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    Originally posted by Orgun View Post
    Read it! Read it! Read it! Just finished the last chapter I could find, Vol 13 Ch 72, if the anime gets this far I can't wait

    Do not read the spoiler tags if your watching the anime and arent going to read the manga. You have been warned Hey Tobal

    How awesome was the 24 Claymores vs 24 Awakened Ones battle, I got goosebumps when Clare awakened her legs and arm, hope it makes it into the anime.
    I was thinking now that Clare has the "borrowed" arm that if she awakens it will probably be different from the rest of her.
    Can't wait to see how Raki turns out having spent 7 years with Isley, wonder if they've turned him into a male awakened one...I expect that'll happen.

    Gaaaaaaaaaawed I need more chapters >_<

    Oh i've started to watch Hayate the Combat Butler, hilarious stuff. Had me in tears when they started to dress him up in womens clothing. The narrators / tigers voice sounds soooo familiar, really bugging me because I know i've heard it somewhere before. Guess he kinda sounds like the Cat Dad from Azumana Daioh.
    So much goes on after volume 6, it was a great fight for the finale of the northern expedition,

    loved the stuff leading up to it with Raki going missing, Irene/Ophelia fight, Clare/Gala/Jean fighting Riful and Duph(love Duph he's pretty funny, can't wait to see him animated) and then the final show down for the 1st half arc of the manga. Wasn't happy to see Jean and Flora die, specially Flora i thought she would survive but when that Bastard Lion King takes to the stage and wipes the floor with the team Captains i was , i just didn't see how they could beat him until clare does someting i didn't expect which was to awaken parts of her body... i always love it when characters gain a speed boost. Then Jean goes and dies on us to save Clare .

    Also Deneve taking on Undine's burdon buy using her 2 Claymore moves, 3 of the weaker Claymores live and the original 4 rebels make it to which im happy about. New chapters can't come soon enough, i want to see whats become of Raki in 7 years to, but like you say there alarge chance that him seeking strength and being with Isley/Pricilla could be an Awakened one.....

    Just watch ep10 as well, not as well animated as the Claymore showdown in Clare's flashback but still good enough. Popped when Clare busted out her Yoki reading . Also i like the way the anime manages to fit at least afull chapter(large chapter printed to 40-70 pages each) every episode, making it seem fast paced with out losing anything.

    Lucky Star ep9 - Not as funny as last week, but it has it momments, best bit being Luck Channel again, the ashtray had me laughing for while.

    Hayate ep10 = wtf, very crazy video game parody set during ep8 events behind the scenes... the fan letter bit for Maria had me laughing tears.


      Originally posted by Tobal View Post
      Hayate ep10 = wtf, very crazy video game parody set during ep8 events behind the scenes... the fan letter bit for Maria had me laughing tears.

      There's no way she's 17. Just no way! Did you spot the Mikuru from Haruhi reference as well?
      mikuru beam!


        Timi-Beam or something during the eye-catch. yep!

        "I hear the sound of Bouncing breast's"

        Lol @ Maria, as the first the fan letter says, i thought she was in her mid 20's... Loved the bit for the 2nd letter held up by the Card board cutout Hayate and her reaction to it.


          Haha. One of the better episodes in recent times I thought of Hayate. Didn't really find some of the previous eps funny, well ep8 was good stuff, 9 less so but yeah the series seems to be back on track for me personally. Crazy to think that ep10 was an anime original episode as it's been one of my favourites thus far.


            Originally posted by Tobal View Post
            So much goes on after volume 6, it was a great fight for the finale of the northern expedition,

            loved the stuff leading up to it with Raki going missing, Irene/Ophelia fight, Clare/Gala/Jean fighting Riful and Duph(love Duph he's pretty funny, can't wait to see him animated) and then the final show down for the 1st half arc of the manga. Wasn't happy to see Jean and Flora die, specially Flora i thought she would survive but when that Bastard Lion King takes to the stage and wipes the floor with the team Captains i was , i just didn't see how they could beat him until clare does someting i didn't expect which was to awaken parts of her body... i always love it when characters gain a speed boost. Then Jean goes and dies on us to save Clare .

            Also Deneve taking on Undine's burdon buy using her 2 Claymore moves, 3 of the weaker Claymores live and the original 4 rebels make it to which im happy about. New chapters can't come soon enough, i want to see whats become of Raki in 7 years to, but like you say there alarge chance that him seeking strength and being with Isley/Pricilla could be an Awakened one.....

            Caught up to the end of volume 12 last night. Awesome stuff.

            The best bit was as you say the 24 claymore grand melee. Just great stuff. They're really flying through the claymores at this rate. Still some interesting things to come though. Possible fight between Alicia and either Isely/Priscilla and/or the renegade Claymores and not to mention they still haven't really done anything with the whole "clare has Teresa's flesh inside her" thing yet. I mean, there was a mention by the organisation that it was an attempt to give Clare Teresa's powers but that it failed but I'm really hoping it worked.
            I still don't like Raki though. Every time I see him I think of his annoying voice from the anime. :P


              Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
              Caught up to the end of volume 12 last night. Awesome stuff.

