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    Been downloading plenty recently but haven't really been in the mood to watch much

    Don't know what's going on there! I think it's because I generally tend to watch anime with my Wife (I've always considered watching anime to be quite a social thing) but, where I'm away from home 5 nights a week we don't get the time to just kick back and watch a few episodes at a time. I've loaded my iPod Touch with Minami-ke, Lucky Star, Lovely Complex and Genshiken 2 in hope that the 4 1/2 hour train journey I make every Monday and Friday spurs me to actually watch what I abuse my bandwidth for

    Saying that I made the effort to watch Minami-ke; pure genius!

    Sky Girls is finished now so I am to watch all of that in a couple of meaty sittings. Also have to watch Goshushou-sama Ninomiya-Kun and ef-Tale of Memories.


      Clannad ep 14 - fairly touching end to the arc (or so it seems) although I thought the whole thing with the suitcase was laughably ridiculous. Still, I guess it's one of those things you either accept or you don't. And these shows are hardly the most realistic so I guess I'll forgive it this time.

      h2o ep 3 -

      It seems that link I posted a while back and the stuff I read on animesuki was quite close to the mark. Unless there's more to be revealed regarding it I think the stuff that was shown in ep 3 could reasonably lead one to that conclusion. Hinata at the end though, and for most of the episode... that was annoying. Still it seems like she's under pressure from her grandfather to uphold the standards of the name or whatever.

      True tears ep 3 - I like

      Hiromi's obviously lying though. Also Ai finally completes the love square, even though he doesn't realise it. Typical... Still loving it and the lovely OP should be out soon . Even though the premise wasn't as original as h2o's I think the execution so far has been far, far better. Interesting place to leave off. I want more now!

      Rosario ep 3 - It seems really rather formulaic. I do hope they change things up a bit in the next few episodes.

      Shigofumi ep 1 - Shinigami No Ballad with a darker, less sentimental streak?

      The bit at the end was pretty cool. I guess it's fashionable to have crazy girls on the loose now


        Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
        Shigofumi ep 1 - Shinigami No Ballad with a darker, less sentimental streak?

        The bit at the end was pretty cool. I guess it's fashionable to have crazy girls on the loose now
        Expect to have the theme continued since episode 3 has already been edited due to some circumstance or other in Japan.

        Rosario 3: Pants and yuri. I'm sure there was some story or other in the episode but it was lost in a sea of underewar and breast fondling apparently.

        Edit: True Tears 3: Noe is mental.

        Does she want him or what? I have no idea. I'm predicting much fighting when his best friend finds out his girlfriend wants to do Shinichiro too.

        Enjoying it though.

        Edit 2: Minami-ke Okawari ep1: Only a speed subber's version but not too bad with the translations. As for the series....hmmm. It's still got some of the humour it used to have but it doesn't have the flair that was there before. A couple of funny bits though

        Monkey Haruka lolz

        . Worth a look if you're interested in more.
        Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 21-01-2008, 19:10.


          True Tears ep3 - well this ep sealed it for me, gonna keep with it. Noe is just a total fruit bat, but i think the childhood friend gonna win this one.

          Gunm00 ep14 - Wow that is much better, something to get excited about with Union,AEU and NRL working together with so many aces and ep15 looks like a barn stormer. Also we get a best OP for a gundam since PRIDE song for 2nd OP of Seed(i think), even if it does let out the gundam will be fighting 3 similar uber mecha in the future (one of them inthe shadows looks alot like Wings Heavy Arms, and another certainly has gundam cliche#2 separate drone laser guns).
          Last edited by Tobal; 21-01-2008, 22:08.


            Pride was from SEED Destiny. High and Mighty Color have gone in a different direction since then.

            Gah, I'm so behind on Gundam 00 I can never find the motivation to catch up.

            Anyone else watching Juushin Enbu?


