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Spartacus: Blood and Sand

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    see bravo has picked it up "coming soon" ads running


      finished this now in a 5 episode binge last night lasting til 3am and can confirm it does indeed pick up once past the first few episodes.

      I really liked it and was left looking forward to a 2nd series, which I now understand is on hold due to the lead actors ill health.

      its not the Wire or Sopranos but fell into that good 2nd tier of very watchable drivel nicely.


        The prequel begins filming this summer... Apparently just six episodes


          Seems Xena and John Hannah will be in it, as well as Spartacus himself!


            Does this have 50 Cent in it?


              Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
              Does this have 50 Cent in it?
              Sigh......... You need a better role model.........



                Wrong Blood and Sand... (not he's not )


                  Bloody hell

                  TV's Spartacus: Blood and Sand star Andy Whitfield will not be returning to the Starz series for a second season, due to a recurrence of cancer that will require aggressive treatment, the network has announced.


                    That's a shame . Hope the guy gets well, at first I thought he was just there to be oggled at, but I think he's actually not a bad actor by the end.

                    Loved the first series. There's something quite refreshing about loads of violence, breasts, shagging and use of the c-bomb in a TV series. Should have been called Spartacus: Blood and Boobs and Bonking and Bad Language.


                      Really enjoyed the first season, it ended in a completely epic manor. Its a shame about what has happened to him, Cancer is bad enough once, nevermind twice. I guess a proper second season was never meant to be becuase without him it wont be the same.




                          I have just finished watching this. After the first couple of episodes I would have been embarassed to tell anyone I was watching it to be honest, but it developed into an absolutely incredible show. It's amazing how even the 'bad guy' characters had their moments where you were rooting for them towards the end.

                          I suppose the ending was inevitable but I was kind of sad to see how it turned out.

                          I never liked John Hannah before this either, now I think he's awesome.


                            Preview of the prequel, Gods of the Arena, which starts on Friday!

                            Season two has also been confirmed but with a different lead.


                              By jupiters cock, episode 1 of the new series was great! Thought it wouldn't be as good being a prequal but with all the familiar faces around it's all good. Max from Neighbours is in it and Mrs "pardon my tits" from Dexter


                                That was great, just as ott as the original and just as funny too!

                                Max from neighbours, lol. Quite the change of role!

