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    Yup. Looks like both were done by "Angela". I'm also really enjoying it. Quite an interesting premise though with the 12 labours:

    They have to practically kill off every other sentient species around in the universe. Great stuff! Especially looking forward to the fights against other members of the Heroic Tribe


      Ah neat.

      Yeah those 12 labors are interesting, incredibly xenofobic. I was a bit confused by the one saying they need to destroy the Heroic Tribe, im not sure if it was an error in the subs but didnt they mention that Age was the last of the heroic tribe or something to that effect? I'll have to watch it again tonight and check. Anyways, was interesting to see that the silver tribe look like humans. Must suck for the princess, to have any males that get near her get knocked unconcious


      Overdrive....christ, the japanese really can make an anime about anything can't they Anime about...Cycling.

      Well I suppose if they can pull of Yakitate Japan! I suppose they've got a good chance with this, havent watched teh episode yet just skipped through it, nice art.
      Last edited by Orgun; 16-04-2007, 20:12.


        So after reading some good comment in here and elsewhere about Nodame Cantabile I decided to give it a go and it's fantastic. The characters are just so enjoyable to watch I always end up grinning by the end of the episode. Never thought I'd enjoy an anime based on classical music this much.


          Just started watching Romeo x Juliet and am loving it so far, looks like Gonzo might be able to pull off the same magic they did with Gankutsuou.


            Death Note 27 -

            After the death of L, I was unsure where they were going to take this, but yet again, they've managed to make it utterly captivating with the L.A. based gang led by Melo capturing Suya in order to secure the Death Note.

            I did particular like the scene involving Light and Near - or N as he referred to himself. Now with Light thinking he'd removed all obstacles by removing Ryuuzaki, when in actual fact, he's just opened a can of worms.

            It'll be interesting to see how they tie things up - if in fact, they will of course.


              Nodame is back! Still as great as ever, theres two new episodes if you havent downloaded any since the break.

              Tengen Toppa - Im suprised to find that im really enjoying this, at first I was unsure about it after the first episode but now im eagerly awaiting the next episode.

              Claymore - Meh, it doesnt excite me but its an enjoyable enough watch.

              Heroic Age - The more I watch the more I want >_<

              Overdrive - Now im not sure if this is new or not but the site I visit has only jsut started putting it up. A anime about cycling, its quite amusing.


                Been a while since the last post, and have watched loads....

                Lucky Star 1-3ep -School girl comedy, seems have huge budget for the animation to be good through the 3 episode. Didn't like ep1 that much, but it got progressively better each episode to the point where im looking foward to the next episode. Not as good a Hayate, but still worth watching. Love the opening credits and the ending credits having a different song from there karoke set . Best bits are usually the Akira personality change during the Lucky Channel sections at the end of each episode, and the odd cameo from certain show and games.

                Toward the Terra ep1-3 - To a while to get going, evolved humans space vs normal humans hunting them down for some reason yet to be explained. The art style is old school similar to Lensman and Space Cobra but with CGI for the space ships and much cleaner art. Fairly decent, gonna stick with it for now as the story seems pretty interesting.

                Seirei no Moribito ep2-3 - what can i say, zap sure knows how to pick them. Best show of the season, the battle between the assassins and Barusa was proper epic, something out hong kong action movies. I think my fav bit of the action was when

                Jin goes to kill Chag, Barusa leaps out throws the kunai that they stuck in her early at him, use throws her broken spear to disarm and follow up with brutal rock to the head. I had the Subwoofer echo that thud, and it sent a shiver down my spine

                top, top show.

                Overdrive ep1-2 - as Orgun said, very funny and if they can made bread anime work then bikes can to. I think my fav bit so has to be when he gets carried away with the painting of that girl, especially when the paint splaters to make it look like something else.

                El Cazador de la Bruja ep2 - ZzzzZZZzz, pretty much is a clone of Noir/Madlax with psyhic powers. The whole getting off on using your powers thing was a little to creepy.

                Claymore ep3-4 - I though ep3-4 where pretty exciting with the girl trying to find the Yoma, while fending of the city pretty talented guards which ended with a pretty cool fight and something useful for the 'chef' to to.