              Overdrive 25-26: Over at last. Quite a fun series in the end. I thought it dragged a bit in the race where

              they just seemed to be stuck in the rain forever focussing on how tired Shinozaki was. I appreciate it was a 5 hour race and all but still.. Guess it was necessary to explore some of the other characters a bit more. Liked the last episode getting back to the more silly humour it had back at the start and the glimpse of them all at the Tour de France although we already knew Shinozaki was there from the first ep.

              So yeah, nice series. Wouldn't be opposed to it getting a second season.


                Finished ep Minami-ke after what seems like ages. Nice show perhaps not up there with my personal favourite comedies but it comes close. I'd also add that it's probably the best of the comedy stuff from the last year IMO (although I can see Moyashimon challenging from that... which reminds me...). Some of the stuff was a bit too hit and miss for me though. Still had some fantastic moments in it.

                Loved the other Minami family and the bits with Hosaka in the last few episodes. In fact the last few episodes probably featured some of my favourite scenes of the series. All that time ago I said it'd be a nice replacement for the just finished Lucky Star but I think it's gone one better. It has a similar sort of feel to it but I just found it funnier on the whole.


                  Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
                  Finished ep Minami-ke after what seems like ages. Nice show perhaps not up there with my personal favourite comedies but it comes close. I'd also add that it's probably the best of the comedy stuff from the last year IMO (although I can see Moyashimon challenging from that... which reminds me...). Some of the stuff was a bit too hit and miss for me though. Still had some fantastic moments in it.

                  Loved the other Minami family and the bits with Hosaka in the last few episodes. In fact the last few episodes probably featured some of my favourite scenes of the series. All that time ago I said it'd be a nice replacement for the just finished Lucky Star but I think it's gone one better. It has a similar sort of feel to it but I just found it funnier on the whole.
                  A new group by the name of GC has released the first episode of the new series of Minami-ke Okawari. Its not a great fansub though, some areas feels like they couldn't be arsed in subbing it. If someone is going to sub something they should at least put the heart and effort in. Im not downloading another release by them, thats for sure.

                  As for the show itself, its more of the same, i dont like the new art-direction though. But its still good stuff.


                    Gunm00 ep15 - Really good, right up until the end when duex/machina(s) get dropped in.... /sigh soooo close to top notch episode

                    with the surperior tactics out doing the Gundams from which i was hoping we see some proper piloting skills to turn the tide, but no we get them all passed out with 3 new gundams coming to save them and by the looks of the red G.N. particles its bound to end up evil in the end as the 'twist'... i just hope the national aces survive as the shows not as enjoyable without them even if i have warmed to the gundam pilots in recent eps.

                    Minami-ke Okawari ep1 - finally got a sub of it, i really don't like the new style compared to the softer more normal hair coloured look of season 1. But it's still the same show deep down and even better animated, i'm glad they carried on the Mako-chan stuff and the bits at the baths where excellent... i could stop laughing when he opened that door. All it needs now is Hosaka.
                    Last edited by Tobal; 22-01-2008, 22:51.


                      Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                      Minami-ke Okawari ep1 - finally got a sub of it, i really don't like the new style compared to the softer more normal hair coloured look of season 1. But it's still the same show deep down and even better animated, i'm glad they carried on the Mako-chan stuff and the bits at the baths where excellent... i could stop laughing when he opened that door. All it needs now is Hosaka.
                      You can tell they're trying with the animation but they have such a hard time after the first series became such a big hit. The new op reminds me of Strawberry Panic for some reason. But it did have me laughing when it showed the brief glance at Hosaka.


                        Moyashimon - Totally fell in love with the show. Finished off the other 8 episodes in one sitting. First time in a while I've watched that much in one go, that's how much I loved it. And as I mentioned in my previous post I could see it challenging Minami-ke and personally it's beaten it. Brilliant stuff. I loved the whole Spring Festival and the payoff as Tobal mentioned. OMG, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I also loved how they kept referring to that incident even a couple of episodes later. I did get quite attached to the characters by the end of it and I'm going to join everyone else in hoping they do bring out another season or two. Wish they'd make more shows like this.

