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    saw it today and loved it hope to see it again


      I'm likely gonna see this either Weds or Thurs night and see how the full film holds up. As for the series and Tron 3:

      Not looking likely, though bound to be awful Meet the Parents 3 and Gullivers Travels will bury this next week too


        I would have liked to see the film do well simply because I think it's a good film and enjoyed it myself. But I honestly don't mind if there's not a sequel. At least not one for another 28 years.

        And, for those who have seen it, I think one aspect of a sequel could be pretty tough -

        What we saw in Tron Legacy was a system from 1989. And yet it was like a living breathing world more than the computer system look of the 1982 Tron. Considering how far advanced our current systems should look by comparison, they really don't have a lot of places to go in terms of design. They sort of out-slicked themselves with a system that was supposed to be from 1989. Though I guess it's entirely possible a sequel could take place in that same 1989 system - I took it from the end that he had it with him in. But a modern world of internets and wifis would seem like a natural progression.

        Currently playing Tron 2.0, by the way, and loving it. A search doesn't bring up a first play thread (though there is one for the GBA version). I guess it got culled years ago or something. It's a really good game and one that really feels like computer systems. A gentle progression from the first movie and one that really works.


          Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
          I'm likely gonna see this either Weds or Thurs night and see how the full film holds up. As for the series and Tron 3:

          Not looking likely, though bound to be awful Meet the Parents 3 and Gullivers Travels will bury this next week too
          Not seen the film, and ahem, not seen the original. As a regular cinemagoer, the only draw for me to see this is it's the end of year big effects movie. I can't recall ever seeing such a widespread, almost aggressive marketing campaign as this title has had. And with [myself having] zero connection to the original, I've found it quite surprising how Down Your Throat this movie is being stuffed.

          Maybe it's just me. I know one guy who was devastated when it snowed on Friday as he pre-booked his tickets in a cinema 30 miles away. Poor guy has been hyped about this for at least 6 months.


            The original tron was only about the effects and I don't see the new one being different so I'm a bit skeptical.


              Oh I just have to mention the track Fall on the soundtrack and the scene in which it is played

              Flynn's entrance to the club and the fight

              it's just epic soundtrack action, perfect.
              I saw this again the other night, imax again.
              Still enjoyed it, the soundtrack and sound are just right for this film.
              Dare I say though for a 3D film there were a few scenes I felt that just had no excuse NOT to be in 3D, especially when they were in the grid.
              I really don't have any Daft Punk bias but I just feel for the look/style of this film, scenes in which the soundtrack were made for, every single track is spot on all the way.
              This film has to be seen and heard on the big screen, nothing else will match that experience.
              I would happily watch it again for the soundtrack/action, if someone else was paying


                I saw this at the weekend, and really enjoyed it. The only thing I was dissapointed in was I thought the 3D was going to be stunning, but it was pretty naff.


                  I thought it was pretty poor film, I was dying for it to end because the story was poor and I didn't care that much what happened to the characters. The script was bad as well too, from what I remember it was this (spoiler-ish):

                  "Tron...", "Clu...", "Need disk...", "ISO...".

                  I did like the retro/future visual style of the grid though and some of the fighting/vehicle stuff was pretty good. Wouldn't rush back to the cinema for it though and won't buy when it's released.


                    Watched this last night and the easiest way is to probably break it down as follows. Aesthetically the film is gorgeous, it's a tour de force when it comes to updating the visuals of the original film. The soundtrack too perfectly captures the Tron vibe and the film cracks along at a reasonable pace. On the flip side, in many other areas it's a train wreck.

                    Users are digitally placed within the Grid, yet Flynn still allowed the system to make him age and become useless. Flynn hides out in his off grid apartment that Clu can't find despite being shown in it years before,

                    Flynn builds a system that doesn't give him an exit after a couple of hours and where he has to die just to delete a programme he made,

                    Sam is an angsty guy who just happens to have more personal physical skills than a marine being able to bass jump, ride a motorbike, gymnastically throw discs and dodge shots, leap tall structures in a single bound etc. It's nice that Encom only has one fat security guard too. Cillian's character could never be a baddie in Tron 3 either as he only has one scene in this and proves himself to be naff at his job. Seeing Daft Punk made me cringe. Typically great, Michael Sheen is awful in this, sliding towards acting like Jack Sparrow at times. Flynn is now Obi-Wan, the 80's CGI face scenes misjudged and Tron

                    couldn't have been more wasted with his faux 'death' at the end and out of nowhere change of heart at the end being particularly poor

                    . The absolute worst has to be the lack of Boxleitner action too

                    I tell you what, I wouldn't hire Flynn to programme something! And it's probably just me, but lightcycles that don't turn at right angles are rubbish.

                    Now I know that's epically negatively pitched but I didn't hate it. It was a nice bit of spectacle and if it does OK I'd watch a third one if it was written as a finale just to finish it out. That said, it is a perfect example of style over substance and I can see why the series doesn't appeal to general audiences. Now to wait for youtube video's with Clu's early scenes played with Vader's march theme over the top...


                      you know one thing which has been bugging me, about realism in this movie.
                      I totally buy the whole virtual grid world and living programs sure no problem, but do disney expect me to believe, that flynn had a computer in an old office with an uptime of 20 years! Come onnnnnn


                        Really wanted to go and see this at the cinema in 2D (I cannot see in 3D) and none of my local cinemas (in about a 20 mile radius) are showing it in anything other than 3D. If they continue this trend then I may never go to the cinema again!

                        Blu-ray is the only option for me now.


                          Get a bigger TV?


                            Bigger than 46"? No room! New house required!


                              How big is your garden?


                                Interesting reading other peoples opinions. Lot's of praise at the start, a slightly negative view from me and then scathing attack by crazytaxinext.

                                I'm by no means a tron fanboy, in fact i saw the original for the first time about 3 weeks ago. But I really enjoyed it (more than the new one) and thought that it held up quite well visually considering it's age. The whole computer world seemed quite menacing and scary at times but i think this was lost in Tron Legacy. It seemed more like a living, breathing world and although it looked fantastic visually it didn't really capture the same dark vibe from the original.

                                Oh and i agree, the light cycles should only be able to turn at right angles!