                Shining Tears X Wind ep2-3 - It got better, but not by much. I think the internet furries have ruined it for me, all keep thinking is somewhere, some freak is getting off to all this... shame the story seems to get better with more details reveiled and a face off between school friends. giving 2 mroe eps before deletion.

                Koutetsu Sangokushi ep1 - RotK again, this time featuring a the character played differently to how there usually looked apon. The main the difference being the story focus is on Lu Xun(Rikuson) who is extremely emo... and far to Yaoi around Zhuge Liang(Koumei) even though there both enemies in the 'normal' events. Anyway lots of fighting, angst, crying and some well over the top powerup for them main character that really puts it at odds with the weaponary the normal soldiers use. Gonna stick with for now cos im sucker for RotK based stuff useless the Yaoi turns up again.

                Maria-sama OVA 3 - the tall girl is pretty nuts and made for a 'drama' lenden episode, the stuff at the end with the panda suit was well funny and Rei also makes a sadly short appearance .

                Gigantic Formula ep2-3- someone Britain beet though dirty French . Now much happens inthis episode apart from them filling while there currently fighting Country vs Country with Gaint robots stuck to gaint Greek statue heads... anyway Round 2 starts next episode.

                Kiss DUM ep1-2 - Nice mechas and planes, lots of destructions and plenty of death. Story is interesting so far, something based around Old relic tablets saying Humans vs Aliens(seems more like demons) for the planet. Que Hero with the ability to blend with Equipment. My only problem is, its already made every other characters outside the main hero totally useless and not a single of them killed a monster with all that high tech weaponary.

                Gurren Lagann ep2-4 - Just behind SnM for show of the season. The animation for the Vile vs Gurren-Lagann fight was proper nuts, made the machines look so alive, loved all that **** the bloke keeps shouting about being manly and every action he takes just looks so cocky (loved the head butting nose to nose stand off), also Yoko.

                Nagasarete Airantou ep2-3 - quite funny, but far to much of this noise bleed jokes, why much all Harems have a main guy who's pretty much a queer. Show pretty much saved by his 'impossible' antics and some of the main girls (the sister pair and the strong girl), also it helps the art is super clean and very well animated.


                  Blimey Tobal you watch an insane amount of anime. How you can remember what so many plot lines are about I have no idea...!

                  I've been watching Moonlight Mile lately and enjoying it. It's nicely different to other anime (frankly I'm sick of mechs and getting sick of supernatural stuff) and it looks gorgeous in HD.


                    Seirei No Moribito -agreed with Tobal really

                    but I'd also add that for me one of the most surprising bits as been how likeable Chagum has been. I was fully expecting another character like that pampered princess from Twelve Kingdoms(can't remember her name though) but Chagum seems cool. In that assassin's flashback which btw I thought was also cool that they fleshed out one of these villains and not a seemingly very important villain at that (I mean Jin might not return in the series), he was nice towards Jin. Personally though the bit that swung it for me was when Barsa gave him orders to find Tanda and he had to climb that mountainy/rocky trail. I was expecting lots of crying and whining about how it was impossible for him etc... but the way they handled it was superb IMO. Just enough fear in him to make him seem like a normal kid. One of the characters that I thought could potentially detract from the experience turns out to add to it.

                    Great stuff. Subs for 4 out from anime-kraze, honestly can't believe they're keeping up with the series so quickly, wish they'd done it with Angel Heart too

                    Gurren Lagann is just great. It's just a very fun show to watch for me. Perhaps not the most depth to it or whatever but all I ask is that shows are entertaining first and foremost and in that regard this delivers in spades. Has lovely animation too.

                    My personal picks for the top shows are Seirei no moribito, Gurren Lagann and Darker than Black. I've fallen in love with Darker than Black after the second episode and three didn't disappoint either. Looking forward to checking out ep 4. There's also Nodame but that's from the previous season, still ep12 was good stuff .

