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I aint gettin on no plane (The A Team Movie!!)

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    I'm not sure, it looks ok but the guy playing B.A sounds nothing like T, still this will get my money in the cinema.


      Looks interesting but the proof will be in the pudding. You can't help but feel that Hollywood studios are stealing your childhood memories, simultaneously bringing them back to life and trading on the nostalgia whilst potentially ruining them, all at once.

      Then again, it's an A-Team film!


        I never watched the Transformers films for that very reason. I didn't wanna run the risk.


          This looks brilliant. Can't wait til June.


            I was a big A Team fan, and still am, and this is actually looking like it might be pretty good.

            They seem to have a good chance of doing this right, with some good names, Ridley Scott, music by Alan Silvestri (Predator etc), and the cast seem pretty good as well. Lets hope it turns out good :P


              That black guy is just not Mr. T is he.

              This is not the A-Team. This is a movie based on the themes featured in the A-Team.


                Rampage can't be Mr T so no point trying, I think your view of this will depend on whether you can get over that, and the same issue with Howling Mad and Face, Hannibal is probably the most replaceable of the 3.

                Taken as a no brainer action film could be good, just have to wipe Mr T from my mind as that's a once in a lifetime special childhood memory than can never be bettered - just like the new Star Wars after 20 years of waiting for them.


                  Do you think they'll do Rampage ice lollies?
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    They'd need to have mysterious black slime all over them to be authentic.



                      A tank falls from a plane that is blown up, parachutes engage and the guy uses the turret to blow up the other plane!

                      That is ridiculous, but i loved watching it!


                        A second trailer for The A-Team. The A-Team follows the exciting and daring exploits of a colorful team of former Special Forces soldiers who were set up for a crime they did...

                        I'm surprised no one has posted this new trailer yet. The first trailer didn't really do much for me but this one really makes me want see it now.


                          I don't know anything about the A-Team but that looks AWESOME!


                            Yeah, i thought the first clip was tosh but that looks really good.


                              It looks great fun. I for one can't wait.


                                Watched this on Friday night. Very good and much better than i expected it to be. Hannibal, Faceman and Murdoch are all well played by Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper (in particular) and the dude out of District 9.

                                The guy playing BA is a bit lifeless and just doesn't have the personality of Mr T, but on the whole its a good watch and really funny in parts.

                                There were bits in the story I would have liked to have seen elaborated on tho but it doesn't really detract from what is a 90 min no brainer action film.

                                All it needed was the A-Team music other than the bit that plays in the prison in the middle.

                                Well worth a watch though

