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What film have you watched more than any other?

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    Two Lane Blacktop


      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
      I could say all the obvious ones but after carefull consideration I'm gonna say The Last Boy Scout is the film I find most infintely rewatchable.

      Yes I'm sure many people will probably argue that Lethal Weapon was a better film, but shane blacks script for this one is absolubtley immense, delivering more one liners and quotable dialogue than ten films would have any right to contain, nevermind just one. Plus it's the only film outside the die hard franchise that fully captures what makes Bruce Willis one of the best action stars the world will ever see, both his everyman charm and badass charisma are both perfectly on show for all to see.
      For once I'm in agreement with you, rmoxon.

      Some superb dialogue and perfectly paced. My favourite part is when the camp baddy tries to scare Joe by holding a knife to his eye while saying:

      'just once... I'd like to hear you scream in pain!'


      Bruce Willis:' some rap music...'

