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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
    Not see The Hunger Games yet, as I fear it will pale next to Battle Royale.

    Has anybody seen The Giver yet? I loved the book!
    IMO there'sno comparison, BR is gritty and organic and not about any sptimistic BS.

    The HUnger Gaes is some stupid bull$hit in comparison, I don't know what the books were like, but the films are pure money-grab/milking tosh, and what happened to all the nonwhite people In Pantera or whatever it's called (the successor to North America)?

    Re: The Giver, it was poor. It died a flaming death in cinemas quite quickly.


      What? Hunger games was lame but I do remember it having black people in it.


        John Wick is looking pretty brutal. Keanu is taking no nonsense from anybody!


          The Wolf of Wall Street. Forgot that I had it on dvd. What a great film. Loved it.


            Watched Survival of the Dead. I like it. It's cheap and has some poor CG effects and some cringeworthy lines from a couple of poorly thought out characters but, for me, it has a lot more good than bad. Some great ideas, a lot of enjoyable moments, a few tense bits and a couple of great lead characters. Windem Earl is excellent in it. I think many of us felt that Romero had the ultimate zombie film in him and Land of the Dead could have been it but missed any opportunity for a strong ending. So we're still looking for that movie and Survival of the Dead is so far from being that movie. But removing that expectation and instead throwing it in with his earlier movies, I think this actually stands up pretty well.


              Windom Earle, the character from Twin Peaks? Do you mean the same actor or does someone actually have that name?

              Nvm, imdb provides the answer, its the same actor.

              I really like Land of the Dead, I dont know why everyone hated it so much. Havent seen this one.
              Last edited by Darwock; 24-10-2014, 23:59.


                For me, Land really fell down at the end. In a sense it was a victim of the expectations it created. It had a great cast, looked pretty polished, not limited by its budget and had some great moments. And I loved that we followed both a group of people and a group of zombies. And it felt like those two stories would converge into awesomeness at the end. But they didn't converge at all and that let me down. It felt like an unfinished story. That said, it did have a lot of great stuff.

                By contrast, Survival keeps its expectations low all the way through. It is clearly a very cheap movie and at no point did I expect it to get any less cheap. So it's a little easier to take it for what it is: a small little story about two factions on an island. It's worth checking out.


                  Diary of the Dead has that amazing CGI acid attack. Is it better than survival?

                  Zombie Clips- Diary of the Dead Acid Head:


                    I've only seen Diary once when it was released and I hated it at the time. Maybe I would reevaluate it if I saw it again but, until then, I'd say Survival is a lot better.

                    Survival has a couple of great gags like that. Check this one out -
                    Last edited by Dogg Thang; 25-10-2014, 09:05.


                      I got to see Song of the Sea today. It's incredible. Sets a new bar for animated films. It looks so beautiful, sounds wonderful and also has a strong story and interesting characters so it's not just the prettiness - it got me with the feels on a couple of occasions. Just about every element is strong. It is edging towards being a Ghibli film but with an identity all of its own. Whenever it gets a full release, see it in the cinema.

                      I want just about every frame as a piece of art for my wall.


                        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                        Watched Hackers last night. It's so 90s and the visualisation of the computers and hacking is hilariously awful but I still love the movie. I think it's the most '90s movie there is.
                        One of my favourite movies from the 90's. As you mentioned it's not really a great movie but the classic 90's music that takes you back and the likeable characters make it timeless for me. Did you know the game that dade was playing at Cyberdelia was a very early version of Wipeout modified to be more arcadey and appealing for the movie. I nearly went to see it in the Cinema as a 12yr old but just decided against it at the last minute as it was raining and i'd have to walk to the cinema which i couldn't be bothered to do. Looking back i wish i had.


                          Evil Dead and Oculus

                          Very pleasantly surprised by Oculus



                            Finally got round to seeing it. The premise is every man's worst nightmare compounded by the fact that there's only one Liam Neeson so we can't all react in that way.



                              I wanted the entire family to get killed after about ten minutes. They were all so unlikeable and then at the end that twat nearly kills everyone on the ship but is treated like a hero when he surives? wtf. It's his fault those people died!


                                Went to the Japan Film Fest today

                                Jiro Dreams of Sushi : Had seen it before. Not really impressed, I think some of my dislike stems from how much hipster love it gets.

                                Chef of South Polar : A fantastic film for anyone of any age. Sakai Masato is as charming as ever. Just one of those warm little films that tells its story well.

                                They gave out fee onigiri in the intermission but had to cut them in halves when turnout was full house, lol

