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    Marimite season4 ep1 - i could watch this all day long, nice play between the characters and Yumi being Yumi, seems they seem set on a Yumi*Toko path from the ending... well not that i care much, i like that pairing as there not enough development to Kanako character for me to like her(other than being tall and man hating). Bring on more!


      Opening and Ending of new Ippo...



        Finished it off now including the OVAs and it was pretty awesome. If there is one thing I'd like it'd be a bit more focus on the matches of other characters or at least a bit more variation to Ippo's fights so it mixes things up a bit. Like for example the Mashiba vs Kimura OVA. That's the perfect example of what I'd prefer more of, perhaps looking at Aoki and giving Miyata a bit more time in the spotlight. It'd be a shame to waste the rest of the cast. That said one of my favourite moments in the series came from

        Ippo vs Sendo the rematch. Just amazing. Especially in the final moments of the fight. When Ippo does his Liver Blow, Gazelle Punch and then the Dempsey Roll. All when that awesome music kicks off too. Brilliant moment, and there was quite a few during the series (now that I think about it). It was akin to the feelings I had watching some of those **** Yeah! moments in Gurren Lagann

        . I liked the romance subplot too and hope there's more of that sort of hijinks outside of the matches. I'm almost tempted to start reading the manga now actually.


          Coincidentily I've also just finished the series although I still have the ova's to go. Hats off to them. I never thought the anime would do the manga justice but that was superb. Best fight was definitely

          Ippo vs Sendo rematch. As I recall, pretty much every volume of the manga after that had that fight top of the popularity polls. Quite pleased with the Kumi stuff as well. I seem to recall hating her stuff in the manga but it wasn't too bad. Maybe it's the following stuff that annoyed me...

          The very last episode was a great finisher too. Looking forward to subs!

          If you're tempted zapp, it's not a bad idea to go from the beginning again. It may all be still fresh in your mind but they do add in a whole bunch of additional side scripts which are particularly enjoyable.

          In between all that I managed to squeeze in:
          Zoku Natsume 01: Pleased to say it's like the first series never ended. The minor recap they had was done really well so it wasn't jammed down your throat. Op wise, not keen on the song but the video is really clever. Really like the ED for both it's tune and the video. I'd be quite pleased if the series got more interavtion with the human characters as well. I liked the dynamic between Natsume and Sasada from series 1.


            Originally posted by Orgun View Post
            Opening and Ending of new Ippo...

            I've downloaded the episode but not watched it yet....


              Someone who's read the manga just tell me if the following stuff happens:

              Kumi goes out with Sendo/sleeps with Sendo. Miyata dies in a car crash

              It sounds ludicrous but someone told me this stuff happens. I think they were just messing around with me but I'd like to make sure.



                I think im up to date with the manga and I dont remember anything like that happening, the second thing definately hasnt happened.


                  Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
                  Someone who's read the manga just tell me if the following stuff happens:

                  Kumi goes out with Sendo/sleeps with Sendo. Miyata dies in a car crash

                  It sounds ludicrous but someone told me this stuff happens. I think they were just messing around with me but I'd like to make sure.

                  That's rubbish. Whoever told you that has been having a chortle at you.

                  First episode was good though. Bit of a recap but it has been years since it was last on so it can be forgiven. My only criticism would be


                  Animation's looking good though. Straight into a fight next week!

                  Edit: Also Shikabane Hime 12: Some really nice animation in this. Bit obvious that

                  Keisei was doomed but I've been expecting it from the first episode.

                  Despite it's slow start this has improved quite a bit. Wonder if the second season can match up.
                  Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 08-01-2009, 19:17.


                    My only critisicm after watching Ippo ep 1 would be the lack of the old mood music, it felt like something was missing

                    Started to read a manga called Fairy Tail, suprised it hasnt been made into a anime yet.


                      Ippo is back?! Didn't realise it was out yet. I need to get my **** together.


                        I've got enough to watch as it is and now I've gotta download Ippo, cheers guys

                        I'm into Kaiji right now, started off pretty fast and they even manage to put some strategy behind a rock, paper scissors game. Haven't enjoyed an anime like this for a while. Chaos;Head was dire beyond belief, if it wasn't only 12 episodes I woulda quit watching I think. Also finished the 4 Kara no Kyoukai's, highly recommend it. Animation quality was great and had a nice dark no bs story witch manages to introduce new elements with each movie and felt rewarding putting the time line together after each one.
                        Last edited by Adam; 08-01-2009, 23:08.


                          Shikabane Hime ep12 - good stuff, as Jeff says the outcome been coming for a while otherwise main lead will never become useful. Like the idea of power up at the cost of his life(force) so Makina can't "TRANS-AM" every ep.

                          Natsume zoku - ep1, carried on the way it ended last season with nice one of stories with a bit character development for the Natsume and Nanko. Good Stuff.

                          Hyakko ep10-13 end - Good stuff through out, liked the background story to Tiger in ep12 and the 1st ep(haruhi style) for ep13 showing how far they've come. Hope it gets another season. 9/10

                          Anyone know anything about this Animebreaker stuff? they seems to have put out Druga, Ippo and Shikabane Kuro(before ep13 out of season1 out) in HD.

                          Now time tonight but i watch new Minamo-ke asap tomorrow after work . Also waiting on Conclave to finish the last ep of Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto Natsu no Sora, i really want to what happens to the kid after the events of ep10/11 revealed her background, i have no idea if we get a happy or sad ending now.


                            I've only seen the animebreaker subs for ippo so far but the general consensus seems to be not bad. They haven't done a bunch of sign type setting but the subs are readable enough and the video isn't too **** either.

                            If anyone's after a good ddl site, they're also quite good as well. I use them for shikabane hime to avoid pissing funi off with the torrents.


                              So 12 is the end of Shikabane's first season? The first episode didn't really grab me but it sounds like it might have improved. Hmm might watch that next then after I finish up akane iro which is just... wow. Bordering on h20 levels. Other than the voice cast there's really nothing that stands out about it. I'd probably put it in the same category as yoake which is a step above h2o but that's not saying much. The short episode count helps I suppose...


                                Nah there's 13 episodes to Shikabane Aka but the grouping subbing it haven't released 13 yet. I'd say the first 4-5 or so episodes are more about the setup between Makina and Ouri with more information about Corpses being added as it goes along.

                                Need to finish the last 2 eps of Akane iro myself. I know how it ends but I want to see how they painfully drag themselves to the conclusion.

                                Then I can delete it.

