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Heroes, Another US TV show cracker?

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    Pretty much, yeah. I think theres a difference of a couple of days... which is nice.


      sweet. will save me downloading it and i can get it in HD from the good ol' bbc


        Awesome, sweet, YES! x1000

        Can't wait


          can't be worse than S2. Too long in Japan, brother and sister were uninteresting, Peter was immensly stupid for most of the series and Claire's boyfriend was uncharismatic (she would put her whole family at risk for him?!?)


            Just started to watch Season 2 again, gave up after 7 episodes or something but started again now and I see why I gave up. It's so **** and boring compared to what it used to be.

            Having just watched 6 episodes of Dexter today to finish Season 1, I think I've been spoiled as it's great TV and Heroes is just so sub-par now.


              It's back!

              Season 3 is 'available'.


                Its just a 45 min preview of things to come Nick, the series starts tomorrow


                  when is it available on the good ol' bbc?


                    October 1st I believe - ep 1 is on BBC2, then ep 2 follows on on BBC3.


                      You're right on the money there Geoff - Heroes Season 3


                        Just watched the first 5 minutes of season 3 and theres already been an "Oh ****" moment

                        Finished the first hour, THAT was better than most of season 2
                        Last edited by Orgun; 23-09-2008, 09:52.


                          First two eps really engaging loving every minute of it so far and cannot wait for the next ep

                          Sylar, Nathan and Peter brothers? woah!


                            Definately a step in the right direction, both episodes far better than the whole of season 2.

                            I was a bit annoyed when it seemed they'd once again gone down the amnesia root with nicky, although it seems like it might genuinely be a different person to Nicky. Also, it still seems as if everyone and his dog had superpowers which was a flaw with season 2, but it still focuses on the best characters more than season 2. Good stuff and a little bit gory to


                              Oh my god. This season has hit the ground running! All these twists and new characters! And also a pleasant surprise to see

                              Jamie Hector aka Marlo Stanfield from The Wire as a villian!


                                Yeah that was awesome, cracking character from the other show.

                                Enjoyed the two episodes a lot and it certainly set the pace after the rather poor second season, however it was also

                                a very slap-dash approach at reinventing a series - they threw out the entire history for every character!


                                I'm willing to forgive that though after the second series was so average, and I'm pleased it hasn't followed along the same lines. Nice to see some better effects too.

