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    Yep, I still have the box. It's in an attic but I'd never throw it out.


      I met him in person! It was at a signing event though so didn't really count. I asked him where his beard had gone, he said "oh that thing? I shaved that off, I looked like a billy goat". I got a Tron pic signed btw, not B5.

      (definitely not as good as the time I met Garibaldi and he gave me the finger.)


        Can we have the details of that story too?
        Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


          I'll second that, only Jerry Doyle story I have is second hand and revolves around him being drunk at a convention and trying to hit on anything and everything with a pulse.


            Jerry Doyle cracked me up, when I was second in the queue he was talking about 'The Price is Right' for some reason and "the blondes with the big... hands". On my turn I gave him a packet of Garibaldi biscuits (thinking I was clever) at which point he looked seriously pissed off and informed me they are putrid. So he signed them for me instead.

            I asked if my mate could take a picture and while posing beside him I did a thumbs up. Garibaldi clocked this out of the corner of his eye, turned to security and asked "Did this guy just give me the finger? Same to you pal!!!".. and gave me a hearty gesture in return.

            There you go, the tale of how I was insulted by a legend.


              Leaked trailer (hand-cam):


                Hard to see all that much there but I can tell one thing - I am very hyped for this movie.


                  I've a worrying suspicion we're going to start getting stories about 'how Tron was supposed to be a trilogy all along...' . Can a series of anime shorts be far off?


                    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                    Can a series of anime shorts be far off?
                    God i seriously hope not. Absolutly hate those anime compilation spinoffs, all have been absolute garbage.


                      The Matrix did it first didn't they, and some of those were pretty good I thought.


                        It was fresh and new when they did it. It's a bit tired now.


                          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                          I've a worrying suspicion we're going to start getting stories about 'how Tron was supposed to be a trilogy all along...'
                          I really hope not. They should worry about just getting one movie right.


                            New trailer in HD here

                            And they've already announced that they're working on a Tron animation of sorts. There's an animated series hoping to be greenlit and coming in 2011 / 2012.


                              Looks amazing. December is too far away. I want to see this now.


                                I know I should be so hyped for this that it hurts but the trailer didn't really do anything for me. I guess the computer world is just reflecting how graphics have evolved but its not got that other-world-ness of the original. Even the Recogniser is now a real piece of hardware with proper little landing feet bits. Just putting glowing lines on things doesn't really do it for me.
                                Please, please let it be great!

