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Heroes, Another US TV show cracker?

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    Series 2 (not 3) starts at 9 on BBC 2 tonight, for those of you who, like me, have yet to see it! Episode 2 is also on at 10.30 I think on BBC 3


      Season Three starts in the US in September.


        amazon have the hd-dvds of season 1 of this down to £25 now, just caved and ordered them.


          UK to get third 'Heroes' this autumn

          The BBC is to air the third season of Heroes this autumn.

          Jana Bennett, director of BBC Vision, has said the traditional several-month
          delay in the show making it to UK screens will be slashed for the next run.

          "People want to participate globally - and, in part, that's why this autumn,
          when NBC launches Heroes series three in the States, it will be aired
          simultaneously by the BBC in the UK," said Bennett, speaking about changes
          in TV and media at the Banff Television Festival.

          Broadcasters are increasingly looking to narrow delays in international
          distribution. Bennett said: "Imagine now the world communities and
          conversations that would congregate around programmes like Planet Earth,
          Wild China or Amazon - if they were available to that global audience at the
          same time."

          Heroes season three will begin on NBC with a two-hour launch show on
          September 22. The second season - which aired in the US in the autumn last
          year - still has several weeks to run on BBC Two.


            This is capital news. Can't wait for the third series - even if the second was not as good as the first.


              2nd series was really pants, i couldn't stand the new characters. Especially the brother and sister. It was really inconsistant, it was probably due to the writers strike at the time. So hopefully now thats all done and dusted, Series 3 should be alot better.


                This kind of thing is all good news, cuts down the downloading that they get so annoyed about and also means the peeps on this forum will all be chatting about the same season


                  Had a lil look at IMDB an it seems they have been filming the 3rd season for a bit now, as a few eps are already done



                    Some pics from series three:

                    Possible spoilers though? So only look if you really need to!


                      First pic reminds me of the Peter from the future Ep in S1........

                      Watched all of S2 the other weekend there. Loved it. Haters be damned.


                        i liked series 2 as well but it was nowhere near as good as the first season.

                        The peter picture looks like they might be doing a superman 2 on us where he splits into a good and evil side! :P


                          Originally posted by RobRoy View Post
                          i liked series 2 as well but it was nowhere near as good as the first season.

                          The peter picture looks like they might be doing a superman 2 on us where he splits into a good and evil side! :P
                          Wasnt that superman 3?

                          Anyway that site mentions future claire, maybe thats future peter, he looks like he has make up on him to look older and has scar like he had in the other future heroes episode.


                            yeh it was superman 3 my finger missed by one key


                              Trailer for season 3 entitled 'Villians'.

                              Possible spoilers, so look only if you want to


                                looking good

                                am i right in thinking this is getting shown in the US and UK at the same time?

