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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Started nights and managed to catch a bit of Bunny and The Bull during quiet spots. Kinda thought it was OK first time around, maybe a bit "look at me, I'm amazingly weird!!!", it still felt a bit that way but I warmed to it more and can genuinely say it's worth a watch if you like oddball stuff, even if it's trying SO hard to be oddball. The 'milk' bit is still epic, and the bit with the bull I found quite clever (rather than pretentious) this time around. It's subtler than I remember, I 'get' the weird set design now (I didn't first time) because it correlates with the movie's subplot, it's quite clever. Certainly a one-off, anyway.


      Mean Girls 2. Made me laugh in a couple of places. In no way took itself seriously. In parts it was almost like a parody.

      Started watching Charlie's Angels and then quickly turned it off after remembering how utterly bad it was.

      Act of Valor was good, with the gunboat and stuff.


        21 Jump Street made me laugh far more than I expected. I also enjoyed the well placed cameo at the end. Perfect Saturday night film really.


          Went to see the new Oz film.

          Against my expectations, I LOVED it. Mainly due to Franco, it feels like a stoner comedy at times.


            So basically 'la femme nikita' in a different setting, don't get me wrong its enjoyable enough, but we have seen this all before one way or the other from Besson.

            It just seemed to be an excuse for Saldana to get her kit off, wear tight clothes (without a bra) & kill people. Its a damn good excuse if you ask me! But as stated its hardly original which does hold it back from being something special.

            Worth a watch though and not a bad film by any means.


              My recent Lovefilm subscirption has allowed me to blaze through a few films as they don't seem to want to send me game rentals anymore.

              Watched Super last week with my mum, little strange but interesting and low-budget all the same. Also watched Snow White & The Huntsman on Sunday which looked nice but meandered too much and wasted its potential. Saw The Bourne Legacy and that was better paced for a film of the same length, same antics as the previous 3 films but with a new character (go figure).

              It made me chortle how often Jeremy Renner carries a backpack in that film. Makes him look like a tacky tourist more than a government program-reared agent
              Last edited by Paddy; 26-03-2013, 21:06. Reason: proper smilies


                Brave came on tonight while I was hungover on the couch. Have to say I really enjoyed it, not sure why it gets so much stick.


                  Is "Tangled" any good? Ok for young kids?


                    my daughter absolutely loves Rapunzel and tangled must be her favourite but toy story 3 seems to be catching up (she is 2)

                    as an adult (at times) I like tangled, its funny and some of the songs are acers plus the animation is top notch

                    as for Brave Colin me old 'national' chum, 'them' just don't get it if you know what I mean

                    I like it, its a cute wee movie (Brave) which I didn't expect anything from and it swept the boards during awards season including the Oscar plus my daughter is a ginger haired cheeky munkie so I think she relates to Merida


                      V for Vendetta

                      Why haven't I seen this film before now, Crazy, excellent film though in pretty much every regard, although it does take itself a little too seriously. I love the fact that Hugo Weaving can put in such a good performance and you never see his face (well kinda in one scene). He is a genius it has to be said, and its another film that Portman is excellent in too. The transformation half way through that she goes through both in her character and obviously in reality is quite shocking, fair play to her I can't see many other actresses wanting to go through that.

                      You can see why 'anonymous' have attached themselves to this though (if in appearance alone) as there are obvious anti establishment themes in the film. However they are a bunch of self righteous dickheads who think way too much of themselves, which isn't the point. The point being that the people of this world have the real power if they want it, and change can be affected if the people want it badly enough.


                        The Avengers - thought it was going to be ****e, despite the plaudits, but actually really enjoyed it (these marvel films continue to do that, Captain America and Thor both surprised to the "upside").


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          Is "Tangled" any good? Ok for young kids?
                          I quite liked Tangled, the kids love it as well.


                            Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                            I quite liked Tangled, the kids love it as well.
                            Yep we saw it at a ?1 Sunday morning showing, great value for a quid.


                              Saw The Croods yesterday, very good with some great animation re the eruptions etc.

                              Small complaints about being over sentimental in a couple of parts and the stupid title which I can never remember but overall a good film.


                                Just watching Prometheus on DVD, saw it last year at the cinema and thought it was somewhat decent. Upon second viewing though it is pretty much garbage, with a nonsensical plot full of gaping holes and one dimensional characters. At least it looks pretty!

