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    watched 2 more new shows.

    Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon, seems it'll be this seasons short shounen show and as a similar feel to the wasted potential Chrome Shelled Regios had with moving cities fighting each other(guessing that based onthe end of the ep). Certainly worth sticking with for now for the animation and interesting designs.

    Kimi no Boku - don't think i can stick this one out unless they introduce some girl interests for the MC's... to yaoi.


      Fate/zero - not a great opening ep, just alot of talking but i can certainly give it a long grace period to get going. Expected alot more from the animation after those trailers.. maybe there saving it for the fights.

      C3 - pretty terrible first ep, the main girl is another annoying tsundere, childhood friend has no charm, and nothing was much revealed of the plot in the first ep just the standard Boy takes in Random girl to live at his place. Willing to give it another episode to see if it turns out to be like zombie-chan after the ending had what looks like some sort of fight might happen.

      Chihayafuru - wasn't expecting much based on what i heard was a card battle game, but instead turned out to be a character drama set against the stupid conceit of a fancy version of snap. Not sure how the card game crap will work as how can you have tactics in a memorisation game, but at least the 3 characters introduced so far have been pretty likable and the relationship between enjoyable. Still if they can make Bread Baking enjoyable to watch why not Memorising cards. Definitly going to be staying with it for now.

      Mashiro Iro Symphony - probably a high school Harem, not sure as they only showed glimpes of the other girls but they all seem to be Mentally Handicapped in the social department and for once i could have done without another sister angle. Hoping it'll turn in to something as good as Amagami SS but im not holding my breath.

      Phi Brain - Pretty bad show with terrible and annoying smug MC, its like Yugioh with puzzles instead of cards(but i bet anything they'll turn up), avoid.

      Tamayura TV - turn out exactly like i thought it would, more Tamayura but with no budget, but at least the art isn't to bad. Great show, decent characters, and it has the Aria'esk slowness to it that you rarely find elsewhere.


        It's not exactly anime, but there's an interesting looking take on the War of the Worlds story called War of the Worlds: Goliath.

        Director and co-producer Joe Pearson describes it as such:
        It's an R rated, retro-history, steam punk epic set in [the year] 1914, fourteen years after the first failed Martian invasion. Mankind has rebuilt her cities and military adapting a lot of the abandoned Martian technology. They've created an international defense force, A.R.E.S., based on the lower end of Manhattan and under the command of Theaodore [sic] Roosevelt. They've built a formidable force centered around giant, steam powered battle tripods. Think of "Band of Brothers" meets "Star Wars", meets World WO. It will be cool-steam powered battle tripods, doomed Cossack cavalry charges, victorian decco, steam punk Manhattan, 1500 foot long armored battle zeppelins, Teddy Roosevelt, souped up Tri-planes, blood on steaming metal, sex in the cockpit. The usual


          I enjoyed Fate/Zero, nice opening episode. Great character build up and wealth of information. Don't need to use action to break the pace, only use it when its needed.


            that War of the worlds take doesn't look bad at all when revealed the walking tanks, not a fan of the current american anime'esk art style they've been using over the years for the characters but rest of it looks well designed.

            Back to Fate/zero, my main problem with the opening ep is just the general lack of animation with way to many still shots with sometimes not even lips moving and this is an opening episode where you usually blow some budget to get a new audience outside the fans.

            other new shows.

            Maken Ki - looks like combination Freezing's fighting high school and magic weapons meets Seikrei's tits, fan service and vague Rock/paper/scissors elemental combat which i reckon will soon be forgotten. Its about as average as high school fighting shows get, and is already beaten out this season by Horizon.

            next up persona4 and Shana S3


              Do you know if every episode is going to be nearly 50mins long tobal?


                I don't think they are.


                  yep, Fate's ep2 back to 24 mins.

                  Persona 4 - decent enough to want to to give it a good run of episodes, never played the games so the story will be new to me.

                  Working s2 - more of the same.

