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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
    There goes QC, riding on the coat tails!
    Pretty much!

    The same day as he befriended me, he became friends with Bey Logan too!


      Have you no shame?

      You goddamn bastard, your kung fu is lacking. This fight will be your last!


        You watched Drive yet?

        "Your Gung Fu is obsolete!"


          I have not - just got it the other day amongst so many others. Probs a Chrimmy hols watch.

          BUDDHA BLESS YOU. Bastard.


            One Armed Swordswoman

            Taiwanese swordplay. A superb swordswoman is duped by the leader of a gang, and loses her arm. She is rescued by a man wearing a black outfit. Years later, having mastered the art of one-armed swordsmanship, she vows to find her mysterious rescuer. One of the gang members masquerades as him, and causes her to try to track him down again. She attacks a host of look-a-likes, before finally meeting the real hero. Having seen his face, however, they are now sworn enemies - exactly what the gang planned.

            This is a likeable-enough film with swordplay ahead of its time. There's a lot of snazzy effects to interest the viewer, such as the lass throwing two swords into the air, and 'catching' them in the sheaths tied to her back. There's also an element of brutality not usually in a low budget 1972 indie. Twigs are thrown through throats, and one bloke is ran through with a branch. Some of the look-a-likes have bizarre make up to make them appear buck-toothed or goggle eyed. An enjoyable way to spend 100 minutes, with plenty of action and long cuts.


              Have you watched Tsui Hark's "remake" called the Blade? Very dark, gritty and brutal. Not something you see to often in a HK MA film I think.
              Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
              One Armed Swordswoman

              Taiwanese swordplay. A superb swordswoman is duped by the leader of a gang, and loses her arm. She is rescued by a man wearing a black outfit. Years later, having mastered the art of one-armed swordsmanship, she vows to find her mysterious rescuer. One of the gang members masquerades as him, and causes her to try to track him down again. She attacks a host of look-a-likes, before finally meeting the real hero. Having seen his face, however, they are now sworn enemies - exactly what the gang planned.

              This is a likeable-enough film with swordplay ahead of its time. There's a lot of snazzy effects to interest the viewer, such as the lass throwing two swords into the air, and 'catching' them in the sheaths tied to her back. There's also an element of brutality not usually in a low budget 1972 indie. Twigs are thrown through throats, and one bloke is ran through with a branch. Some of the look-a-likes have bizarre make up to make them appear buck-toothed or goggle eyed. An enjoyable way to spend 100 minutes, with plenty of action and long cuts.


                I haven't see Blade, no. tbh this is only the third 'armless' film I've seen. I haven't seen the Jimmy Wang Yu films (One Armed Swordsman, Return of the One Armed Swordsman, One Armed Boxer, Zatoichi and the One Armed Swordsman, One Armed Swordsman Against Nine Killers, One Armed Swordsmen) except One Armed Chivalry Fights Against One Armed Chivalry. The only other I've seen is the Armless Swordsman. There's a lot of them out there!


                  What's this from, Shinobi - you'd know!


                    That looks like a broken link to me. What do I win?

                    Recent viewing:

                    Two Dragons Fight Against Tiger - 1974

                    A Taste of Cold Steel - Shaw Brothers - 1970

                    Twelve Deadly Coins - Shaw Brothers - 1969


                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                      What's this from, Shinobi - you'd know!

                      Yep, I even tried quoting it and couldn't see the link. Nice to see this thread is back, cue evil laugh...


                        I'm guessing it's Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars!

                        I dragged the image into Google image search and the gif was labelled more helpfully on another forum!


                          I think it's one of the Stars films. Some kind of mental ninja **** is pointing me in the direction of Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars.

                          My training in Seven Star Wagon Fu is clearly paying off.


                            The first three Lucky Stars films are great, especially with the original dubs. Yuen Biao has a great bit of action demonstrating another of his perfect kicks in Twinke Twinkle (I think). Still couldn't see the linked picture but the other link works.


                              Those Shaws I watched the other day were interesting. Definitely second-tier efforts for the studio, but very watchable. The 12 coins one has some decent action for the time, and a pacy enough story. However, it is heavy on Peking-Opera style melodrama, especially the ending, but if you can accept it for what it is, then it's fine. Lo Lieh and Tien Feng star.

                              The Taste of Cold Steel film has some great baddies - a gang called Five Tigers essentially get hold of the baddie and out-baddie him. What ruthless bunch of damn bastards they are. Then the film throws a curveball later on with a beast of a Taoist priest with very unclear motives. The three lead lasses are canny, too. Chang Yi stars as an honourable type.

                              I may do a proper write up of these later.


                                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                                I'm guessing it's Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars!

                                I dragged the image into Google image search and the gif was labelled more helpfully on another forum!

                                yep that kicking sequence by Yuen is one of the best. Awesome stuff.

