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    Saw this last night in 3D, I enjoyed some parts alot while others not so, it was definetely worth seeing for the visual side of things.


      I've been playing Tron 2.0 and really enjoying it. Mentioning it here in the absence of a First Play thread (and probably no point in creating one for such an old game - sure there was one at some point). I loved it at first for being Tron but then the novelty wore off and it felt like a rather average (or even below average) FPS. But, as the game goes on, it gets better, more varied and I'm now totally loving it again.

      One thing the game does absolutely perfectly that the movie didn't even attempt is get across the idea that these are computer systems and programmes, each with their own function. I love that they have names like spamfilter.exe and stuff like that. As each system is accessed, different messages pop up that make it feel really genuine. Really like that and it is something lacking in the new movie.

      Good game.

      And fun right-angle lightcycly bits too.


        Thought the film was a bit of a non event. Never seen the first, so have no nostalgiac connection. Went in looking forward to it, and was let down. The script was dire. Some of the character lines were beyond bad. The whole mythology they're trying to carve out was stupid. Good ideas, badly realised.

        3D was successful on the whole as it was subtle. Full marks for that. I think every single frame in the Grid will look like a work of art, but as a whole, there was a lack of cohesion in the direction and editing that ruined the world. Didn't like that fact everything was either black, glass or neon. The cycle fight was confusing due to the transparent floor. Never had a chance to flow. I know people knocked the fact the bikes don't just go at right angles, but I thought the light coming from them looked amazing. Best bit of the film but should of been way better.

        No sense of impending doom, no real danger for the characters. No sense of urgency, which must of taken some doing as it was a race against time - it just never felt like it.

        All in all, badly realised. Can see potential with the art direction, and can see potential in the world they're trying to franchise. But left me cold and a bit bored, despite some amazing effects work.

        Oh, and CG The Dude was bizarre. Looked great until he spoke, then it kinda reminded me of one of the characters out of Killzone 2.

        2/5 for me.


          The light cycle trails were a highlight for me and nice that you liked those if nothing else (agree with you on the sense of urgency but not much else - I had a whole different experience). The right angle cycles from the original seem to be the thing that really stuck with people and it was very cool. Though, once off the main game grid, they moved more like normal bikes with smooth turns. Many seem to forget that.


            Tron Legacy seems to have some legs, anyone know how much this cost to make? After New Years it's just passed a domestic gross of $131m and seems pretty steady with its takings. Might be a third film yet.


              Wikipedia (for what that's worth) says $170million but the marketing budget must have been astronomical. They've been heavily marketing the movie for well over a year. I'd say they have a serious amount of money to make back. That said, they're probably trying to set up a new franchise so the thinking may be that the huge marketing costs have to pay off over several movies, not just one.


                I had a glance at Wiki and it says that in October Disney said preliminary work on Tron 3 has already begun with the writing phase in action



                    I saw this last night in 3D at the IMAX because I thought I might not get a chance to see it like that once it's finished its theatrical run.

                    I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it.

                    At first I struggled with the computer world because it felt a lot closer to the real world than the first film (streets, lamposts etc.), but then really got into the swing of it.

                    In some scenes, young Dude Bridges looks fake and "gummy" and in other scenes, it was perfect and I couldn't tell it wasn't really him. Amazing idea and, generally, very well implemented.

                    The story isn't astonishing and the ISO storyline was a bit jumbled, but it was interesting enough to keep me entertained and see what would happen next to the characters.

                    Visually, though, it was breathtaking, especially the lightcycle battle. I chuckled whilst watching it because I used to be computer monitor in junior school and we had BBC computers with the Tron lightcycle game on it. I can't believe how far things have come!

                    Anybody else spend the time in the arcade scene looking at what games were there? I spotted Road Blasters, Mario Brothers, Discs of Tron and Route 16.

                    I'm getting me one of them light up dressing gowns...


                      I spotted an arcade, Mortal Kombat!
                      Was like EH?!


                        I really loved this. I went in with low expectations and came out very pleasantly surprised.

                        Aside from the Imax and 3d spectacle it stood up as a good film in itself.

                        One thing that's bugging me that I can't work out or remember though. Who sent the page to Alan Bradley? I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere in the film but I can't remember.


                          It was
                          . How he managed that was never quite brought up but

                          Kevin Flynn expressed surprise at his plan to get an army out into the real world, saying he had figured it out, so we can take it that Clu was doing a serious amount of work into how the real world works with his world. Somewhere in that, he must have figured out how to get a message out.


                            Ahh, cheers!

                            Btw, the music is superb too.


                              Hey folks, Harry here And this was the happy word I received today on the Grapevine of Industry Insiders. TRON LEGACY, a film that many people loved, and a lot of people wanted more from, and that a very vocal minority incessantly bitch...

                              According to AICN's 'insiders' Tron 3 is very close to greenlight now


                                Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                                I spotted an arcade, Mortal Kombat!
                                Was like EH?!
                                Haha I spotted this as well. Do you reckon Disney do No-Prizes like Marvel?

