enjoying this a lot. It's not perfect, but it's very enjoyable all the same.

                                And I know it's all kind of wrong, but that cheerleader? I would.

                                Am I going to hell?

