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Battlestar Galactica........

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    I guess I'm looking too much into it, as I tend to do with a lot of things.


      8pm tonight, I watched the 2part mini series, or whatever they were calling it, and they introduced a few more concepts, and you could see it moving in the normal direction of a TV series....we'll see what standard the episode is, I'm concerned it might go down the comedy musical episode angle, as opposed to keeping it dramatic.

      Although the campy english guy is hilarious.


        Originally posted by JibberX
        Although the campy english guy is hilarious.
        Which English guy? There are two people in Galactica who are played by English actors: Lee Adama (Apollo) and Baltar.

        Heh, why are English actors being cast as bad guys in films and TV series these days?


          Baltar, he's almost exactly the same character as Dr Bashir, just more corrupt.


            Now that you mention it, he looks a bit like Bashir too.

            TBH, I couldn't decide in the miniseries is Baltar was a good guy or a bad guy. This is because:

            Unlike in the original series, he didn't know for sure that he was setting up the Twelve Colonies for destruction. In that, he arranged the meeting with the Cylons, setting up the fake peace treaty, knowing that the Cylons would destroy the Colonies anyway while the fleet was away from them.

            In the miniseries, he might have suspected, as Six implied, that something was different about her, but he didn't willingly work with her to sabotage the Colonial Defence Mainframe. She only dropped the bombshell, of what she really wanted the access for, on him a few hours before the nukes started going off.

            Last edited by Vanicent; 18-10-2004, 09:46.


              I was never really that clued up on the original, but the way they've handled the sequelish nature of this, is actually quite impressive. However, the whole cylons could be anyone angle feels like its been done before...oh wait now I remember, the Changelings!! thats it, any we know why, Ron Moore did DS9 that's why this all feels so familiar.


                Originally posted by JibberX
                However, the whole cylons could be anyone angle feels like its been done before...oh wait now I remember, the Changelings!! thats it, any we know why, Ron Moore did DS9 that's why this all feels so familiar.
                How did I miss that! That's so bloody obvious.


                  Originally posted by Vanicent
                  Now that you mention it, he looks a bit like Bashir too.

                  i though it was bashir... it is aint it.??


                    Originally posted by Ravon
                    i though it was bashir... it is aint it.??
                    Nope, Bashir was played by Alexander Siddig. Dr Baltar is played by James Callis.

                    Hope that helps Ravon.


                      its ok. im too drunk to even see the telly most of the time...


                        Well as the first episode is on tonight, can I safely assume everybody who is going to watch the miniseries has watched it already?

                        I'd just like someone to clarify who gave Adama the note that preceded the twist at the end...?


                          The assumption is the remaining "cylon" onboard, who apparently we know already.


                            ...why would a Cylon be helping to get itself caught??? That makes no sense whatsoever!


                              Well thats a valid point, I just add it to the Cylon's machiavellian propensity, also it doesn't following thinking about it, because it was setup that the Cylon's don't know they are cylon's until primed, also it would follow that Baltar hasn't told anyone he is being stalked by Six, and I am not sure the "Due South" Cylon told Adama the 12 story either, damn its gonna get as convoluted as the freaking Dominion Wars aint it.


                                Originally posted by Darwock
                                I'd just like someone to clarify who gave Adama the note that preceded the twist at the end...?
                                My money's on Baltar doing it.

                                He's the only one, as far as we know, who is aware that there are 12 models of Cylon.

                                And Six isn't stalking him all the time, that was clear from the miniseries, so he might have had a small window of opportunity to slip the note into Commander Adama's quarters.


                                I've just realised that I missed a human Cylon from my list in a previous post: that weapons merchant guy who tried to kill Adama on the Ragnar Anchorage (can't remember his name). So that would be a total of 8 out of 12 Cylon models, if beecee hadn't pointed out the obvious that Six could have been referring to Human Cylons specifically, and not the Cylons as a species in general.

                                Last edited by Vanicent; 18-10-2004, 21:03.

