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    Originally posted by Dache
    4th? **** man, we're up to 7 now.
    I'm getting some grief trying to get the 4th eps (haven't tried 5 onwards).

    166hrs till dl and rising, not right, surely.

    I want to see what happens next!!


      You should use IRC to download your anime. It's way faster (and far more reliable) than BT, eMule, KaZaa, &c.


        IRC as in mIRC?

        i take it i need to know the who's who of anime pimps ^^


          *nods* Yup. Here's a (very quick) primer: connect to , then join your FS group of choice's channel. AnimeOne is on #animeone , ANBU on #anbudom , Anime -Forever on #animeforever and Aoi on #aoi-anime . Usually the fansubber channel's name is mentioned somewhere in the opening of the series.

          From there on, try sending XDCC LIST messages to the distro bots. The command is "/msg <bot name> xdcc list". You should easily figure out the rest by yourself.
          Sorry, I don't have time to explain any further right now. Perhaps tonight.


            Personally I always find bit torrent faster than IRC, that is as long as youre using a decent piece of torrent software. I personally use Azureus.


              Shura no Toki continues its surprising good run, i love watching the fights between the major the players with Yellow Tint to the screen for Slowdown with really good animation showing the dodges and attacks. Great fights between the Mutsu and Jubei, and then the Mutsu kicking the crap out of the Tournament Guards. Now we're onto the 3rd time shift, for ep15+ (could be last time shift going by the opening) would be nice to see how everyone ages again, but i have no idea who the next Master of the Sword is in this Period,i never heard of 'Ryoma', but i had heard of Jubei and Musashi

              Raganok 11-14, still mostly piss poor animation and and Ronan is super annoying in his weakness but it somehow the show is still charming, maybe cos i play mmorpg's and enjoy watching the injokes, and that huge battle across the city was spine tingly to watch, specially when they called for adventures from all over to help, teleporting in reinforcements.

              Naruto newish opening is ace, i love the extra animtion put in and makes it feel more complete, the new ending looks nice but sounds terrible.


                no time for a proper post (maybe later). loving the new naruto OP & ED (yes even the song).



                  The modified Naruto OP is good, seems to fill it out a bit more (if you catch my drift) but the ED is dire. Fan service central of teenage kids, and a pretty poor song. Shame, as the filling in the of the pictures is a nice effect. I still prefer the 2nd OP and ED.

                  Excellent episode as well, which actually contained some fighting. For a change.


                    Moodmon: Agreed. Haruka Kanata is by far the best Naruto opening. The visuals on it kicked ass.


                      GitS Sac 2nd gig: Anyone still watching it? Just got around to downloading and watching episode 11, and its one of the best i've watched, wonderful watching the major's past for once, which quite the rarity for GitS:SAC using flashbacks. Also the Opening is one the best made.


                        Right I know what I want to get into! Rurouni Kenshin! That was the anime on the Linkin Park fan video and I think it looks fantastic. I know there are many episodes. What is the best way to tackle this?


                          Samurai Champloo eps 4 and 5 are available for dl here. The other places i've tried where being amazingly ghey.

                          On wtf is bobobooobobetc about, it's giving me a migraine.


                            Bobobo is just crazy, pure and simple. The best bit so far is still Bobobo crashing in on one the Hair commanders dates.

                            Also GoDannar ep 19 = NNNNNNNNoooooooooooooooo TEAM lesbian, NNNNnooooooooooo, Its seems the Super Robot pilots are getting the crap kicked of them recently.


                              i had no idea the 2nd season of Maria-sama was out, ep 1 was a joy to watch with the sleep over, ep was abit oddball for me, the Yellow-rose girl just a bit to crazy.



