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The Amazing Spiderman 2

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    DJTickle, fair enough with your opinions but I think compared to Marvel Studio's recent efforts this pales in comprison. It was pleasant enough and the central performances were worthy but in all it was a very average Spiderman film. I long for the day when we can get a film of Spiderman 2's level of quality again.
    Last edited by Paddy; 17-04-2014, 18:09.


      I thought it average too. Took so long to set everything up then rushed to the end.

      Really like Garfield as Spidey...tho the PeterParker stuff was like a sappy Dawson's Creek knock off. Liked Electro but he was underused.
      Rhino was embarrassingly bad...Every second he was on screen was torture. Tho not as bad as the mad doctor!!

      Effects were great...the BIG story moment was really good too. Even made the baying mob of **** kids shut their mouths for 5 minutes!

      Plus I can sit through any film to see Emma Stone


        Just got back from this.

        I've seen all the Marvel films. This is the best one.

        Superb storytelling and I went in not knowing

        that Gwen dies.

        This is my favourite story arc in comic history. They changed a few bits obviously for visual effect and

        Harry killed her, not Norman.

        That didn't matter though.

        His father's death etc served no real purpose to the overall story and it was a bit too far fetched but what a spectacle the film is. Watch on a decent screen in 3D. Late with a decent audience!


          I saw this too, I quite enjoyed it despite all the villains being amazingly lame.

          Electro seemed to have 3 half finished motivations for going crazy.
          Rhino was rubbish
          Green Goblin was hysterical

          I really liked Electro's little musical moments, I wish they had have ran with that a little more.


            Finally saw it uninterupted and in full and really enjoyed it. It's better than the first film and I like the universe they're building.

            Bad guy wise Rhino was the weak link, less the suit and more the man. Goblin is rushed too but as Franco's is still fresh in mind I didn't mind them blitzing through that story. The real shame really is Electro, he's cool but not utilised right.

            The main issue is that whilst it sets up the universe for Sony it does so at the expense of control in this film. Could have done with being simpler and letting AS3 set up half this stuff. I'm assuming, given this shows much more Sinister Six stuff than it does Venom, that the Sinister Six spin-off is expected quickly as we have nods to all six of them in this.



              Avi Arad shoots down thoughts of a crossover with the Marvel Universe or X-Men series.

              Personally I'm past it. Most films struggle to balance all the characters let alone justifying the crossovers, there's little business room either.

              Say a crossover is lucky enough to be as big as Avengers, split that amongst the amount of companies involved at that point and theirprofits are likely less than now. Plus we know mutants don't and haven't existed in the Marvel Universe just as we know Spidey didn't know of the attack on New York with Loki etc, too much water under each franchises bridges to pull it off. That just leaves either some naff parallel universes storyline or Sony giving up the rights to Marvel who could then do a reboot into their universe. And we really, really don't need another reboot.

              Keep 'em all seperate.


                Part of me does kind of want to see Spiderman in The Avengers team at some point though. He's at his best when he becomes highly resourceful in his fights with villains which married with Spidey's acrobatic ability would be great to see.

                Suggested to my friend that AS3 might be the better film in the trilogy. If it doesn't improve on the last two then Mark Webb is not the right director for me going forward.
                Last edited by Paddy; 18-04-2014, 22:00.

