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    So what's that then, ep 10 and 11, or 9 and 10?


      it's 11 & 12, halfway through Season 5 already


        Episode 12 has set things up interestingly for the rest of the series.

        I wonder how things'll develop now?


          Seems as per usual all the discussion threads are way ahead of what's actually been televised (fume) but I have to say, I'm getting less and less impressed with this show with every epsiode.

          They went to all the effort of setting up a big cliffhanger at the end of the last series, and ditched that entire scenario within 30 mins of starting S5. Then the exact same things have happened as all the previous series - mole in CTU, yet another 'bad guy' boss brought in to shake things up, not to mention Kiefer Sutherland seems to have lost his voice permanently (unless he's shouting) and also appears to be constantly out of breath. The whole thing has gotten so lazy, I wish they had stopped it in it's prime


            Bloody hell, I've got 7 episodes to watch I wish I could torrent in uni.


              Did we get 2 episodes this week (11&12) or have I missed a trick somewhere ?


                Episodes 11 and 12 were on yesterday. So, yes.


                  well finished season 1 (go me)

                  got season 2 and 3 coming from Amazon jersey at ?15 each

                  was quite impressed


                    Originally posted by Darwock
                    The whole thing has gotten so lazy, I wish they had stopped it in it's prime
                    You're judging this season waaaaay to earlier to make that a good call.


                      Episodes 11 & 12 ... absolutely excellent. When Jack

                      shot Robocop's wife in the leg

                      I punched the air with delight. And the end of episode 12 ...

                      man, that was grim



                        Agreed Peeveen - the end of 12 was a corker and I certainly didn't see

                        the death

                        coming - My girlfriend let out an audible gasp at the point where you realised that
                        goose was cooked.


                          I ****ing love this program. Best thing on TV bar none.

                          I'm still in shock about the death of ol' Edgar, but that's 24 to a tee really. Things can change so, so quickly.


                            Originally posted by MartyG
                            You're judging this season waaaaay to earlier to make that a good call.
                            We're at episode 6, I've read this thread to that point and people were already raving about it by then - I'm struggling to see it myself.


                              RIP Edgar

                              Glad the writers let one of the canisters go off, once I saw 15.00 on the clock I thought here we go again. Is Tony a gonna too ?


                                Originally posted by Bleeders
                                I ****ing love this program. Best thing on TV bar none.
                                Not long until West Wing Season 7, so Jack can have the crown... until Josiah Bartlett is back in town ;p

