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Spartacus: Blood and Sand

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    Spartacus: Blood and Sand

    Is anyone watching this? I can't believe there is no thread for this. Absolutely top show. I think it is the best thing on. Opening episode was a bit meh, but keep going, it gets really good.

    I saw the presentation for it at SDCC last year, seemed promising... wasn't sure when it was going to be broadcast over in the US... might have to look in the usual places
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      is this new Rome ? Just asking.


        The only thing they have in common is the same setting (and copious amounts of nudity). The stories are completely different. I was skeptical after the first episode but it has really come in to it's own so far.


          Started watching this just over a week ago and have caught up with all the episodes available so far. It has definately got better with each episode. But what was up with the blood effects this week they seemed different.


            Just add the blu ray boxset on basket even it is not released yet. So I don't forget.

            I love Roman stuff


              I've been watching it. Am up to about episode 6 now. Lot of naughty bits.


                Watched the first couple of episodes based on the recommendations in this thread..and last night finished the first series. After the poor opener it really does get better and better, in fact it becomes surprisingly good towards the end with some nicely acted and scripted scenes. John Hannah is the star of the show for me, he revels in the script and delivers a superbly charamastic performance. Many of the characters become much more developed than I ever thought a show about gladiators could ever managed.

                It certainly earns it's adult rating though! A good surprise and I've flown through the first series, more please! (although I've read the guy who plays Spartacus is very ill and the second series has been put on hold )


                  Second series is on hold due to the guy being ill, but apparently they're hoping to keep the momentum and do a prequel series instead. Presumably with a different cast.


                    how many episodes in series one guys? I've seen up to 12 atm.


                      You have one more to go.


                        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                        You have one more to go.
                        TY Pete, wish it was more.


                          I watched an episode with my wife!!! Anyone else brave enough to do that? It was the "Whore" episode... she only seemed fussed when there was a bit of violence


                            jupiters cock !

                            watched first 4 episodes and its like a cross between Rome and 300, but not necessarily taking the best bits from either.

                            dialogue is pretty ropey and seems quite slow, not Wire deep slow but just shallow lack of budget slow.

                            that said quite enjoyable (mainly for the hotties) but nothing great.


                              Keep going, it's about to get better

