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    Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
    This and The Walking Dead are the best shows this season. Heck i think this is the best season of Dexter thus far, each episode gets better and better.
    I fully agree on both counts . Also

    I had to laugh at Dexter getting annoyed with Harry's nagging, had to think of Brats' comment immediatly


      Yeah Dexter is really good TV. Haven't seen this weeks yet but as usual every episode of the season so far has been edge of the seat stuff.


        Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
        Heck i think this is the best season of Dexter thus far, each episode gets better and better.
        A bold claim but I have to agree (though nothing will match the impact of the first season, the show now has so many threads and possibilities it just continues to add layer upon layer of depth). I'd have thought following the excellent Trinity season would be a tough call but season 5 is something else, literally ... and this week's episode was an absolute belter.


          Although I'm ignoring this thread as suggested - just watched the first episode of Season 4. Very amusing sleep deprived Dexter intro, although not sure I like the idea of guest star killers really.


            John Lithgow is AMAZING though. Without spoilering anything the latest special guest star Jonny Lee Miller and Peter Weller have been steller. The cast is totally at the top of the game.


              Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
              John Lithgow is AMAZING though. Without spoilering anything the latest special guest star Jonny Lee Miller and Peter Weller have been steller. The cast is totally at the top of the game.
              Ok.. I take back my comment, John Lithgow was great in it. Watched the season 4 finale last night - on to season 5!


                Lithgow was great, as was Debs in series four, but everything else (Dexter included tbh) was dull verging on the annoying. The 'shock' ending was signposted a mile away and
                had become such a rubbish character that I was glad it ended like it did, rather than saddened.

                As others have suggested though, hopefully it will mean lots of changes for series five. Dexter the family man didn't work for me. I want my psychopaths to be edgy and unhinged, finding it difficult to keep hidden, not flipping burgers with the neighbours.


                  Funny that - I've found Debs annoying from the start.. Maybe it's because the way she moves her mouth when she talks makes her look like a stroke victim - or Garth from Waynes World.

                  Not that I've got anything against stroke victims.

                  But I was never that keen on Garth.
                  Last edited by k0pp0; 02-12-2010, 12:55.


                    I dont really like Deb, dont think the female characters have ever been the writers' strong point, in fact Dexter has always been one of the most likeable characters on the show, which considering hes suppose to be a psychopath is quite damming of many of them.

                    Season 5 really has been fantastic and IMO the best of the show so far.


                      Going against the trend I've always liked Deb and thought along with Dexter, Batista and Masouka (sp) was one of the best characters in the show.

                      Latest season has been great and is ramping up nicely


                        oof, Finale on the 12th. Great build up in the last episode.



                            You can just imagine the writer just finishing up that episode, being emailed hiccup fart cat, and then spending the rest of the day trying to work out how to squeeze it into the show somehow! So out of place, but it did make me laugh so all good


                              Now up to date with episodes.. looking forward to the finale..

                              Oh and Masouka's interpretation of crime scenes are excellent..
                              Last edited by k0pp0; 09-12-2010, 11:58.


                                Um.. well having watched the finale.. Not sure if I liked it or not. Seemed to wrap everything up a little too easily - which seems to be a bit of a trait with the series as a whole..

