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    now i enjoy the '........ got talent' tv shows especially during the start because there is some funny stuff and last night series 7 of America's got talent started and there was an act called Team iluminate - just watch the vid, thought it was incredible

    Last edited by buster_broon; 30-05-2012, 08:57.


      Now House has finished forever (sob) Castle is the best thing on TV bar none.


        watched a few episodes of the series awake ...really really good stuff shame there will not be a second season


          been watching the series arrow quite enjoing it very different to the comics.American horror story;the asylum possibly the most depressing show i have ever seen


            was over my dads browsing though channels and was suprised to come across a new series of yes prime minister and...its not that good they made a MAJOR mistake as having new actors to play the old characters rather then just creating new roles ....had a few chuckles but really just a pale imitation


              Not often that remakes surpass the originals is it sadly. Something you'd think they would have a grip on by now.

              I watched "Speed Dreams" last night, was on TV while ago about five groups of people making bikes etc in their garages and taking them to the Salt Lakes to try and beat records, interesting stuff. Shame they all failed in their attempts but hey they all had a great time!


                Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                Not often that remakes surpass the originals is it sadly. Something you'd think they would have a grip on by now.
                I wouldn't say that ... BSG far surpasses the original ...


                  Old eps of Peep Show, not in order. Weirdly, I've barely rewatched any of them, despite owning boxsets n' stuff, the only DVD of theirs I own(ed) I've actually watched was Magicians, and boy was that pap. I thought the older, mid-series eps might be one-shot wonders but it's really rather nicely quirky, innit, it's a pleasure to be in their little world. Yeah, it's relaxing to me, I like it.


                    Yup American Horror Story Asylum is a mess, the show winds me up as surely any show with the word Horror in the title should contain some at some point.

                    Watching Season 9 of The Office US, felt off at first but getting settled in for the final run now and enjoying it. Season 3 of Walking Dead tok which is an improvement, just the one character I hate now.


                      Anyone else watching the current seasons of Californication and House of Lies, finding them both pretty disappointing, such a shame after last years seasons were great.
                      Good to have Walking Dead back this week.


                        Really enjoying Ricky Gervais' Derek. It's not at all what I expected, and I don't think Gervais is particularly convincing at playing a simpleton or whatever the correct term is (he looks like someone pretending to be mentally impaired, as opposed to someone who's actually mentally impaired) but it's quite a heartfelt show, and the way his 'simple' character is often more in tune with the truth than other more 'intelligent' people around him is often true to life in my experience.


                          I never watched it when it was on telly, but I've finally managed to start watching Spooks.

                          We took down the first series pretty fast (only six episodes) and finished the second series last night. It was such a cliff-hanger that we watched the first episode of series three!

                          We're watching it through the PS3 on LoveFilm and it's great television!


                            There is a new American Sci-Fi show starting on Channel 5 at 10pm tonight, "Under The Dome", it has been on for about eight weeks in America and is good so far, has been renewed for a second season too. Is an adaption of the Stephen King book.


                              Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                              There is a new American Sci-Fi show starting on Channel 5 at 10pm tonight, "Under The Dome", it has been on for about eight weeks in America and is good so far, has been renewed for a second season too. Is an adaption of the Stephen King book.
                              Good shout! I read and enjoyed the novel and heard 5 were showing the TV version, but didn't know when it started.

                              I'll check it out, thanks.


                                Anyone else here watch Fast N' Loud or Street Outlaws?
                                (they're two American car shows), on Discovery Channel over here I think.

