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    Yeah, I thought that. Fuu looked a bit off, and I have to hope it doesn't go Ninja Scroll on me (which I didn't like).


      Originally posted by Tobal
      Also another super happy note, my Air Master mangas came inthe post today, 1-21 volumes and a copy of Young Lion, i have say the art is quite different from the anime, even renge doesn't look bad also form a quick glance through, theres tons more fights, specially involving Sakiyama

      NM, as for the scanning of them the spin is really flexible, and the margins around the art are 1cm big, i could easily scan them with out harming them with a handheld scanner, so if someone could point me in the direction of a decent handheld scanner, i can get doing them straight away,.
      Cool, they've arrived i'll let my mate know, unfortunately the Young Animal is mine 8p.

      the problem with using a handheld scanner is the poor resolution resulting from it.

      if the margins are that big you could probably do them on a flatbet by shifting the weight to the right place. Anyway i'll talk to you about this on msn.

      ****SC2 update once i finish the fansub.****
      Last edited by newmiyamoto; 06-06-2004, 06:43.


        Nm, i'll post it tomorrow, i head down to the post office after work and get a decent envolpe, and if you still want them, stick Ikkitousen and Godannar on disc for you as way of saying sorry of taking out the poster of the japanese girl with big hooters


          WHAT!!????!!!! NOOOOO?!!!!!????!!!!! leave my girls with big boobs alone. (i'll do you a HQ scan).


            Most of sunday i spent flicking through parts of the manga, and the ending to the anime just doesn't exist, it so totally different to what currently happening, the manga kinder explains all the beat up fighters in the final episode but shows nothing of Fighters all gathering for a final showdown inthe building with the huge 'spirit' fighter, so the yuki/maki 3 way match does happen but its Skystar instead of the Spirit fighter, and also get to see the return of Sakamoto, and lots of the anime/and manga only fighters taking on the spirit fighter or each other in brutal fights. All i can say is WOW.


              Paranoia Agent 10 is out if anyone's following the series. If not, get them now whilst there's still seeds, particularly if you've liked Satoshi Kon's other stuff (Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress).


                Holy ****! what episode of FMA(34) one hell of a kickass fight, a story that keeps on getting better, also anyone feel a new intro's for ep 35 needed after all that death


                  Yeah top notch episode, next episode looks like it will have an apperance by the brother's Father. Still have to wait till ep 39 for new OP/ED Doesn't matter really as the current ones are CLASS.


                    Oh dear One Piece got Licensed by 4kids, there no way in hell i'll buy 4kids product, and theres no way in hell i would get 50+ dvds for 200ish episodes out there.

                    Any news of KF still releasing there subs?


                      KF dont seem too fazed by the licensing, they say they are going to carry on for the time being. Funnily enough this is one of the big series that i've never gotten into.


                        NM looks like i can't post it till saturday, being the post office onthe way work won't take packages before 9am ?_?, so it'll have to wait till saturday before i can send it out.

                        also do you know where i can find a guide for scanning manga? as im quite poor at it at the moe, stuff like what dpi, scales... etc ,etc i should be using. Plus i may have to destory the the books anyway to get the best scan as it really hard to get a straight picture , but i'll try and get 20 odd pages done without taking apart the book first and see hows it goes.


                          oh and Macross Zero ep4 was class , didn't know it would end on ep5, thought it was 6ep OVA.


                            Ugh! big crack down on licensed bit torrent sites, and Anime.mircx are gone , means more hardwork hunting them down.


                              Hang on, it says is coming back. I assume it means a shadow of its former self. Having said that, they were only asked by ADV to remove stuff, but I'll be damned if I saw any on the list ADV sent to them on the site. Oh well.


                                Anime.mircx say they're going to come back soon as well. Hm. Still a bit annoying though.

