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    Last ep of Gantz(season 1) end on 11 strangely. Anyway what a great ending, all the way through that i was thinking Kei was in such deep crap, i kept on laughing everytime it got a little worse for him, plus it was about time somebody went a little nuts and decided killing them is better than whining about killing and or getting killed. Can't wait for the next series.


      Gantz is 11eps cos it is quite badly cut isn't it? That is what I read anyway. I enjoyed the first lot of them and will watch the rest now that the footy has calmed down a bit!


        Big thanks to Taka. Cheers mate

        Anyway, SC seems to keep coming up with the goods. Plenty of killing, and sexy gambling does it for me every time. Who would have thought Fuu could actually do something useful?


          You ain't seen nothing in Gantz yet. The Manga is a good 11 or so eps ahead.


            Midori no Hibi - nice finish to the series, shame he ended up with her, Ayase is way better

            Koi kaze -i ended up skipping through, as i cringing to much when there parent turned up, enjoyable series but the last couple of episode where uncomfatable viewing, also strange having the subber credits song being Call me, Call me.

            Ai****eruze Baby - brilliant, ep 12 is the best yet, far to cute, YUMMMY!

            Also Kurau: Phantom Memory, any good? and Spoons or Aoi for FMA now?


              Originally posted by Tobal
              Also Kurau: Phantom Memory, any good?
              Actually, yeah. I liked it a lot. One of the most promising first episodes in recent memory.


                Another vote for Kurau here.


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  Midori no Hibi - nice finish to the series, shame he ended up with her, Ayase is way better

                  Koi kaze -i ended up skipping through, as i cringing to much when there parent turned up, enjoyable series but the last couple of episode where uncomfatable viewing, also strange having the subber credits song being Call me, Call me.

                  Ai****eruze Baby - brilliant, ep 12 is the best yet, far to cute, YUMMMY!

                  Also Kurau: Phantom Memory, any good? and Spoons or Aoi for FMA now?

                  you no like ze end credits? ;p

                  Still don't understand why people find the series so uncomfortable, watch it with an open mind, forgoing there relation and its a wonderfully personal love story. Ok, the complexities add promblematic context but they could so easily be a school girl and college kid.

                  well thats my 2 pence.

                  well no need to choose anymore (as if there was a need before) spoon's version all the way as aoi have dropped out due to them not wanting to get sued! as said before spoon is done by the the anbu/animekeep team anyway so its the same.

                  runs off to watch kurau, and POT....
                  Last edited by newmiyamoto; 03-07-2004, 21:47.


                    Grrr, kurau has been licensed already.
                    Damn you ADV!


                      I know. Gnnrrgh. Hopefully some license-ignoring group will pick it up because I really can't be bothered to wait a year for a DVD release.


                        doubt it very much as it is a ADV license and no one really wants to touch anything they do as they put immense pressure on fansubbers.


                          ADV have also just licensed Yumeria and Gilgamesh too, Glad to see that Gilgamesh will get some more recognition through this. Also Midori No Hibi and Baku-ten have been licensed. I never got to see Kurau, maybe AYU will continue it?

                          On a related note, have you all read about the battle between .mirKx and ADV? Very funny indeed. After all that bad news, I'm looking forward to the new season of Maria-sama, the raw's out now too, so not much longer to wait.

                          Unlike the hellish wait for Samurai Champloo 5 and 6.......
                          Last edited by Meng De; 04-07-2004, 13:00. Reason: forgot about Baku-ten..


                            Guu got licensed too. About goddamn time someone recognised it for the genius it is.


                              Originally posted by Meng De
                              ADV have also just licensed Yumeria and Gilgamesh too, Glad to see that Gilgamesh will get some more recognition through this. Also Midori No Hibi and Baku-ten have been licensed. I never got to see Kurau, maybe AYU will continue it?

                              On a related note, have you all read about the battle between .mirKx and ADV? Very funny indeed. After all that bad news, I'm looking forward to the new season of Maria-sama, the raw's out now too, so not much longer to wait.

                              Unlike the hellish wait for Samurai Champloo 5 and 6.......
                              OMG, some else watched Maria-sama to , plus Gilgamesh and while watchable anime, ends on such a crappy downer and the ending bit his Sister makes little sense.
                              Last edited by Tobal; 05-07-2004, 17:56.


                                Yes, Gilgamesh had an odd ending. Although to be honest I've seen much worse (Last Exile and the "first" ending of Wolfs Rain spring to mind) actually the only really bad bits of Gilgys end was the whole countess/T.E.A.R thing. At least we got some resolution for the characters!

                                Maria-sama was one of my surprise favourites last season, the whole thing was really well animated, and the plot spent lot's of time building the characters. I'm curious to see if the 2nd season will be as good without Sei's ecchi-ness
                                Last edited by Meng De; 05-07-2004, 14:06. Reason: over quoting!

