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Blu-Ray Best Of The Best - for discussing releases only

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    Aye same here now!

    I'm surprised Movietyme still serve me tbh. A while ago (talking probably 5-6 years) - my mate ordered Office Space from them and it was taking AGES to arrive so he emailed them asking where it was. He got a reply saying "It should be hitting your postal system very shortly". He forwarded it onto to me and I replied back to him saying "Thats a bit of a odd way of saying 'its in the post!'". Except I hadn't replied back to him, I'd replied back to Movietyme by mistake!


      They're a good bunch at MT, used em' since I started using the interweb I think, so it's been a while.

      Not wanting to jinx it, but the BD stuff I've had from em' has arrived in a timely fashion, so I'd expect 300 early next-week sometime.


        I'm sure it will be, but will 300 (Bluray) definitely be region-free? Any reason to expect it to be locked to Region A?

        I watched The Rock recently - fantastic image in places, but sometimes dips in quality. Very, very, good overall though. And it's an awesome film


          My 300 has shipped too. Not bad considering it isn't released until the 27th or some such. Never saw it at the cinema (don't really like 'em) but Zack Snyders Dawn of the Dead was sweet so I'm looking forward to this.

          Got "The Host" from MT yesterday (took 2 days to get here fast!) It looks very nice, not "awwwwesome" but certainly a nice jump over DVD.

          I was quite worried about how it would look as most "big" Asian cinema releases have a paltry budget when compared to US films. Certainly looking at a lot of the Tartan DVD stuff I own doesn't really look too hot to be honest; Grainy transfers and the like.

          Mmm, there's a thought; Battle Royale (me fave film...ever) or In The Mood For Love / Room 2046 (up there in my top 10 certainly) combo on Blu-ray.


            Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
            Got "The Host" from MT yesterday (took 2 days to get here fast!)
            If its one of their in stock ones then they come from down the road from me in Staffordshire.


              Finally had my District B-!3 turn up along with the remastered Fifth Element, which looks very nice


                Worth getting Fifth Element if you have the Superbit DVD? Love that film.


                  it's much better quality (I have the suberbit one as well)


                    Just got back from working away to find 300, The Host and the departed have all arrived.

                    Had a quick butchers at The Host, looks fantastic!!


                      The remastered FIFTH ELEMENT has turned up today. It's a very mixed bag (what a great film though).

                      I made the mistake of looking at one of the special effects shots first, which look pretty bad - sharpened to hell and without much detail at all. I'm not sure if that's just a problem with the way the film was made though but I get the idea that whoever's put the master together has tried to sharpen them to make them look more impressive.

                      And then bizarrely, things go back to looking pretty good, not amazing, but good. It's a really difficult one to rate because it changes around so much. It's still not brilliantly detailed and to be honest it looks the same as the shots I've seen of the old version, only with added edge enhancement. I don't think it's actually any more detailed, you could get the same effect from turning up the Sharpening on your TV set with the old version.

                      There are fewer compression artefacts though (MPEG4 vs MPEG2).

                      It'll be interesting to see what Pathe use for their HD DVD because so far this film has had a High Definition mediocrity curse. You forget what it looks like soon enough though, as I said... great film.
                      Last edited by Lyris; 23-07-2007, 17:42.


                        My 300 arrived this morning from Movietyme - no problems with delivery here! For those wondering, there are no region's marked on the back of the box - not even Region A! My guess is that it's probably region free, but unfortunately I've no way of checking.


                          Great stuff, hope mine is waiting for me.

                          It's a Warner's disc, so it'll be region-free.


                            Just watched the Fifth Element last night, forgot what a great film it was. I wonder when we'll see a new version come out that's truly made from a brand-new master to take full advantage of Blu-ray (or HD DVD). It'll end up being many people's first HD triple-dip I'd imagine


                              Just had a quick flick through 300 to see what the quality's like. It's very... grainy. Reminds me of the picture on Miami Vice. I dunno if that's a good thing or not!


                                It was quite grainy in the IMAX if memory serves.

                                Anywhere doing District B13 and The Host cheap on BD at all?

