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Heroes, Another US TV show cracker?

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    I really doubt

    That peter will think to save nathan, at least not on the spot, hed be more likley to go barmy and zap everyone in the room about in an angry rage or somthing. I think by pandoras box she just meant that a big war is gonna start up.... well we can hope anyway, least somthing will happen then.

    Also the next volume is called Villians

    Youd think that would have somthing to do with her statement as well.


      Heroes was always painfully slow, I find it hard to believe people couldn't see this coming. If they cut the number of episodes in half I think it could be twice the show it is.

      That being said, I thought the last 2-3 episodes (previous to the latest one - haven't watched it yet) were cracking.


        Heroes was always slow, but for the first 6 episodes of this season virtualy nothing had happened, and just as it did finaly got going they ended it. That is why everyone is disapoined. Plus the finale just felt rushed and all a little bit too neat.

        Its also understandable that the first season started out slow as they had to introduce the characters and set up the story, season 2 has just been mostly badly paced and written throughout, with boring sub plots, boring new characters and old ones seemingly losing IQ points between seasons. Overall its been quite crap.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 06-12-2007, 15:04.


          Just watched the last episode. I have to say I thought the last 3-4 episodes were really quite good. I didn't mind the neatness of the ending, I liked the story they told. It probably was a bit rushed because of the strikes, but it wasn't that bad.

          I don't think that the slowness of the first series was excusable. If Spiderman can tell it's genesis story in one hour, I'm sure they could have cut out half the flab. Admitedly, there were a lot of characters, but as you said in reference to series two: nothing happens for large swathes of time.

          Maybe I'm being overly generous to series two because I watched the first eleven episodes in quick succession and so didn't have that feeling of disappointment between episodes.

          I just think that having 24 episodes in a single series is excessive - I've not seen a single program that was better for the extra time. Dexter is by far the best TV show atm and the first season was only 11/12 episodes.


            Watched the ending, thought it was a completely rushed job (which it was) and it shows, no where near the quality of season one.

            C+ can do better.


              I'm a season behind you lot, having just finished Season One on BBC HD.

              Whilst it started quite well, for me the series got really dull about half way through. The only thing that kept me going was the prospect of finding out some answers - fat chance of that from the stupid last episode.

              Heroes Season 1 feels like the first half was prewritten, but the second half was just made up as they went along (like Lost which I thought was turgid rubbish).

              This meant that although you got the odd good episode (like the one in the future - although it opened loads of plotholes) the pacing of the thing completely fell apart. Some storylines felt rushed (Hiro and his old man, Sylar and his background) whereas other dragged on for aaaaaaages (the election, the Jessic/Nicki story).

              And some of the writing is just awful. Mohindra is bad enough when he's acting, but when it gets to one of his dire monologues - honestly parts of it are like the lyrics from a bad sixties summer of love song. Terrible.

              I'm glad it's ended. Judging from the comments here, people who liked the mess of series one, didn't like series two. I'm staying well clear.


                I feel the oposite to you brats, the first half of season one had its moments, but it was mostly all exposistion and not really much development, the second half was much more enjoyable IMO.

                You'll probabaly like season two, becuase it starts just like season one, all exposition and no plot development untilabout the last 3 episodes.


                  So hang on now. Season 2 has already been made & has aired?


                    Series 2 has just finished Airing in the states, having started around about a year after the 1st series was shown there.

                    Why does everyone hate Mohinda and his acting, I like him/it.

                    I still felt series 2 was very enjoyable, the ending of Series 2 was actually a lot less satisfying than I was expecting, not much really finished (although I guess this is better in the long run. It was clear that a few too many plot points had been put into the last couple. Noah dying then coming back at the start of the next episode was 100% bad pacing, they could of easily spread the loss of that character out a lot further than they had, it left the reunion of him and family to be a bit of a damp squib.


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      I feel the oposite to you brats, the first half of season one had its moments, but it was mostly all exposistion and not really much development, the second half was much more enjoyable IMO.

                      You'll probabaly like season two, becuase it starts just like season one, all exposition and no plot development untilabout the last 3 episodes.
                      The first half of the series felt much more focused, like there was something concrete that is was heading towards, but in the second half it became very diluted and aside from

                      the 'bomb' not destroying New York

                      which we knew would happen anyway, nothing really happened.


                        It's a shame the writer's strike caused Season 2 to be cut short. It was speculated and you could tell because the pace really changed in the last five episodes.

                        I hope we get to see

                        Peter finally kicking some butt in the third season



                          Originally posted by Brats View Post
                          The first half of the series felt much more focused, like there was something concrete that is was heading towards, but in the second half it became very diluted and aside from

                          the 'bomb' not destroying New York

                          which we knew would happen anyway, nothing really happened.
                          Well yeah thats all that happened in the second half of season 1 plot wise, but plenty of intresting and exciting stuff happened to the characters in the later episodes, there were plenty of unexpected deaths and a few cool effects and set peices and twists and what not.

                          In season two, about the most exciting things that happen are (not really plot spoiling spoilers)

                          Claire Flying about with her boyfriend going "WEEEEEE!" alot and micha losing his comic books

                          . Yes I am being slightly sarcastic, but the ammount of time spent on those two things are also a good indication of how lame it got.
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 06-12-2007, 23:32.


                            I just watched the end of Season 2:

                            I must be easily amused or something, because I quite liked it. I too wasn't too bothered about Nikki. I really like her son and the power-repeaty girl. Maybe her death will inspire them to be a kick-ass tag team?
                            It's frustrating watching Sylar scrape his way through situation after situation, but he is a really good baddie. I often egg on the baddies because they're more interesting than the soggy heroes, but Sylar is totally disgusting and you absolutely hate him. With any luck he'll meet a very sticky end at the end of Season 2 pt. 2. Something appropriate like Adam's. Speaking of which, couldn't he scrape his way out? It'd take a while, but he has time to kill.

                            It's a real pity that Nathan died. He was easily one of my favourite characters. His mother ordering the hit was a bit of a shock. I really wanted her to just come out and not be a knob. Oh well.

                            Also, about the structure: they said even before Season 2 started that it was going to be split up into two volumes. Heroes: Origins was going to air inbetween, with Kevin Smith directing an episode, but it got canned cause of the WGA strike. All that happened to the proper series was that instead of 13 episodes they compressed it down to 11. Sure, some things did get glossed over. It doesn't bother me too much.
                            The break will probably be a bit longer now, but it's not going to be in 2009 or anything.


                              Originally posted by Magnakai View Post

                              It's a real pity that Nathan died. He was easily one of my favourite characters. His mother ordering the hit was a bit of a shock. I really wanted her to just come out and not be a knob. Oh well.

                              Nathans mom didnt order the hit on him, she was saying she understood why it was done, she said the person who ordered it (who she was talking too) had opened pandoras box.


                                Questions going back to season one:

                                Why does Peter seem to absorb some powers permanently and others only when he is in the vicinity of others e.g. why doesn't he fly all the time and yet he can heal all the time?

                                And why doesn't he absorb Sylar's telekinesis when he's near him?

                                And if Sylar and Peter are the same type, why does Sylar need to cut out their brains whereas Peter doesn't?

                                Why don't writers of TV shows like this leave so many stupid plotholes?

