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Battlestar Galactica........

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    yes this is very good... seriously, I can't believe it. Only one thing really hassles me thats the sound mix, its very quiet, the gravitas of the characters conversations are a little wilted because its just not all there.


      yeah, that Adama Speaks very quietly sometimes, it makes him seem more intense but a little hard too hear.


        Interesting turn of events tonight.

        During the miniseries, where Kara (Starbuck) admitted to Lee (Apollo) that Zak only became a pilot because she passed him when she shouldn't have, I automatically assumed afterwards that Commander Adama already knew.

        Then, tonight, we find out that he didn't know. Definately a surprise.

        Not sure what to think regarding the "to be continued", since Starbuck could be dead by the end of the next episode. I have to admit though, I was expecting it to appear about 20 mins from the end of the episode.

        Also, there seems to be at least one Number Six model Cylon helping (or observing) Helo and 'Boomer' back on Caprica, which is interesting. I suspect that's the Number Six that was destroyed saving Baltar from a nuclear shockwave in the miniseries, as (now that she has a new body) she seems to be trying to repay Helo for his actions in allowing Baltar to get off Caprica.


        Also, I think it was clever how they kept showing us bits of how the episode ended, starting right at the beginning, and then cutting between those shots and the mainstream storyline.


          I liked Adama's reaction tonight.
          I don't care who you are you'd crap yourself if you were on the receiving end of that glare.


            I tell yas, if an episode starts jolly.... everyone is in trouble.


              Originally posted by Baroque
              I liked Adama's reaction tonight.
              I don't care who you are you'd crap yourself if you were on the receiving end of that glare.

              Originally posted by JibberX
              I tell yas, if an episode starts jolly.... everyone is in trouble.
              I agree on that too, can't believe I hadn't noticed it on other series before.


                "Walk out of this room while you still can" (I think that was the line Adama gave). That scene was intense, gotta say I love James Olmos(is that his name?) as Commander Adama.


                  Yeah, Edward James Olmos plays Commander Adama. Good actor too, as everything he says is calm yet commanding at the same time.

                  Ok, after tonight's episode, I don't want to see what happens to any survivors on the former colony worlds who the Cylons later hunt down and kill.


                    why do they insist on some crap shagging scene in nearly every eposide? Its totally un needed.


                      Your such a prude Neil, anyways last night's episode was the weakest I've seen. They best tidy up some of these threads of I might lose interest.


                        Interesting twist.

                        It now seems like the 'Sharon' on Caprica who is helping Helo is well aware of the fact that she is a Cylon.

                        Plus, was the incident in the restaurant staged? It's looks like it might have been.

                        Now I'm wondering what the three Cylons we saw observing Helo are actually planning for him. Amusement, perhaps? Or an experiment, to see how humans react in certain situations?

                        Anyone got any other theories?


                          I think it's an experiment to see if they can exploit Helo's affection for Boomer, brainwash him and retransplant him back as a sleeper onboard the Galactica


                            Yup I reckon you're right about Helo, Boomer and the other two Cyclons. I was thinking maybe the sergeant who was doing the questioning for the tribunal was a Cylon too for a while. Might of played out better if she was, at least then there would have been real motive for the way she behaved. The whole tribunal thing was way too similar to an ep in Star Trek Next Gen (The Drumhead). It was still an enjoyable ep though.


                              This series just keeps getting better and better! I think the cylons are turning out to be more twisted than in the original series. They seem to be doing a lot of it for fun and one-up-manship.
                              For an episode with no real 'action' to speak of, it still had me tense and hooked!

                              When is the other Sharon gonna find out that she's a cylon? (Possible Spoiler I think her breaking up with the chief is gonna spark it as she no longer has a hold over a crew member.
                              Also, is he mad?!?!?!!? How could you break up with boomer? Even if she is a cylon she's fit! lol


                                Great opening I have to say. The characterisation of the top two bods, adama and alco guy is great, the wtf stare was great. In fact Adama is just a great character all round. The Helo thing is getting there, I was wondering if Gias (sp?) brain bird was acting out her agression on Boomer back at Caprica... long shot, that whole shared consciousness is a leap...

