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The Amazing Spiderman

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    I agree with the comments about the web cartridges. He?s just an above average parkour guy with MMA skills without his web power.


      Originally posted by Kit View Post
      I agree with the comments about the web cartridges. He’s just an above average parkour guy with MMA skills without his web power.
      Thats like saying batman isnt a real superhero becuase he has to make his own gadgets, Peter Parkers still has alot more super powers than Bruce Wayne even without a web slinging ability, infact he still has more super powers than alot of superheroes.

      Plus spiderman has always been about him balancing his responsibilties with his teenage life and stuff, maintaining the mechanical web stuff just adds to that i feel.

      I havent really been taking much notice of this for some reason, Is this actualy gonna be based more on Ultimate Spiderman then or what?

      I ask becuase ultimate spiderman is by far the best Spiderman comic series ever written.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 14-01-2011, 12:01.


        If he was able to make his own webs as a spider power, it would only make sense if he shot them out his ass.


          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
          Thats like saying batman isnt a real superhero becuase he has to make his own gadgets, Peter Parkers still has alot more super powers than Bruce Wayne even without a web slinging ability, infact he still has more super powers than alot of superheroes.
          Batman’s gadgets are realistic and his foes don't have superpowers. Trying to push that angle with Spiderman doesn’t work as well as a rapid fire web grappling hook that can support the weight of 170lb man while he swings through New York doesn‘t exist.


            Originally posted by Kit View Post
            Batman’s gadgets are realistic and his foes don't have superpowers. Trying to push that angle with Spiderman doesn’t work as well as a rapid fire web grappling hook that can support the weight of 170lb man while he swings through New York doesn‘t exist.
            Batmans tech isnt really realistic, Ive never seen anyone throwing exploding Batarangs about in real life anyway. The realism level of both characters stories is often quite simular Gotham City is verymuch like New york city and the villians in spiderman are actualy quite simular to the ones in batman, they are mainly all created from scientiic accidents or somthing simular, some batman villians do have super powers, for instance Catwoman is often depicted as having Feline like super powers and Bane has super sytength, and I wouldnt call killer Croc normal either would you?

            If youre trying to tell me that Spiderman is set In the real world, well id say you are wrong, its set in Marvel world, where they have all different kinds of superheroes, some have powers and some make their own.
            Last edited by rmoxon; 14-01-2011, 13:05.


              Please everyone, lets not get into the whole "well its not realistic really because. . blar de blar de blaar"

              we're talking about comic books and movies FFS



                question for any comic book buffs...there ever been times where spiderman really let loose

                Always got the impression especially in comic books he was a bit nerfed as such and holding back


                  Depending on the version it is then from my perspective I'd be happy to say that Batman is a hero rather than a superhero. For me a superhero has to have the extra abilities that defy those of other humans which Batman lacks. However, I find it's that lack of 'super' to his character that makes him so appealing and often find the enemies he faces that are interpreted too literally like Croc being an actual Croc weakens the appeal. Of course then there's the risk of making it too real like I found DKnight to be. Keep it gothic

                  That said, I've never found the grounded style to appeal with Spiderman. Still it's early days for this version and it doesn't look yet like they're straying too far from the style of the Raimi ones overall. Probably scared of losing the existing audience. I hope they steer clear of anything Goblin related though, it became such a chore of a storyline in the other 3.


                    Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                    Depending on the version it is then from my perspective I'd be happy to say that Batman is a hero rather than a superhero. For me a superhero has to have the extra abilities that defy those of other humans which Batman lacks. However, I find it's that lack of 'super' to his character that makes him so appealing and often find the enemies he faces that are interpreted too literally like Croc being an actual Croc weakens the appeal.

                    That said, I've never found the grounded style to appeal with Spiderman. Still it's early days for this version and it doesn't look yet like they're straying too far from the style of the Raimi ones overall. Probably scared of losing the existing audience. I hope they steer clear of anything Goblin related though, it became such a chore of a storyline in the other 3.
                    I mostly agree on Batman yeah, Killer Croc deffinitley isnt the greatest Batman villian, but I was just giving an example of one of the more extreame (or well sillier) villians really.

                    However the whole thing about spiderman is that the story IS grounded, its more about the Peter Parker than it is about Spiderman really, always has been no matter which version of the character you look at. As such it needs to be grounded in reality which is why the mechanical web slinging thing is in no way a problem and actualy adds to it.


                      Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                      However, I find it's that lack of 'super' to his character that makes him so appealing and often find the enemies he faces that are interpreted too literally like Croc being an actual Croc weakens the appeal.
                      Have you read that recent Joker book? I didn't like it as much as everyone else seemed to, but I thought the way they did Croc in that was pretty cool.


                        To be honest that picture looks exactly the same as the old Spiderman. I don't want to be watching half the movie with Spiderman wearing the costume but not the mask, there was too much of that when Toby Maquire did it and it just looks naff.

                        I also hope we get a lot more 'real' shots or at least far better CG for the acrobatic Spiderman stuff.






                              lmao, that isn't from the new film surely.


                                Come back Tobey, all is forgiven!

                                For the love of God those can't be genuine shots

                                The guy in the last screen does look rather happy he has Andrew Garfield sitting on his face though, hmmm....

