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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Watched the modern remake Echo yesterday. It's like E.T. with mobile phone adverts. Not a patch on the original, but good enough in isolation. Filmed Blair Witch stylee though, on smartphone cameras, so it wobbles around the whole time


      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
      Watched Grave of the Fireflies yesterday.

      From what people had told me about it I was expecting something that was genuinely distressing, this didn't prove to be the case.
      I don't know why people would describe it "distressing" (unless it means something else than I think). I'd describe it as an incredibly sad, but also very beautiful and touching film.


        Perhaps the word I was looking for was upsetting.


          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          I watched Under The Skin.

          It's as if they've taken any section of the book with exposition and replaced it with shots of Scarlett Johannson driving around Scotland in a van. The viewer is left to deduce a lot of what the hell is going on and make their own mind up.

          The book is quite clear that she's

          an alien sent to Earth by a rich corporation to kidnap humans and send them back to her home planet to be eaten as a rare delicacy

          , but none of this is revealed in the film.

          It was definitely an interesting watch, but I'm not in any hurry to see it again.
          Saw that was on Netflix and laughed it off. I keep forgetting the differences between Canadian and US netflix, Canadian has more Dreamworks, US has more old school Disney. It is indeed a whole new world*

          Any romcom recommendations?

          *Aladdin is not on either though.


            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
            Perhaps the word I was looking for was upsetting.
            I actually did find it quite distressing, just the sheer injustice of how two children from a loving home could end up in that situation through the actions of adults. The scene in the doctor's office was particularly hard to bear.

            The bit where the older brother wants to get close to his sister as they are sleeping and she rolls away from him is one of the few (if not the only) moments of cinema that I can honestly say has changed me.

            I'm not sure it's a movie you can fully digest the first time, especially if you have been 'pre-spoiled' by hype.


              Originally posted by Darwock View Post
              I actually did find it quite distressing, just the sheer injustice of how two children from a loving home could end up in that situation through the actions of adults. The scene in the doctor's office was particularly hard to bear.

              The bit where the older brother wants to get close to his sister as they are sleeping and she rolls away from him is one of the few (if not the only) moments of cinema that I can honestly say has changed me.

              I'm not sure it's a movie you can fully digest the first time, especially if you have been 'pre-spoiled' by hype.
              Yeah i agree with this, i personally found it desperately upsetting...

              Every non anime person i have ever watched this film with has been a total mess by the end.


                Rewatched Oblivion last night. I like that movie. It's one I regret not seeing in the cinema because of my dislike for Crazy Tom Cruise.


                  Pacific Rim. Still nonsense and fun.

                  Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                  Yeah i agree with this, i personally found it desperately upsetting...

                  Every non anime person i have ever watched this film with has been a total mess by the end.
                  Well, anime people don't exactly exist, so...


                    Lone Survivor - what a brutal film. All the main cast did an excellent job, a very well made movie.


                      Guardians of the Galaxy-Still a cracking film
                      Tangled-Enjoyable yet again but Frozen is the better film
                      Dracula Untold-Reasonable and the set up at the end was very LoS with potential but should have been better


                        Rewatched Moon last night. It's a wonderful film. Very sad and Sam Rockwell's performance is astounding. Looks and sounds beautiful too.


                          Some plot similarities between Moon and Oblivion, I felt. Did you see this too, seeing the films so close together, Dogg?

                          I saw You're Next last night and loved it.

                          It takes the horror clich? of a family terrorised by unknown assailants in a remote house and turns it on its head by having one of the victims tougher than the bad guys. The hunters become the hunted!

                          I was proper laughing at some of the black humour and a couple of the excellently gory deaths.

                          A refreshing change to the usual horror stories.


                            Definitely, QC. I was thinking that last night. One is the Hollywood version of the small indie other. Got to say, I love them both and both are notable for how distinct they look and sound.


                              Got round to watching Lucy

                              I haven't seen a movie so lean in ages, in a positive way, there's no extraneous chit chat or exposition and at 89 minutes its zips along. Lots of the Matrix in here, some decent driving and gunplay sequences, cant say its amazing but i effeminately enjoyed it a lot. Scarjo is as good as she's recently been, excellent.


                                Both very different films with different vibes and well worth seeing.

                                Oblivion had some of the best props and set design since The Fifth Element, for me. It all looked great.

                                Zowie Bowie's film appealed to the Thunderbirds fan in me with the use of practical models over CGI. I thought the score, courtesy of PWEI's Clint Mansell, was brilliant too and really set up the mysterious tone.

