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Green Lantern Movie Trailer

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    Flash would be 2nd tier to me, maybe third. We all know what I mean by Household Names. The real big brands. Coca Cola, Mickey Mouse, Superman. Believe me, Flash isn't in that list, lol

    Marval have done an exceptional job with their properties for all kinds of reasons, and they keep hiring surprising directors to give things a fresh taste - to date, their films aren't carbon copies. Warner need to do the same for DC, but I think the DC lot are harder to move to the screen. Most Marval guys are somehow man made, be it literally (Iron Man) or through some man made accident (everyone else). It makes it easier to get the origin story working for the audience. Maybe because they're not as fantastical.

    Saying that, they done a fine job on Thor, which is a very left of field character and one I personally didn't think would translate to the big screen.


      I think Batman and Superman are big enough cash cows for WB/DC but agreed, GL, wonder woman, martian manhunter and flash are tougher sells.


        Surely only because they weren't the repeated stars of hit TV shows and cartoon series.

        If anybody wants a laugh, get hold of the Justice League movie that was made in the 90's. 'twas amazingly bad


          Site's across the net are fascinating. As a shot in the arm for potential DVD sales user opinion seems much better than the critics were, IGN is hilarious though. The site runners have been practically trolling their own site with features etc relating to how much they think the film sucks and on the latest one the user comments are laying into them hard for it. If readers continue to take a softer take on the film I wonder if a few of the sites will soften their opinion in time, like when some reviewers slated GTA3 back in the day then tried to back peddle when it became clear their readers didn't agree, lol


            So anyway, as a comic book fan, should I go and see GL? Not a fan of the character really but I'm more of a dc guy than marvel.


              Originally posted by bash View Post
              The Flash doesnt have a good villan line up or interesting enough story to do well on the big screen IMO.
              can you imagine captain boomerang on the big screen

              always say when it comes to dc the justice league animated series ( unlimited) would take a lot of beating they had some cracking storylines

              i reckon this film will be entertaining at the least....oh anyone seen the GL animated movie ?


                JLU animated series is probably the best western made cartoon series IMHO (maybe Avatar: the last airbender?). At the end of series 2 when Flash takes out Lex Luthor/Brainiac or the end of series 3 when Superman finally lets loose on Darkseid . . . . . . amazing stuff. We can only dream about these big screen movies having moments like those. Its probbly because of this series that all the Marvel movies are failing to live up to expectations.


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  Site's across the net are fascinating. As a shot in the arm for potential DVD sales user opinion seems much better than the critics were, IGN is hilarious though. The site runners have been practically trolling their own site with features etc relating to how much they think the film sucks and on the latest one the user comments are laying into them hard for it. If readers continue to take a softer take on the film I wonder if a few of the sites will soften their opinion in time, like when some reviewers slated GTA3 back in the day then tried to back peddle when it became clear their readers didn't agree, lol
                  The IGN boards are like that for everything thats reviewed on the site. The level of intellegnce on there is really low.


                    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                    The level of intellegnce on there is really low.
                    And that's just the staff! lol


                      Just back from this. Yeah, not much to say. Horrible start, some nasty CG work, a couple of decent one liners, too many characters, a high level of incompetence from an established director, some poor casting. Not a total failure, so a whopping 2 out of 5 from me.


                        Word across the net is that WB is brushing the films failings aside and proceeding with Green Lantern 2. Reign in the spending and up the action and it could be quite cool


                          Interesting, I hope they go all out this time. havent seen the film yet but I've heard the intergalactic space/star wars **** is all in the trailer and not really the main crux of the movie.


                            Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                            Word across the net is that WB is brushing the films failings aside and proceeding with Green Lantern 2. Reign in the spending and up the action and it could be quite cool
                            More action requires more CG

                            I'm surprised they're going ahead with this, and suspect we won't hear much more about it. It's a push to try and get interest up. Fact is it's dead now, Transformers 3 comes out this weekend, takes over all the 3D screens, and obliterates literally everything in it's path. GL is on $90m domestic, with a drop of 60%. It probably won't make $120m total. Unless it's getting POTC oversea figures, this is actually a big flop given the production and advertising costs. It's also a big critical flop

                            I could see them doing a kids version of Green Lantern. TBH, the film appeared that way, just remove a bit of the violence and you're away. They do it right, it's a merchandising / action figure dream.


                              I enjoyed it. But I like movies that don't make me think too much. 3.6/5 from me.

                              Naturally I guessed

                              how he did away with Parallax. They REALLY need to stop having spoilers of how the hero beats the villian. I would LOVE to see a movie where that doesn't happen.


                                With it being so CG heavy I imagine a sequel would be expensive but it seems like Warners pulled a Superman Returns with Green Lantern and allowed the budget to spiral upwards of what it needed to be. I reckon they could reign it in a lot, especially with a fairly Earth based installment. I know fans would love one that's space centric and very focused on Oa but it wouldn't surprise me if it's a little off putting to general audiences. I'd like to just have the simplicity of seeing GL saving the day etc for a bit whilst building up the Sinestro/Sapphire strands

