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Heroes, Another US TV show cracker?

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    just saw episode 8, its picking up now

    Oh how bad was West's acting. >_<


      Pace has started to pick up now, shame only two episodes to go until who-knows-when the next lot are aired.


        Hang on - you're posting today isn't that last weeks episode you're talking about ?


          episode 10.

          once again i felt a bit meh about it on the whole.
          there was some interesting bits, but considering there's (potentially) only one more episode to go there was far too much pointless stuff in it.
          its still the sylar/peter/adam/hiro show with most of the other characters not really adding that much.

          oh no!!! micah's backpack got stolen!!!! it would have been ok as a draw-in to get some hot chick kicking ass, but we dont even get that

          imo this whole series has failed to live up to the massive potential that was shown in the better episodes of the first season.
          hopefully there will be an excellent next episode, and it will eventually come back after the break/strike better than ever. but after the season one finale i'm not going to get my hopes up too much.


            Yeah, not great on the whole really. On the plus side

            Alejandro is dead now and Maya can't be far behind which I guess ties up that storyline.

            To do that though Mohinder needs to be in two places at once. Is he giving Niki the cure or going back for Molly? And where the hell was Matt? I assume he's off to see Victoria and he'll find her dead, maybe, but would he have just left Molly alone to do that, knowing the company knows where she is?

            The Micah storyline is a massive waste of time. Is it just me or have we moved uncomfortably into gang rape territory now? Her power could have been ace, really very underused. I don't see where it's going at all. And they didn't even let Micah kick the **** out of that irritating little prick of a cousin he has which would have saved the storyline entirely.

            So we're left with Peter and Adam, and shock, Peter's being played for a fool. He's going to release the virus himself and doom Caitlyn and then emo up his hair again for Season Two Part Two knowing everything is his fault, I guess.


              lol at the end of episode 10,

              totally unreasonable reactions! Especially with the history between them!



                Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                lol at the end of episode 10,

                totally unreasonable reactions! Especially with the history between them!


                the ending was complete pap it was a complete waste of an episode


                  Got this Heroes Graphic Novel in the post this morning.

                  Lovely hardback book featuring all the comics that were released in between the episodes of Season 1.


                    I Think this could probably go down as one of the most disappointing 2nd seasons I've witnessed although the signs were kind of there when S1 petered out like a wet-fart at the end.

                    Weekly TV was always Heroes -> Dexter -> Prison Break

                    Now it's Dexter -> Whatever.


                      Man I can't shake the feeling this finale is going to be a real stinker.

                      Interested to see how opinion goes on this one.


                        Ok just watched the finale and

                        average at best. All the promised battles never happened. Everyone just talked their ways out of situations. In fact, thinking about it, hardly any abilities were used in the episode full stop. Peter used the force quite a lot but he is such a dullard now, I don't really care about him. I much prefered him in the first series when he was full of enthusiasm about his abilities.

                        Plus points: Niki is now dead so no more schizo repetition of story. I like Adams commupence, though an actual battle would've been nice. And, even though series 2 was rubbish, Syler is back now so I still have hopes for series 3.


                          Yeah I've seen it and I thought it was OK, one of the better episodes of the volume but that's really not saying much.

                          Niki is dead! Let's hope she stays that way - I can't see it happening though. The character annoys the hell outta me, I won't be sad to lose her. Can't work out why she didn't just duck and crawl out of the MASSIVE gap underneath the beam though.

                          The resolution of the Adam thing amused me. Go Hiro! And such. What on Earth happened to Peter's Irish girl though? She's now trapped in a future that isn't actually happening.

                          Sylar is back, good. The problem though is that that just sets up another Peter vs. Sylar vs. the company storyline, we're a bomb away from season one.

                          Maya could have done with staying dead. Mohinder should kill her just to stop Sylar getting that power. He'd be unstoppable (save for Hiro/Peter's power) with it. And Molly too. In fact, surely Sylar will head straight back there now he's got his power, it's like Mohinder is protecting the holy grail of powers!

                          When does it start up again?


                            i enjoyed it, even though it wasn't that great. but its all just a bit too late.

                            nikki is dead...i hope, although as said, why she was messing about with that beam, when it looked like there was tons of room to crawl underneath it just looked silly. but i'm glad she's dead.
                            likewise when maya got shot i was ecstatic, shame they brought her back.
                            i'm quite glad nathan is dead too, but again after the end to series one, i wouldn't be at all surprised to see him (or nikki) make a full recovery like half the cast already has.

                            although adam getting buried was a good idea, i don't want to see him disappear totally as he is cool. if your never going to die i assume he can very very slowly dig his way out.

                            some nice hints about what may happen next, but they really should have just got on with it sooner. too much of this season felt like padding. but i still want to watch more, maybe they can get it right next time.


                              On Nathan, shouldn't Peter have just instantly figured to give Nathan some of his blood? He's seen it done before so you'd think it'd have clicked.

                              Unless he really has become that stupid. Maybe with every power he loses 10 IQ.


                                ^ I thought the same Toy,

                                maybe only Adam (and claire) had that ability though?

                                And the impression I got of

                                the beam, was that it was holding the door shut, so she couldn't crawl under. Also pleased she is gone but unfortunately the kid didn't join her


                                A wasted series throughout, They didn't do a good job building up to the main plot, and when it got there, it just didn't have the oomph to impress like Season one.