                  Gundam AGE - Thought it was going to be a pile of poop and to start with it, it certainly looked that way to start with and improved at the ep went on. Enemies look pretty stupid and the EEF grunt units look like something out of playmoblie but at least we have a MC with the balls to want to make things happen without questioning morals. Its no unicorn but im going to watch all of this just because it gundam anyway.

                  Shana S3 - More shana, killer OP(as normal for Shana shows) and the setup for the season plot is pretty good with them

                  turning Yuji into the big bad and have what is certain to be final ding dong battle between him and Shana has my skin tingling

                  Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai - if you liked Denpa Onna from last season you will like this, which is why its already a insta fav for me. Even has Denpa art style to, with a similar setting of social reject coming together to form a Making Friends club. Top Stuff.

                  Just left with a couple of shows to air or see subbed, Maji De Watashi Koi Shinasai, Mirai Nikki, Bento, guilty Crown and Last Exile 2.


                    I'm seeing a lot of fansubs now saying that they are using 10bit. I've come across some i've downloaded before where they don't playback probably, i'm guessing its because of this. I use the shark007 codec packs, i was wondering do you guys know how do you go about getting these played properly.



                      I'm watching Ika Musume S2, Working!!, Persona 4, Horizon and Fate/Zero - in addition to Idolm@ster and I'm catching up on Angel Beats..



                        Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                        I'm seeing a lot of fansubs now saying that they are using 10bit. I've come across some i've downloaded before where they don't playback probably, i'm guessing its because of this. I use the shark007 codec packs, i was wondering do you guys know how do you go about getting these played properly.
                        I just installed CCCP and use the included Media Player Classic, seems to work perfectly with all 10bit encoded videos, and my PC is pretty crappy/old (c2duo 1.8 ghz, 9600gt gfx).

                        Watched the first two eps of Fate/Zero and really enjoyed them so will be sticking with it. Also will be trying Ben-to, Guilty Crown and Un-go. Might also watch Hunter x Hunter and Majikoi - Oh Samurai Girls! if i get the time.


                          Originally posted by speedlolita View Post

                          I'm watching Ika Musume S2, Working!!, Persona 4, Horizon and Fate/Zero - in addition to Idolm@ster and I'm catching up on Angel Beats..

                          Thanks for the link Speedlolita, worked perfectly and easy to follow.

                          Anyone else watching Toriko & Sket Dance. Very simple that they are but I find them ridiculously enjoyable & funny.


                            I wouldn't recommend CCCP to anyone. Might play 10bit stuff, but it doesn't mean it's most efficient.

                            Glad my Q6600 is up to Hi10p stuff, or I'd have to upgrade my PC.


                              I'm using plain old CCCP on my older PC(dual core 6600 2.40 clocked to 2.94) i built years ago and so far not had a problem with 10bit. If it gets out of hand i'll have use the pc i built for FF14(and now don't play on). Once people get use to using 10bit im hoping the filesizes will come down.

                              Ben-to - already a season favorite for me, school kids, student and poor people fighting for half price lunch boxes when they go on sale.

                              Maji De Watashi Koi Shinasai - Another high school fighter, basically Ikkitousen/Tenjou tenge meets Bakatest's class room vs class room setting and a crap load more fan service(blocked for dvd). Seems to be no rhyme or reason(yet) to the Main girl having a special move for every occasion and she's pretty unlikable as the Lu Bu/Gaun Yu of the show, hopefully the rest of the cast and the MC tactician will hold the show together.


                                Ben-to ep2 - haha i love this show, so stupid, yet so good. Great characters, loved it when the regulars teamed up to fend of the Boar(fat trolly women) and the storm(rugby club) and then turned on each other(with mutual respect) to get the discounted lunch boxes.

                                Guilty Crown - Code Geass plot setup(and art/budget) with a wussy instead of a mastermind but at least he does man up at the end of the episode, going to stick with it for now as im always a fan of this time of show.

