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    Mmmm, Blood+ licensed by Sony. And the subbers I use then appeared to go mental, dropping everything then picking them up again. So I have no idea if I'm gonna see anymore.

    Not too fussed mind, I learned it is 52 eps and it still appears to be going nowhere. Don't like dropping stuff after a fair few eps, but I can't really see me carrying on for another 40 odd episodes of angst and whining. Shame really.


      It's not like Blood+ not going to be subbed at all.. (was is shinsen sub your following?) im sure Bakakozou will continue on.

      Hellsing OVA ... well not single second of the show was wasted it moved that fast and if you haven't read the manga or seen the original anime you'll be wondering what the hell is going on, but from what i've been told it was a preview for the rest of the OVA and not actually ep1. still top watch for fans of Hellsing.

      Hantsuk ep2 .. good stuff again, with the porn collection getting him into trouble. Also that docter is a total dickhead.


        Originally posted by Moodmon
        Not too fussed mind, I learned it is 52 eps and it still appears to be going nowhere. Don't like dropping stuff after a fair few eps, but I can't really see me carrying on for another 40 odd episodes of angst and whining. Shame really.
        Is that right? I'm a huge fan of the stuff from 2000/2001 (the short movie and the yarudora titles) so have recently started watching Blood+ and was instantly disappointed with the change in visual style, and also the change in character of Saya. Best thing about the previous stuff was she was just so angry!! The only thing that gave me hope was the intro to the first episode, looked like a slaughter in Vietnam and was well creepy. I'd hoped it would evolve into something like that.


          Angel Heart 6/7 - Not too much to say really. Continuing where it left off at episodes 4 and 5 with more good stuff. Some nice surprises in there and I did laugh at the bit in the cafe in episode 7 I think, with that blind guy. Nice music in some of the action scenes as well.

          Hanbun ep2 - Agreed with Tobal. More good stuff and the show has become my favourite of the season so far.

          That doctor was a total **** and I'm glad he got a bit of a beating from that Nurse, in fact wouldn't have minded if she'd hit him a few more times for good measure. Rika overreacted a bit I think, locking Yuuichi out on the roof in the freezing cold. She kind of reminds me of Suzuka except she also shows her nice side to Yuuichi and I suppose she does have good reason to be kind of bitchy given her situation and all. Had to laugh when Yuuichi got caught again reading the magazine on the roof. As soon as the Doctor gave it to him, I thought "throw it away NOW!". Very enjoyable to watch.

          Fate/Stay Night ep 4 -

          Learnt the identities of two of the servants now. Hercules and the hound of Culhuan or something. I reckon Saber is one of the knights from Arthurian legend, possibly even King Arthur. I mean she keeps that sword hidden which makes me think that if people saw it they'd instantly know her identity. And really what's the first mythical/legendary sword that pops into your head? For me it's Excalibur, and when I think of Excalibur I instantly think of Arthur and the rest of those knights. As for the story seems to be progressing fairly slowly, which leads me to believe that the series maybe longer than the 13 episodes that were originally rumoured. Still enjoying it though, especially the music.

          Ergo Proxy - Seems like Anime-Kraze will be subbing this. Watched the preview trailer they subbed and it looks fantastic IMO. Just from watching a few scenes that were shown in the trailer, it looks like the production values for this show are sky high. First episode is airing on the 25th of February(not too long now).

          Question about the Hellsing OVA. Is it going to cover the entire story from the beginning? Because I haven't seen the anime or read the manga yet so if it's going to retell the story then I'll probably wait and watch the OVAs, rather than getting the old series.


            Hellsing OVA out, or is it some kind of trailer thing (I've seen stuff that says Hellsing OVA Digest so I'm not sure)? As far as I know the OVA is a telling of the manga, and does not touch on the anime series (which followed a different plot).

            Darwock, Blood+ isn't a patch on the original and the porntastic manga sequel. Saya never does anything, and it got on my tits. Still, David is in and he carries a Big Chuffing Gun (TM). Useless of course, but hey, he's David, so it doesn't matter. Why is David so good?

            Kicks the crap out of Kai. I can't stress how good this is. Angsty support character? FACE BEATAGE!


              Originally posted by Moodmon
              Hellsing OVA out, or is it some kind of trailer thing (I've seen stuff that says Hellsing OVA Digest so I'm not sure)? As far as I know the OVA is a telling of the manga, and does not touch on the anime series (which followed a different plot).
              The Hellsing OVA Digest is only 30 minutes long and is a sort of preview of the full 50 minute being released soon. The old Hellsing anime followed the Manga upto a certain point then went on a completely different crappy story path.


                Originally posted by Zapp$ter
                Ergo Proxy - Seems like Anime-Kraze will be subbing this. Watched the preview trailer they subbed and it looks fantastic IMO. Just from watching a few scenes that were shown in the trailer, it looks like the production values for this show are sky high. First episode is airing on the 25th of February(not too long now).