              The best bit was as you say the 24 claymore grand melee. Just great stuff. They're really flying through the claymores at this rate. Still some interesting things to come though. Possible fight between Alicia and either Isely/Priscilla and/or the renegade Claymores and not to mention they still haven't really done anything with the whole "clare has Teresa's flesh inside her" thing yet. I mean, there was a mention by the organisation that it was an attempt to give Clare Teresa's powers but that it failed but I'm really hoping it worked.
              I still don't like Raki though. Every time I see him I think of his annoying voice from the anime. :P
              I think that?s already come to light,

              I wouldn?t be so sure that Clare started with the ability to read Yoki down to the minimum level as it must have been inherited from Teresa?s flesh, which was Teresa best skill as mentioned by Irene. I think the only original thing Clare brought to the table was her incredible willpower.


                I guess but

                it's not really the big amazing awakening you'd expect with someone with Teresa's flesh inside her is it really? Usually with something like this, they'll get pushed to the edge and then amazingly "awaken" to their true potential. We'll see. I just have a sneaking feeling there'll be more amazing stuff to come from Clare.


                  Bakuretsu Tenshi OVA - A return of show from '04, which i remember enjoying for the totally fecked up in the plot and lots of well drawn skimpy dressed girls firing guns(Jo is still one of my fav anime girls), often piloting bad looking and crapply animated CGI Mecha... From the intro it had me all ready to go as it looked like it continued from the last ep(well i what i remember is

                  Jo dying and Meg taking over the business as the next Jo

                  ) but it goes in to prequel mode hopefully for only one episode. Seems to be set after the Flashback episode where Jo and Meg meet but before they get the Mecha. Hope the next episode is Older Meg.


                    Bokurano 06-07
                    Just really disturbing stuff.

                    You could see the whole thing with Kako trying to rape Chizu a mile off and that was pretty messed up but the story behind Chizu and her teacher just made me feel ill. And then I know it's going to get worse.

                    It's a good series though despite it's disturbing stuff. I laughed at how we had Kira, then Athrun and finally Shinn from Gundam Seed making it into the series though. It's like a reunion.


                      Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                      Bokurano 06-07
                      Just really disturbing stuff.

                      You could see the whole thing with Kako trying to rape Chizu a mile off and that was pretty messed up but the story behind Chizu and her teacher just made me feel ill. And then I know it's going to get worse.

                      It's a good series though despite it's disturbing stuff. I laughed at how we had Kira, then Athrun and finally Shinn from Gundam Seed making it into the series though. It's like a reunion.
                      hehe, indeed

                      pedo teacher + web cam = oh no! and she still let herself be used, stupid girl... starting to remind loads of Narutaru(same art), cute drawings but with a dark, dark side. kako attempted rape brought himself an early end and wonder how Chizu gonna pilot Zearth as that look she gave at the very end of ep7 was very distrubing..

                      At least Seto no Hanayome brought some light hearted entertainment, watched ep7 and 8. The singing contest was unreal and the heroic song = lol.


                        when tobal mentioned hayate earlier. i had to check it out, its so friggen funny. I haven't laughed out loud to an anime like this in ages. kudos for the mention tobal, im going to be mega upset when i have to watch it by weekly. Some of the references escape me though.

                        speaking of mi-mi-mikuru mikuru-run run. the collectors edition of haruhi suzumiya vol 1 arrived this week and its awesome.
                        Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 08-06-2007, 17:44.


                          The similarities in art style between bokurano and narutaru shouldn't come as much of a surprise since it's from the same manga author. Need to catch up on the show too

                          Caught up on Claymore recently. Some excellent bunch of episodes since what was one of the lower points of the show for me, episode 4. Luckily the Teresa arc more than made up for it particularly episodes 7 and 8. Even after the arc was over they've kept it up. It's now one of my firm favourites whereas before I'd not be rushing to watch it every week, I am now. Might even get going on the manga which is quite rare for me as I normally do that after the anime is over.

                          I keep saying it but I really must start catching up soon. The summer season is almost upon us and I will no doubt be sampling most of the shows on offer. Luckily it's not as ridiculous a series count as this past spring. Kind of hoping for a bit of a slow season but there's already higurashi and zero no tsukaima on my list to watch. Might have to do a bit of reading up on the upcoming shows in the next few days.

                          In other news it appears Kiss dum has been licensed (no official announcements yet IIRC) which is really quite shocking to me since from what I have seen and read about the latest episodes it's quite bad. People (mainly the JPN audience I'm talking here) seem to be watching it mainly to see how bad it can get, almost like Gundou Musashi in a it's so bad it's good sort of way.


                            claymore has become very good i think. i wasnt really sold on it at first, but i'm really glad i decided to stick with it now.

                            i've got quite a lot of catching up to do with other stuff too though.
                            just the other day i realised i hadnt watched nodame cantabile or heroic age for a while, when i checked it seems the groups i was watching are way behind. so i now have about 7-8 episodes of each from other subbers to get through.


                              Nooooooo Just watched Naruto shippuuden Ep17,

                              It's all happening now but it looks like

                              they managed to kill gaara

                              He was my favourite character. Say it aint so


                                From now on this is part where people start dying...

                                Anyway on to

                                Heroic Age ep8-10 - while i enjoy watching it, im really starting to dislike Age, he willingly follows his 'fathers' contract to kill with out question and remorse. And going on the thoughts of the other Nodos, the golden tribe really are a bunch of assholes, why would they give the major power inthe universe 4 powerful beings from there own and weaker tribes, while giving mankind 1 nodos and the destiny to destory/murder/kill/wipe out every other tribe to win what, freedom? If these golden tribe where that powerful to make these Nodos inthe 1st place, why not slap the silver and bronze tribe around the head, and tell them to stop doing bad things. Plot just getting stupid, so they best start explaining the asshole tribe intentions for the universe they left behind.

