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    Oh good


      Clannad A ep19 - Some great moments in this ep for me,

      Fukuawa's little moment at night when there about to give up Ushio, Fuuko turning up put a massive smile on my face its just shame none of them remember their school days together... and of course his dad, for what they needed to do i thought it was more than good enough. All he was waiting for Tomoya to grow into a man, which he has now, bit of a bbbaawwwlll moment again as it clear he is really broken down after giving everything he could.

      What about those light balls??? they suppose to be souls?(like Tomoya's mother) or even bits of his soul returning from unfinished emotional business. I'm guessing there's still some magic left in the ole'town still from there school days.

      I'm hoping that teacher turns out to be Kyou


        Originally posted by Tobal View Post
        Clannad A ep19 - Some great moments in this ep for me,

        Fukuawa's little moment at night when there about to give up Ushio, Fuuko turning up put a massive smile on my face its just shame none of them remember their school days together... and of course his dad, for what they needed to do i thought it was more than good enough. All he was waiting for Tomoya to grow into a man, which he has now, bit of a bbbaawwwlll moment again as it clear he is really broken down after giving everything he could.

        What about those light balls??? they suppose to be souls?(like Tomoya's mother) or even bits of his soul returning from unfinished emotional business. I'm guessing there's still some magic left in the ole'town still from there school days.

        I'm hoping that teacher turns out to be Kyou

        I thought that ball of light might have been Nagisa as she always wanted him to fix things with his dad and she was watching over him.


          don't you pay attention? :P

          the Light balls appear when someone obtains happiness, in this case, it's the answer to Tomoyo wondering if his father feels sad at bringing up an ungrateful child at the expense of his own dreams. It's a really nice touch.

          Overall a strong episode of a strong series. Nice to see Fuuka back. Bit of foreshadowing with the teacher which will probably show up next ep.

          Latest ep of Maria + hollic was dissapointingly cliched. Only series other than Clannad worth watching this season though.


            You reckon? Rideback's worth a look if you've not given it a shot. Regios, despite it's averageness is getting watched for one character, Munto's quite interesting and Sora Kake Girl is just all kinds of amusements because it's like a horrible mess of Geass, Gundam, Mai Hime and a kiddies magical girl series.


              Clannad After, Ippo, Birdy s2, Natsume s2, Toradora, Marimite s4, Rideback and Gundam00 all worth watching and even second string stuff like Kurokami, Munto, Sora o Kakeru Shoujo, Druga are decent.

              Stuff i caught up with

              Akikcan -up to ep6. Very strange show, just when you think its all perverts and fanny fights its goes all Fate/Stay on us, pretty surprising and enjoyable fluff.

              I've been watching Regios(up to ep6), and i quite like it. I mainly put that down to Filli being ace and the general character interaction decent, story is a little bonkers... like why do these people not have control over where the walking cites roam, why are Kids in charge of defending this city and most importantly wtf is up with them engrish bits at the begining

              trying to force myself to watch White Album but caught, does it get any better after ep1?
              Last edited by Tobal; 25-02-2009, 16:28.


                Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                You reckon? Rideback's worth a look if you've not given it a shot. Regios, despite it's averageness is getting watched for one character, Munto's quite interesting and Sora Kake Girl is just all kinds of amusements because it's like a horrible mess of Geass, Gundam, Mai Hime and a kiddies magical girl series.
                lol snap


                  Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                  trying to force myself to watch White Album but caught, does it get any better after ep1?
                  It's pretty much more of the same IMO. If you don't like the first episode I'm not sure the rest will really sway you. For my part I haven't seen past episode 3 yet but I thought it was decent enough to keep up with (this was at the end of episode 1 mind you). Maybe try episode 2 and see if that gets you going.

                  [broken record] really need to start keeping up with the shows I've got on the go. I seem to be falling further and further behind with each passing season.[/broken record]


                    Gundam 20 - As soon as the I love you song came on I started laughing my arse off, that was cheese beyond cheese


                      Yeah, as far gundam romances go this was perhaps one of the crappest mianly do to no screen build up, which usually bad area for gundam anyway(aside from fray )

                      Toradora ep21 - uuuuurrggggghhhhh @ the ending to this episode, why not leave this till ep24,

                      seems we got 4 eps left of Ryuuji going will he/won't now, bah its all got a bit stupid which each of them trying to pair each other up with Ryuuji when they want him the most. At least the Ami vs Minorin stuff was great, pretty unusul for a character like Ami(pretty rich girl) to be go straight forward(apart from lying about her own ententions) which is why she my Fav character from the show, shame she won't even get a chance to say anything to Ryuuji before the end they way the show is going.

                      Also the search and rescue team must realllly suck ass, and Ryuuji and co are really stupid to looking around the area taiga vanished


                        Flay was easily the best character in Seed. Nicely complex and twisted.

                        her death was probably inevitable but oh so incredibly harsh. Just as you think she's going to be safe...

                        It's a shame Destiny is bad enough to actively spoil Seed by association.

                        Incidentally, it's been confirmed Miyazaki has put off his retirement AGAIN for a new mystery project.


                          just watched Hajime new challengers 8

                          just love this anime, one of my favourites for a long time


                            incidentally, Death Note live action is on Film 4 later. It's a fairly decent adaptation, if a bit TV Movie-ish. L and Light are very well cast.


                              watched the death note movie last night. it was pretty good. wasnt sure how much they would be able to pack into a movie, it ends just as light meets L. but it seems the second part is on next week, which should be great.
                              i cant remember exactly now how light dealt with the fbi agent's fianc? in the anime, but i'm sure it wasnt like this movie, as i remember some confusion here about the symbolic gallows appearing.

                              they could have made light look a bit more like the original, L was very good, but misa isnt cute enough.


                                Clannad A ep20 -

                                Man, Kyou is love . And why can't they just let Tomoya be happy for once with getting **** on, i would be quite happy watching the last couple of episodes if it was all like this episode without the ending. I'm guessing Tomoya going to end up alone at the end of the story with ushio.. i would just love if any of the other girls got involved and Tomoya moved on.

                                Also, did i understand this right... did nonr of his mates actually go see him in the last 5 years..... if so thats not what i would call friends. And where is my damned Tomoya, not seen anything of her yet does she come back into the story at all like Kyou?(come on Tomoya, Kyou waiting for it )

