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    I think we may be waiting for the next FMP series for a while, cant remember where i read it, but they said their wanting to wait till he's finished the novels before they animate the rest of FMP.

    Id also love to see more Mushishi (i thought there was a rumour way back about a 2nd series, could be wrong), Kino (which reminds i need to check to see if theyve released the 2nd novel yet), 12 Kingdoms (always felt like there should have been more, but wasn't it supposedly cut short for some reason?), Crest/Banner, Baccano, the list could go on.

    Oh and finally ill second the suggestion for more airgear, it stopped in the most bizarre of places, and the managa continues to get more over the top as it progresses, although i wish Oh Great would sop beating around the bush and actually make some proper story progress.


      Wow, just caught up on Hajime no Ippo (i think, just read chapter 822) and its getting pretty tense

      Can't wait to find out what happens in the Miyata vs Asura fight, although im thinking Miyata will lose just so they can have Asura fight Ippo


        woo theyve finally sorted out uk subscriptions for Yen Plus. For those of you that dont know what Yen Plus is, its a new (only 2 issues out so far) monthly manga compilation magazine like JUMP etc, but aimed more at the mature audience, they also carry manhwa series as well as manga. Current manga line up is pretty solid:

        Soul Eater
        Nabari no Ou
        Sumomo . . .
        Bamboo Blade

        as well as a similar number of manhwa series. you can get UK subscriptions from here (search for yen plus):


          i need some help picking some anime to watch, but i am not sure what to get
          can some one help
          i tend to enjoy more types of anime

          thank you


            Soul Eater, Nijuu Mensou no Musume, Bounen no Xamdou and Allison & Lillia are my favourites so far this year of the new stuff.


              School Rumble San-gakki #26 OVA came out in Japan today so there'll be subs in a few days no doubt.


                Originally posted by hush View Post
                i need some help picking some anime to watch, but i am not sure what to get
                can some one help
                i tend to enjoy more types of anime

                thank you
                erm... be a bit more specific.

                What anime have you seen that you enjoy? What genres do you like?

                <plug>you can always check out for reviews </plug>


                  I generally wheel out the same recommendations so here goes:

                  Mushishi, Full Metal Panic, Kurenai, Moyashimon, Kaiba, Denno Coil, Black Lagoon, Minami-ke (first season really, second is a bit poo), Bounen No Xamdou/Xam'd/whatever, Soul Eater, Aria the animation/origination/natural, Gurren Lagann, True Tears, Ichigo Mashimaro, Yakitate Japan, School Rumble (first season mainly), Toshokan Sensou, Baccano, Nijuu Mensou No Musume... Off the top of my head. I think that's a decent batch of shows (old and new), with a nice mix of genres. Should definitely be something for you there.

                  edit: search those shows out on anidb, animenfo or for some brief summaries of what they're about.
                  Last edited by Zapp$ter; 17-09-2008, 20:46.


                    where is all the Trigun, Samurai Champloo and Full Metal Alchemist love

                    those 3 are by far my favourites especially Alchemist

                    but others mentioned are great especially the full metal panic series

                    I also enjoyed Black Cat, Bamboo Blade, Gunslinger Girl, Gundamns, Samurai Seven, Ninja Scroll, Cowboy Bebop

                    loads more that i cant think of right now


                      I figured the guy has probably seen all of them and just listed this years favs of mine. But yeah, if you want a recommendation on probably everything. Check out my MAL.


                        Yeah. My list is by no means exhaustive and I tried to keep it mainly recent, old-recent and new-recent, if that makes sense

                        But yeah there's others I forgot to mention which have just come to me like Planetes and Twelve Kingdoms.


                          As much as I despise 90&#37; of it, /a/ on 4chan does have a random list floating around that has a fair number of decent series with their genres on it. I chucked it a txt file should anyone want a copy.

                          There's a couple of series I'd argue about but on the whole it's a solid list.


                            I love cowboy bebop and really enjoyed it. But I don't really like anime with mechs robots in it , but as I was saying I will watching any type as lot as it has a good story that grips of keeps me watching, over the last two day I have watched the first two volumes of death note this I am really liking alot this is a story that I can keep watching. So I guess more like this. But I am happy to look at what you all think


                              Not really any robots but action, drama and story.


                                I'll stick soley to the new stuff which is easier to find and everyones already mention a tone of good stuff. This season has alot of 12/13ep shows all of which are about end this or next week. I would suggets getting

                                Natsume Yuujinchou - Ghost Stories and very charming characters, probably my fav surprise show of the year.

                                Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto - Magic School for registered new mages set in the present when magic is know to the world and regulated, very slice of life. Background sare all High Def photos tarted up a bit which gives it a very unique feel.

                                Strike Witches - The strangest combo of Panty showing Fanservice and hardcore nods to WW2 planes, pilots and ships. Basically girls without skirts and an engine strapped to each leg, run and gun an alien enemies.

                                And stuff that will go one for while yet but started this season

                                Detroit Metal City - Wussy by Day, Death Metal star by night

                                Bounen no Xamdou - guy can Mutate into a Monster meant for war, gets caught up on postal plane in the middle of war between North/South/refugees and a Terrorist group, his mate and girl join the Southern Army to find him.

                                The other major shows are Mecha based like Code Geass and Macross F with Gundam00 season2 starting soon as well, will likely dominate forums much like the previous two. New season starts october and most of us here will download all of it to find out what worth watching .

