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I aint gettin on no plane (The A Team Movie!!)

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    Hmmm... glad you liked it. The silliness of the tank bit in the trailer made my spider-sense tingle.

    I'm hearing that Rampage Jackson mumbles all of his lines.
    He needs to quit his jibber-jabber...


      I saw the trailer yesterday and it looks beyond awful. In the worst way possibile it looks exactly as I imagined. I really wish they would stop destroying stuff from my childhood


        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
        Hmmm... glad you liked it. The silliness of the tank bit in the trailer made my spider-sense tingle.

        I'm hearing that Rampage Jackson mumbles all of his lines.
        He needs to quit his jibber-jabber...
        The tank bit is actually very funny though totally stupid and a cracking action scene and nothing like the trailer portays it.

        Is that the BA actors name? Yeah, he is a bit rank as BA, but like i said it doesn't really affect the film as it moves along at breakneck pace.

        Also it really doesn't pay too much homage to the TV series other than having 4 blokes of the same name who haven't escaped from a maximum security prison and people actually get killed this time.

        Talking of trailers tho, I don't even have to watch the expendables to know it won't be better than this. Any film with a bunch of Mercenary pensioners who look like a bowling club on steroids and moronic Statham thrown in is going to be utter gash. Would have been a great idea 10 years ago though.
        Last edited by NemesiS; 16-07-2010, 12:22.


          Great fun film.

          As always, Carnahan fluffs his queues and can't hold things together with pacing and editing, but **** I think the guy's great - speaks his mind, which I really admire. The action lacks flow, but it's a lot of fun. The tank bit - I thought the trailer was crazy, but it gets crazier, lol.

          Saw it with a good crowd who all had a good time, lots of laughter even at the small lines that could have been ignored. The kind of crowd where joy is infectious. Good to see.

          Sharlto may actually be the real deal. Brilliant in District 9, and ****ing excellent in this as a very different character - wondered after D9 if that was his schtick, but the guy's got chops and if he carries on picking the right scripts, he'll be huge.

          Got to give this 4/5. The best fun action flick this summer, so far.


            Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
            Talking of trailers tho, I don't even have to watch the expendables to know it won't be better than this. Any film with a bunch of Mercenary pensioners who look like a bowling club on steroids and moronic Statham thrown in is going to be utter gash. Would have been a great idea 10 years ago though.
            I feel totally opposite, A Team did not impress me, saw it the other day and its not bad but its lacking the raw action that The Expendables seems to have, for me the Trailer to the expenadles was better that the whole A-Team movie.


              Originally posted by Matt View Post
              Sharlto may actually be the real deal. Brilliant in District 9, and ****ing excellent in this as a very different character - wondered after D9 if that was his schtick, but the guy's got chops and if he carries on picking the right scripts, he'll be huge.
              I completely agree with this, Sharlto was by far the best thing in the film. Very watchable and probably the only character I would want to see the sequel for.

              Not that I didn't find the film entertaining, because I did, but it was pretty forgetable. Much, much better than I was expecting though!


                Watched this on Wednesday night. Absolutely loved it. Pure brainless fun with loads of giggles.


                  Must echo the positive thoughts - just came back from watching and I reckon it's easily one of my films of the year thus far, really hit the spot after being totally bemused by Inception on Wednesday.

                  Wasn't sure the best guy was chosen for BA though - seems like the casting director just went ahead and plucked out the nearest black guy for his hard as nails sounding name as opposed to his more physical traits. Mr T had such a commanding presence in the show, you had badguys shatting their pants when he came for them, this guy just made me laugh, but not always for the right reasons!


                    Really really enjoyed this, the humour and action is pitched perfectly. Perfectly realised considering the source material, never spotted it but according to the end credits Dirk Benedict had a cameo too. Shame this is one film that really isn't going to have a sequel.


                      It was great, great fun.


                        I really enjoyed the film, and I could watch it again........ put a smile on my face.

                        I liked the way they

                        talked over the plan of the mission whilst it was actually happening, saved a lot of unnecessary film time

                        I got to say though........ Jessica Biel in all that tOIght clothing........ Ai-yai-yai........



                          This was a well executed action film. Had the right balance of swearing, violence and buddy buddy banter. Yes BA was a little wooden and Face featured a little too heavily for my liking but anyone looking for a massive homage will be left disappointed.

                          You should go into it up for a laugh and your brain in neautral, you'll enjoy it more. The cast looked like they were having a good time making the film, even those annoying orange wednesday adverts were improved by having them in it.
                          Last edited by bash; 03-08-2010, 09:20. Reason: your mum


                            I hated this, it had no story, the pacing was all over the place, and it was devoid of anything resembeling decent dialogue or characters.

                            It was horribley made too, the action scenes were all close ups and quick cuts and completely did my head in. They were also largley uninspired, the only memorable one was with the tank falling out of the sky, but then that was just plain daft and i couldnt help but shake my head at the whole thing.

                            Nesson and Cooper did their best but even their charismatic charms couldnt save this from being possibley the worst movie of the Summer, The Losers was 50 times better than this disapointing mess.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 03-08-2010, 10:41.


                              I saw this was on sky this week and against my better judgement I decided to watch it. I lasted 20 minutes before I put it off in sheer disgust. Awful in every way and it was like a spoof sketch of how an A-Team film may be reimagined for a new audience. I usually give films more of a chance, but there was no way I was subjecting myself to any more of it than I had to. I was actually cringing at the sheer cheesyness of the whole thing. "Pity" and "Fool" tattoos? Liam Neeson doing a horrible Hannibal impression, and to add insult to injury a B.A. that had less screen pressence than one of Mr T's feather earings.

                              My main problem was that the four main actors didn't try to put there own spin on the characters, but instead tried to emulate Peppard and co, and it just came off as embarrassing. I really don't see how this film ever made it past the drunken idea stage.


                                The film only gets worse from there.

                                The action scenes are absolubtley horrible jarring messes and theres is virtualy zero plot for the entire film.

                                Its pretty excruciating the entire way through, its hard to belive so many people seemed to enjoy what is such a bad film really.

                                Its one of the worst big budget action films that Hollywood has ever made, and thats saying alot becuase they have made some bad ones.

