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The Amazing Spiderman

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    I wonder if that's what the silver slippers are for? Maybe he takes them off when climbing?


      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
      I think his hands are so sticky that they soak through the cloth and make that sticky too. Though that dosent sound too pleasent.
      He's a teenager in this so it's probably his most realistic ability


        Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
        Am i the only one who thinks Mechanical Web Shooters are rediculous. If hes that intelligent to make something as amazing as that, he would have created something before he got bit and made some dough. Hes no Tony Stark.
        I've always thought that since the arguments around the natural ones in the first film. I know just about nothing concerning the comics, so do not know the arguments for and against. As you say, though, "making them" is stupid, should be a natural attribute imo.


          I think now that the "genius intellect levels" have kinda been ranked/sorted out in the Marvel universe (I think Mr Fantastic is at the top with Banner 2nd and Parker not far behind) Its meant as a justfier in comic world.

          Not sure if this isnt going to follow the Ultimate Spiderman line which had something to do with Parkers parents being scientists which kinda is the whole reason he's "gifted" and discovers kool new stuff. For instance they created the "Venom" suit (along with Eddie Brocks parents) as a method to cure cancer that obviously didnt go well.

          Seriously, if you try and explain and justify everything in The Matrix, Inception, Transformers and ESPECIALLY COMIC BOOK MOVIES, you'll go mad. You need to just know what it is and accept it.


          Also I told you lot the official pics would look a lot better than the obvious awful stunt/practical suit. I think it looks great. They need to reboot this as Raimis version became stale and bored IMO, there was no point in making a part 4 as otherwise they'd be stuck with his canon.
          Last edited by bash; 15-02-2011, 20:41.


            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
            No. Mechanical web shooters I'm okay with. Sticking to a wall with his boots and gloves on? That, I'm not so sure about.
            Possible explanation:

            Personally, I was ultimately pretty disappointed by Raimi's Spidey movies - they don't hold up well to repeat viewings. But I think this is going the slightly more orthodox route of sticking to the comic with Gwen and the mechanical shooters. I'm hoping Webb delivers.


              Originally posted by bash View Post
              I think now that the "genius intellect levels" have kinda been ranked/sorted out in the Marvel universe (I think Mr Fantastic is at the top with Banner 2nd and Parker not far behind) Its meant as a justfier in comic world.

              Not sure if this isnt going to follow the Ultimate Spiderman line which had something to do with Parkers parents being scientists which kinda is the whole reason he's "gifted" and discovers kool new stuff. For instance they created the "Venom" suit (along with Eddie Brocks parents) as a method to cure cancer that obviously didnt go well.

              Seriously, if you try and explain and justify everything in The Matrix, Inception, Transformers and ESPECIALLY COMIC BOOK MOVIES, you'll go mad. You need to just know what it is and accept it.


              Also I told you lot the official pics would look a lot better than the obvious awful stunt/practical suit. I think it looks great. They need to reboot this as Raimis version became stale and bored IMO, there was no point in making a part 4 as otherwise they'd be stuck with his canon.
              But you do realise a reboot means they have to start again right?

              Reboots can be good, they work in comics all the time, but the first few issues are usualy a chore to read. These are movies, we only get about 1 of them every 2 years, that means that this will be a film where weve seen at least half of what happens in it in the previous movie, We have to wait another 2 years to see somthing we havent seen, and even then it probabaly wont be the case.

              Another thing they do in comics alot is simply contuinue a story with different artists or writers and it gives them a fresh approach. Theres no reason they couldnt do that kind of thing with the New Spiderman film, as I dont think Reboots work well for movies unless its been many years since the original version came out.

              Spiderman came out in 2002, Which makes this film the equiliant of remaking The Bourne Identity or 28 days later.

              And why the hell would anyone do that?
              Last edited by rmoxon; 15-02-2011, 22:00.


                But you just said yourself, comics come out all the time and these are . . . . . COMIC BOOK MOVIES. If the studios are gonna bring new people on board then they may as well reboot, especially if the existing franchise is showing signs of decay. To be honest, Raimis trilogy rounded itself off nicely with the Goblin/Mary Jane love triangle. Oh sure, they could've carried on doing countless sequels featuring the return of Venom and introduce Carnage (what'd be the point? They were pants to begin with) as well as The Lizard. Tobey Maguire would've collected his massive cheque to get toned up every 2 years and continue to destroy Peter Parkers character. Thank god we've seen the last of his sorry old mop face.

                Anyway, have you not seen the reboot of hulk? All the exposition was pretty much done in the opening credits so chill win stun!


                  Originally posted by bash View Post
                  But you just said yourself, comics come out all the time and these are . . . . . COMIC BOOK MOVIES. If the studios are gonna bring new people on board then they may as well reboot, especially if the existing franchise is showing signs of decay. To be honest, Raimis trilogy rounded itself off nicely with the Goblin/Mary Jane love triangle. Oh sure, they could've carried on doing countless sequels featuring the return of Venom and introduce Carnage (what'd be the point? They were pants to begin with) as well as The Lizard. Tobey Maguire would've collected his massive cheque to get toned up every 2 years and continue to destroy Peter Parkers character. Thank god we've seen the last of his sorry old mop face.

                  Anyway, have you not seen the reboot of hulk? All the exposition was pretty much done in the opening credits so chill win stun!
                  But the reboot of the Hulk wasnt really a reboot becuase as you say, the origin story was just shown in the opening credits as a recap, it was actualy just a sequel with a different lead, this film wont be like that, we have to spend the whole first half of this film watching him turn into spiderman, AGAIN.

                  I know that youre not actualy alone in wanting reboots, but I dont understand why people feel like they are needed in films, Comic books have rich worlds, they can build upon those worlds with films, but if youre telling the same story over and over again you cnat do that can you?

                  The Batman reboot is one exception, it has worked really well becuase the origin story was never done before Batman Begins was made. But they are even talking about rebooting that AGAIN, WHY?. Why not just carry on? How many times do we need to see Bruce Waynes Parents get killed in flashback sequences that take up a quarter of the film?, its ridiculous.

                  What this current rise in popularity of rebooting franchises does is not only show a lack of imagination from the film makers, but from the auidences as well.
                  Last edited by rmoxon; 15-02-2011, 23:20.


                    I would be OK with a reboot of something after a long time has passed. Otherwise, I don't really see the need unless a film was a dismal failure in all aspects. Take for example, the Bond films, they get a new actor every few films but don't have to re-do the origin story every time.


                      James Vanderbilt, who penned the script for the upcoming franchise reboot “The Amazing Spider-Man” at Sony Pictures, has already begun work on the sequel says The Hollywood Reporter. Vanderbilt had a meeting with the filmmakers and studio yesterday to talk about his take. He scored the go-ahead and will now begin writing, even though the […]

                      Scripting has started on the sequel already



                        New costume shots and confirmation that the trailer will be launching alongside Captain America


                          Looking forward to this, I just pray they get the right balance and timing of the constant tragedy and quick witted humour that is so intrinsic in any Spiderman story IMHO.



                            Loads more pics, hopes improving...


                              saw some pictures of the mechanical web shooters....which i know is closer to the comics but i have this horrible feeling there will be a "oh no just run out of web fluid " moments


                                I wonder how soon Gwen and Uncle Ben will die in this . . . . Ben probably early on but they might save Gwens death for the goblin I guess.

