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    Originally posted by mr_fantazmo View Post
    Finally recieved my Cd and poster today and i'm not impressed at all.

    Which bright spark thought it would be a good idea to put a loose rolled up poster and a loose CD case in one big tube??

    The poster is all dog eared where the CD has obviously been moving around in transit and basically bashing the end of the rolled up poster.

    Now when i unfurl the poster the entire right edge of the poster looks like ****.

    Not a great experience!!
    Sorry to hear that mate, i was suprised when all of mine arrived in a big cardboard tube. But thankfully the poster was ok.

    Also did anyone get the free Derezzed music video as a sign of apology from them?

    Personally i would have preferred they didn't bother. Its a 15mb mov file. Awful.


      You know if its not games, DVD or Bluray "special" editions, it's music ones too. Seriously please, save your money, its all a con. You either get something thats half-baked, stupidly oversized you don't know what to do with it, or bent to **** in the post.


        Sorry if this has already been posted on here, but it is hilarious:


          That is pretty good. Not quite literal Total Eclipse of the Heart good ( but good nonetheless.

          Edit: Oh and Tron 2.0 for the PC arrived for me in the post today. Never played it. Just hope it works on my machine.
          Last edited by Dogg Thang; 15-12-2010, 14:55.


            Totally NFSW but:

            Very well done


              Am going to hit this midnight tonight, been a while since I have felt the hype to do it.
              Should be all sorts of awesome I am not expecting mind bending dialogue but I reckon FX and action will be eye popping.


                I'm seeing this tomorrow in Imax 3d at the printworks in manchester.

                Never seen a film at Imax before so really looking forward to it!

                Not arsed too much about storyline, just want to be blown away by the quality of the 3D, SFX and soundtrack (which i already love anyway!)


                  If your seeing this Imax style prepare to have mind blown. I also had several audiogasims as the sound fx and sountrack were just incredible at that volume. I will be dreaming of the grid tonight, I actually want to see this again!


                    Am hoping to see it tomorrow


                      Originally posted by mr_fantazmo View Post
                      I'm seeing this tomorrow in Imax 3d at the printworks in manchester.

                      Never seen a film at Imax before so really looking forward to it!

                      Not arsed too much about storyline, just want to be blown away by the quality of the 3D, SFX and soundtrack (which i already love anyway!)
                      Don't sit at the front or to the sides, the 3D will be ****e.


                        Saw this earlier. Absolutly loved it from beginning to the end. Will be picking up the blu-ray on day 1!

                        I sat in the fourth row in the centre, it was bliss.


                          Saw it today in 3D at Empire Leicester Square. I wish I'd seen it in 2D, now. The action scenes were fantastic, but I've decided I just don't enjoy 3D films and would rather be able to see exactly what's going on. I thought

                          it basically follows the same pattern as the original, though - a disc fight, a bike fight, a butterfly satellite ride.

                          As others have said, the dialogue is hilariously bad, but I really loved the look of it, especially the colour scheme.

                          I finally watched the original Tron last night in preparation for this. I'd never fully seen it from beginning to end and I loved it.

                          Legacy did away with the religious stuff, the morals and blah-blah, so felt more like Tron-lite, instead just mainly keeping it about a father and son(who grows up during the film). I thought the Jeff Bridges CGI was fine while in the computer world as it fits in with the computerness anyway. Not too keen on the real-world bits.

                          Michael Sheen was awesome as usual, and I cracked up when

                          Jeff Bridges turned Daft Punk's music off

                          And Jeff's coat was 100% supersmashinggreat

                          Listened to the soundtrack on the way home. It's nicer now, as I can remember some of the scenes while listening.


                            Also Olivia Wilde was looking majorly hot as korra. Phwoar!


                              After well over a year of hype that could only lead to disappointment, Tron Legacy totally kicked my ass. I loved it. See Spielberg? It's not me. Crystal Skull was ****e. Tron, on the other hand, rocked.

                              I was pleasantly surprised by the main guy, loved older Flynn - having just rewatched the original, I think they totally nailed what older Flynn should be like. The action was great. The characters I loved, especially Michael Sheen's Castor. I was actually rather impressed with the story, mostly because I'd heard there was very little of one, and loved how they handled

                              Tron himself

                              and Clu in that story. Visuals were fantastic and, most of all, soundtrack was stunning. I thought CG Flynn was brave given just how much of him there was. Didn't always work but was damn close.

                              I also loved that there was humour, and it wasn't like, break for a joke. It was just character stuff that was part of this world. They may have made the suits dark but they certainly didn't go for gritty or dull. It's fun and they embraced that.

                              I loved it.

                              If there was one tiny missed opportunity it's that I would love to have seen a

                              halfway point in design between the two films during those flashback sequences.

                              Small thing. I just think it would have been cool.


                                Wow. Saw this last night and loved it. I watched the original for the first time the day before, and I'm astounded that such a big budget film was allowed to stay so true to the original.

                                Visually it was spectacular too. Young Jeff Bridges looked great I thought. Only jarring bit was

                                right at the end where he was getting sucked back in

                                . I do wonder though why

                                they never showed tron's face. I mean it made sense at the start to keep his helmet on, but once you knew it was him, why not show him? Maybe cg young Bruce Boxleitner didn't look as good?

                                For me it was a contender for movie of the year, and that's in a year where inception and toy story 3 came out.