                    Kissdum is apparently heading towards being the next Gundou Musashi(sp?). Some animation at the end of ep1 hinted at that (see the way the guy runs with his machinegun and I just had to lol at it even though it was supposed to be a serious scene). All I can say is that ep 3 is unfinished and ep 4 is a recap. There's quite a lot of problems with the show behind the scenes it seems. I'll be sticking with it purely for the comedy factor and the off chance that they manage to turn it round, we'll see how it goes I guess.

                    Lucky Star - again Tobal was pretty much spot on with this. It's gotten better IMO and lets hope they keep it up for the remaining episodes.

                    Got a few other shows to start watching and I need to get back to second/third episodes of others e.g. Touka Gettan to see if it makes any more sense. Really enjoying the new stuff on the whole though


                      I only watched the first episode of Darker than Black and left it at that, thinking it was the usual generic super power super natural stuff. Is there anything different about it? Does it get better?


                        Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                        Blimey Tobal you watch an insane amount of anime. How you can remember what so many plot lines are about I have no idea...!

                        I've been watching Moonlight Mile lately and enjoying it. It's nicely different to other anime (frankly I'm sick of mechs and getting sick of supernatural stuff) and it looks gorgeous in HD.
                        Not having a TV connection in my room does it that and there's very little onthe box worth watching nowerdays outside of Peepshow, HiGnFu, Buzzcocks, MofD. Add to that list long running shows(Naruto,Bleach,One Piece,Gash Bell, Grayman, eyeshield) and unfinished shows from seasons ago(Nana, Angel Heart, Hanada Shounen Shi, Aria to name some).

                        Though i do nowerdays store up shows to watch and play them back when im bored of the current stuff, currently stored... ep19 onwards of Deathnote(nice light kinder puts me off, even though i know there will be a huge pay off), Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto ep13 onwards(mainly cos the story kinder peaked and i lost interest), Witchblade ep4 onwards, Higurashi (HQ sub still not finished off by triad or Ayu), and Keroro about 50/60eps behind the current subs and even then there behind the new eps by another 40 odd eps

                        Hayate ep3 - totally brilliant with the parody of Saint Seiya, my eyes where watering.


                          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                          I only watched the first episode of Darker than Black and left it at that, thinking it was the usual generic super power super natural stuff. Is there anything different about it? Does it get better?
                          I thought it did. Then again I also thought the way they've handled the superpowers and stuff hasn't been very generic at all. Basically the general impression seems to be that ep 1 was decent but it gets better with ep2 and I'd go along with that. Having seen 3 episodes and waiting to watch the fourth, it seems the show consists of little story arcs that last two episodes e.g. the first story/mission/case/etc is concluded by episode 2. I'd say watch episode 2 and if you don't like it after that then it probably won't do it for you. That should finish up the first story and give you a slightly better idea of what the show is like.

                          Personally I like the setting, the atmosphere, the music, the characters, the animation etc... It all comes together very nicely IMO. There's very little I don't like at this point. I suppose the episodic nature might be a turn off but I've seen shows previously that have had similar structures which I have enjoyed and it seems to be the case with DtB too. It's getting a lot of comparisons to Cowboy Bebop (among other shows), not least because of the staff behind the show e.g. Yoko Kanno music and some similarities in nature. Ah well you can't please everybody...

                          @Tobal: Triad dropped it when it was licensed but Ayu are still going, they've just done ep 22 so they're not far off finishing now.


                            I had a thought while watching Toward the Terra (which im enjoying) but isnt Mu the name of the people with blue blood from RahXephon?


                              Pretty much agree with all of what Tobal's said as well. Darker than Black is proving to be a right cracker though. Still no real explanation behind the existence of contractors(from the 3 eps I've seen) but the graudal explanation and exploration of the powers as well as the compensation for them keeps me coming back. It's got a very similar structure to Ghost Hunt in it's "cases" set over a number of episodes.

                              Claymore I'd be finding a lot more enjoyable if the kid sidekick either didn't exist or didn't have such an irritating voice. Toward the Terra could do with a decent looking female lead as well.

                              Looking forward to the second series of Higurashi no Naku koro ni in July though.


                                Lucky Star - Thought i'd try this after seeing Tobal talk about, bloody hilarious. Kind reminds me of Azumanga Daioh only not as surreal Love the intro music, need that on my ipod, heh would make great cycling to work music

