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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    Another rare basher:

    Background:  Taiwanese basher starring Tien Wen Chung, Ling Fong Chiao, Chu Chiang Hua, Chang Ping, Sha Lee Wen and Kam Kong.  Distributed ...


      I wish more tv series were subbed and easily available. Although the quality doesn't usually approach films, they feature a lot of great actors and can be worth watching. Then I see 30 second youtube clips where the uploader doesn't mention the name of the series or how to hunt it down.


        rrden3 is terrible for that! He uploads loads of tv series clips with no info. I'd like to see Adam Cheng tv series, like the 1978 version of Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre.


          Yep I remember asking about some of the series someone else posted... no reply . Saw a couple of great looking ones a few months ago with generic titles by the uploader, '90s series', 'RARE mainland kicks', etc etc but I didn't bookmark them stupidly. I want to watch more of Adam Cheng's wu xia stuff, too. That 1978 series may be possible to track down, unless I'm thinking of the more recent one. People used to rave about the Condor Heroes series, same story that Brave Archer's based on, I think, but I'm probably wrong. Forgotten a lot, brain is past it I fear .


            I rewound the clock and checked out this thread from the beginning (2007...ZOMG) to see if there is something that I want to watch from your recommendations.
            First post - SPL.
            Will find a copy or some way of watching and let you know what I think


              Good choice, I put off watching it for ages but Wu Jing's bit with the knives and his acrobatics were some of the best modern (post 2000) stuff I've seen in the last decade. Plus Donnie and Sammo, together! Flashpoint is worth watching after that if you're a Donnie Yen fan and like more modern stuff.


                I haven't seen much of Donnie at all so I have a lot to catch up on! I do recognise him from something I have watched so will have to take a gander through his filmography to find what it was.

                Edit: Blade 2! As well as Hero and Shanghai Knights.


                  Cool, he's got loads of good older stuff but for hand to hand type modern films SPL and Flashpoint are among the best made in the last decade. Ignore all that when you watch them though, don't want to set unrealistic hopes for you. There's a bit in SPL where they play King of Fighters in an arcade, I think.


                    I'm not sure about the 1978 series. The only place I've heard of the 1984 series is in the comments section of several youtube videos -
                    Taiwan productionViewers please call Christine of Vietnam International Video (408)288-9600. She would consider to distribute the series if enough people co...

                    Taiwan productionViewers please call Christine of Vietnam International Video (408)288-9600. She would consider to distribute the series if enough people co...

                    It's all so obscure.


                      There's a 1986 version that's popular, and later ones, I didn't know about a 1984 version, but I really don't know much about that stuff. I had some Moon Lee series that I lost , gutted. Then there's the Taiwanese stuff that pops up on youtube, they're getting that stuff from somewhere... And if I could somehow watch the Fist of the North Star live action stuff, like the Korean series and films, or the Taiwanese (I think?) film... They look terrible but hilarious.
                      Last edited by monel; 15-04-2012, 19:08.


                        Fader, the UK version of SPL is called Kill Zone and is less than a fiver for the 2-disc edition with a Bey Logan commentary and loads of extras!


                          No one seen The Raid Redemption yet?


                            I though it was on limited release in the USA? Is there a promo disc out or something? I know there's a cam copy floating around. I'm looking forwards to The Raid and Iron Sky, for the first time in years there's a couple of films I want to see in the cinema.


                              18th May UK.

                              I've stopped reading about it as I don't want to get too hyped up about it!

                              All the reviews seem really positive.

                              My friend has seen it at a film festival. Then saw it again.

                              It's already made the IMDb top 50 action films.
                              Last edited by QualityChimp; 16-04-2012, 06:04.


                                Was flicking through the channels last night and caught Ip even better on repeat viewings. Donnie is awesome.

                                Why use pretty boy pop stars + doubles when you can get the real deal?

                                The Raid is out here at the moment - I must try and see it at the cinema.