                        I did get a vague H&C season 1 vibe to it (mixed with Dennou Coil's charm), but I suppose part of that was due to the setting and them being university students. They really need to set more shows in universities rather than highschools... so much more potential amazingness there for me.

                        With hindsight the fall season wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be way back when. Then again I've not seen some of the lower rated shows yet like Dragonaut, Rental Magica and Night Wizard. Oh well, more catching up to do soon...


                          Dragonaut's my guilty pleasure from the fall season. I can't believe how utterly bad it is. There just seems to be no logic to it at all and just about every woman in it has the most ridiculous over-emphasized breasts it's silly and the less said about Kazuki the better and yet, I'm still watching it. Somehow it's that bad it's good.

                          Rental Magica is a tad formulaic but it's quite good. The various forms of magic they encounter and how they explain them interests me and uh, I have a thing for two of the voice actresses. <_<;

                          Night Wizard I had to give up on. As an RPG I can see it working but as a series? It's just a bit...bleh.

                          Glad you (and Tobal) liked Moyashimon though. As I said, there's plenty more manga to pull a second season out and they apparently got quite high viewing figures for the last few eps so we can but hope.

                          Edit: I'M NOT STALKING THE THREAD(much) HONEST!


                            Can finally post \o/

                            anyways hello everyone, first post here etc, got recommended to check this place out (specifically this thread) by Mr.Jeff (*waves*), as ive been after a decent place to discuss anime etc for while now

                            im a very big anime fan as im sure Mr.Jeff and my Animelist can confirm, and will watch watch just about anything and everything, also have an ever growing collection of anime related figures and models, and i also build Gunpla from time to time (i actually have a small pile building up in the corner of my room, waiting for me to build them)

                            I suppose ill kick of my first comment by raving about how much im enjoying shigofumi despite only being 2 episodes in, watched the second episode earlier today, it was brilliant, feels alot like Kino no Tabi, which is one of my personal fav's, i think her little bit of expert gunplay solidified that view, its got great animation, some nice design, and a decent soundtrack, the fact its got an Ali Project OP also helps, i just hope it can keep it up

                            shame the same cant be said of the second series of gunslinger girl, i loved the first series, its as if they took everything that was good about the first series and threw it out the window, the second episode was a little better but only due to plot, the plot and my love for the first series are the only things from stopping me dropping this atm, and to think this was all caused due to the original manga author being abit pushy and wanting it all his own way, thus no one wanted to work with him, or at least that's what rumours say

                            right im off to go and watch the first few eps of Princess Tutu


                              Yay! Orka! <3 Good to see you around at last.

                              Quiet day for releases but still; Spice and Wolf ep 3. A really interesting episode picking up from the last one. More development of the relationship between Lawrence and Horo but I also enjoyed the indepth discussion of the merchant affairs. Definitely my favourite series of the season. Although I might move Shigofumi when I get round to watching the second episode.


                                Finished Overdrive myself now - ep25/26 -

                                Went back to the comedy after all the serious racing, loved the fight between on the podium and the continuing trash talk between Yosuke and Kurosuke, but i kinder wish Shinozaki*Yuki relationship went further as talk over the show has been soooo quiet everywhere i can't see it get another season , and i wanted to Yuki in a swimsuit

                                redownloading all of Moyashimon 7-11 now BBS have finished subbing them, and then im gonna watch it all again.

                                Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei ep2 - completely bonkers, half the episode was in a made up language and some of the stuff "Commodore Perry" did was completely nuts ( at him holding Blondy upside down, and the censors)

                                Rosario+Vampire ep3 - the show is complete trash but i love it, the amount of panty shots must me hypnotizing me in to liking it. I can see the next 4 eps being, pants -> new girl -> new badguy -> pants -> human hurt protecting -> vampire -> asskicking -> pants

                                As for Shigofumi i think i'll avoid as i im not fan of those types of shows and i can't bring myself to watch ep2 of gunslinger girl S2 for not want to see a show i like dragged into the gutter. at least i have Aria to forget about the bad things.

                                also welcome Orka