                Just saw this myself and indeed, it looks amazing. The premise with the Proxy sounded a bit like the movie, Species, but I'm willing to forgive that since the rest of the cast sound rather unique.


                  Originally posted by Taka
                  Just saw this myself and indeed, it looks amazing. The premise with the Proxy sounded a bit like the movie, Species, but I'm willing to forgive that since the rest of the cast sound rather unique.
                  I've been looking forward to it for a while mainly because it's from Mangalobe, and they really impressed me with Samurai Champloo, which I thought was fantastic. Surprisingly though it's not had that much hype especially on some of the forums I frequent. Certainly nowhere near the level of say, Fate/Stay Night.


                    Watch FSN ep4 at last, forgot i downloaded it.

                    I don't think that women can be 'Knight of the round table' type era, my guess someone like Joan of Arc, or that british women that rode a Chariot against the Romans. Very Enjoyable.

                    Download all of Kino no Tabi, release some where in 00-03 i totally missed this series when it was being subbed.


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Watch FSN ep4 at last, forgot i downloaded it.

                      I don't think that women can be 'Knight of the round table' type era, my guess someone like Joan of Arc, or that british women that rode a Chariot against the Romans. Very Enjoyable.


                      Well I've already been told by some people that have played the gamet that she isn't Joan of Arc which was my first thought when thinking of a female heroic figure. Also from the same people they say that the gender of the servant doesn't matter, so Saber even though she is female could have the identity of one of the Knights of the Round table. The reason I was told was that with a lot of these legends it's often not very clear what their gender was e.g. Merlin's gender was often ambiguous in legends I believe. Also again from the armour she wears a lot of people agree that she will probably be from the middle ages and onwards i.e. rules out the possibility of her being from the roman period. Perhaps I'm wrong but I really can't see her being from the Roman period.

                      The more I think about it, the more I reckon she is King Arthur. It all seems to add up IMO. See my previous post about the sword being invisible, I reckon that's a big clue. For example Saber managed to work out the identity of Lancer just by hearing his shout for his finishing move, which had the same name as the weapon, that the Hero lancer was based on, used.

                      That's Saber sort of guessed but what about Archer? So far going by his class name at least he should be pretty decent with the bow. However up to the current episodes he's only been using dual swords in his fights. So I'm thinking maybe Robin Hood? Either that or it's some hero from a mythology that I have no idea about. Some people are speculating perhaps he's from a hero in indian mythology.


                        Gotta be Sinbad the Sailor/pirate

                        I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Ninja go by the name hanzo, or bloke with long curly beard starting with Gaun


                          Originally posted by Tobal

                          Gotta be Sinbad the Sailor/pirate

                          I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Ninja go by the name hanzo, or bloke with long curly beard starting with Gaun

                          Does Sinbad enjoy making tea? I know about the whole pirate thing but I don't really know much else about him. I recall that's one of Archer's characteristics in the first or second episode that was pointed out. Seems like it could be a clue to his identity. Guess we'll have to see more of him to make better guesses though.


                            I stupidly read spoilers from the Fate/Stay Night game so don't read If you don't want to know who Saber and Archer are

                            Saber: Zapp$ter is correct. Saber is King Arthur

                            Archer: Never revealed in the game depending on which story you do. Apparently he is Emiya Shirou though.

                            Really enkoying it though. I think I'm been seduced by the merchandising in Japan though. Everywhere I go there is FSN stuff.


                              I feel like I've been spoilt by quality anime today; dynamite episodes of Mai-Otome and Eureka 7 (27, haven't seen 28 yet).

                              Let's hope it carries on this way.


                                not watch Mai-otome ep17 yet ><; dam scarey water torrents, waiting on the newsgroup which should take long.

                                Also watched Eureka7 ep27 (still downloading 28 to), fecking stellar

                                I can't believe they wiped out a create character like Beams right away, at least Ray still alive but Hollands killing of Beams was brutal, shoulder tackle in to emptying a machinegun clip in to beams stomach... OUCH! and then their 'planB' escape plan was pretty sick... Like the new intro, not much of a fan of the ending.. looks like we'll be getting a time jump in the sotry maybe with those arts of a older Eureka. Come ep28..

                                EyeShield21 ep33, been a while since last one, looks like we'll be having a new character joining the death march, plus i always seem to get hyped up knowing Sena gonna be doing his thing!


                                Just read Null One Piece chapter 395... holy hell i think Robin ties Nami and possibly even beats it in her Childhood Backstory ;_; i can't wait for the next chapter(it be long time for i see it animated) to see how much crap they dump on her as a little Kid, and when it finish's, we're gonna get one hell of f'cking fight.
                                Last edited by Tobal; 05-02-2006, 16:44.

