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Battlestar Galactica........

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    From The Watcher:
    By the way, at this point, it?s not known when those last 10 episodes of "Battlestar" will air. Informed sources say that a decision on that won?t get made until mid-summer, so my guess is that Sci Fi won?t the final 10 episodes until 2009.


      Thanks man that sounds official, and unfortunately bad ****ing news!


        The latest episode is out & about in the wilds, it was broadcast on SKY 1 HD before America for some reason??


          Yeah it was on last night. Not a bad episode at all. At least, not by the current standards. Some very good moments. There's some seriously lazy writing in the show sometimes, considering just how high the quality can be, and this had a few of those moments but, generally, it was enjoyable. There was a look from Adama that said "enough with the gods damn visions for frak's sake" and I was waiting for the line but it didn't happen.

          There was another priceless 'frak' exchange between Adama and Tighe and they always crack me up.


            it was bad but I did feel they were stalling for story when all we really want to know was where the heck you know who was.


              Yep, I know what you mean. That's the way everything has felt this season. I mean, from where we were at the end of the last season, the show probably could have been wrapped up in two episodes.


                yes, it feels like theyre wasting time when we only have this season left I feel maybe they should be going all out.


                  I am really starting to find season 4 tedious, it actually feels like a chore to watch, I'll see it out as there is an end point in sight but it mostly feels like filler.

                  Its a tough call to build a series to a crescendo, something I felt the Sopranos managed perfectly, this is missing the mark a bit for me.


                    Agreed. The latest one bored me to tears. If I wanted to watch The West Wing, I would.

                    They've taken the compliments about the shows political and dramatic depth and got carried away. Its barely Sci Fi any more. The whole insurgency thing last season was genius, this is just pretentiously written filler.

                    It hurts to type that. Half way through this was my favourite TV show ever. Now its just disappointing me. Same as Lost did. Heroes is the only US TV show I'm enjoying right now, it lacks maturity and has its quirky little plot-holes but at least interesting things are happening every episode and it feels like they know where it's going.


                      Odama is going to have a hard time reading that book huh.


                        Some good and bad news from AICN it seems...

                        Today?s not Friday! What is this review doing up Thursday?
                        The SciFi Channel on Wednesday night screened this episode at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood.

                        The big news?
                        Big stuff happens. I deem this the biggest episode of ?Battlestar Galactica? yet produced.

                        What?s great?
                        An insane amount of tension among the Watchtower Four now that D?Anna can identify them; handprints will be permanently squeezed into sofa arms across America Friday night as a deadly showdown between Lee and D?Anna escalates. Then the final act kicks the episode, the season and the series into the stratosphere. ?Revelations? is one aptly titled installment. You will revel in the reveals the episode bestows and curse those you're denied.

                        What?s not so great?
                        On the way out I asked writer-producer Jane Espenson if she knew if SciFi would announce Friday when the show would return; she said she?s long assumed it won?t be back until 2009.
                        Cruel if this season finally kicks off only to be denied from us until next year. And if not to cruelly tease us more this was apparently said in the Q&A after the screening:
                        The script for the series finale made Edward James Olmos and Aaron Douglas cry, according to Helfer. Helfer describes her own reaction to the finale script: ?Like somebody punched me in the stomach.? Helfer said the ending will compel fans to revisit the series? beginning.

                        McDonnell said the series finale script filled her with ?an incredible feeling of adrenaline.? ?It made me understand the entire saga, and made me excited for all of you,? she told the audience. She added she was ?blown away? by it.


                          I have no doubt they could pull one great episode out of the bag. I mean, they couldn't all be as rubbish as they have been. This series is dying a slow, painful death. Shame as it has been some of the best television in years during the high points.

                          But the bloody visions are driving me nuts. Lazy writing at its worst. Characters are doing all sorts of stupid things and the writers are just using visions to justify them. Vision after bloody vision.


                            I agree, if I'd started watching this now I'd think it was drivel.

                            Its a shame as the first 3 series were amazing

                            I'm sticking with it as its due to finish, if the recent eps were indicative of a longer ongoing prog think I'd drop it.


                              S3 is where the rot set in, partly because Sci-Fi started insisting on more standalone eps, and because of falling ratings they got them.

                              There's been far too much miserable ruminating on the "nature of existence" in S4, and far too little action. It's not immature to expect a series set IN SPACE featuring a WAR AGAINST MACHINES to actually feature some action.


                                So final episode. Not so good at all, it had me laughing how cheezy it was by the end

                                Lee jumping on a table going WOOOOO, was fing hilarious

                                and the ending was predictable as expletive. The only good stuff is when Adama is on screen, everything else was dissapointing.

